Title: Fun Club
1Fun Club
- Monday to Thursday
- 3.15pm to 5.15pm
- 6 per session
A TYPICAL DAY 3.20 Register 3.30 Biscuit
drink 3.30 Daily adult led activity (not
compulsory see right for other choices) Mon
Craft Tues Sport/outside Weds Cooking Thurs
Board game challenges 4.30 Snack (fruit,
yoghurt, sandwich or roll for example)
drink 4.45 Chill out time and childs choice of
activity 5.15 Children signed out when parent
The following will be available each day Board
games DVD (U rated) Craft table Books/comics Out
side play The above will not be adult led but
discreetly supervised!
- To secure a place please book 1 week in advance.
Casual bookings can be made up to the day
subject to space being available. - If your child attends another after school club
then we can collect them so they can join the
last session - 3 instead of 6 - Pick-up at any pre-arranged time to suit before
5.15 if this is more convenient. - Payment is required in full at time of booking.
Either 6 or 3, part sessions are not possible.
- Our aim is to provide a safe, affordable child
care service - but especially for the children
to have FUN whilst in our care. - Any questions or for booking please see Lesley