Title: Alfresco2CAStor
1 Alfresco2CAStor
- Bridging Alfresco and CAStor
R. Timmermans, Partner _at_ XeniT
2A New Alfreso file storebusiness case Optimal
solution for 10 million documents, guaranteed
immutable, safely stored, with redundancy, free
of backup insurance archive
3What is CAStor?
Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) Software
on top of linux to run a storage cluster,
bootable from USB stick
Traditionally complex
Innovatively simple
Dynamic SAN, NAS
Tape Archive
90 fixed content CAStor
4The content matters, not the location
- Basic Concept of Content Addressed Storage is
Simplicity - Put file in
- Get unique identifier key back
- Save key in doc or database
- Provide key to get file back
- Additional functionality
- Define file retention policies
- All the way from read/write to WORM
- Define number of file replicas
- Include user metadata with each file
- Universal HTTP interface any environment can use
5CAStor automatically balances migrates!
Add new hardware
Retire old hardware
Hardware Life Cycle Management
6CAStor Environment
CAStor Cluster
7XeniT Caringo partnership
- XeniT focused Alfresco integrator, we do only
Alfresco - Caringo content storage simplified
- Alfresco CAStor Interface
- The Alfresco CAStor Interface, developed by
XeniT, is available as open source at
/ - In its initial implementation, the Alfresco
CAStor Interface supports the usage of CAStor as
an Alfresco content repository and an archive for
storing and retaining regulated and immutable
documents/content over the long-term. - XeniT offers
- installation, configuration and certification
services - a maintenance contract on a supported release
- new features in the supported version
8CastorContentStore in Alfreso
- 100 HTTP based (Restful)
- Content URL reference in the format
'castor//castorClusterName/UUID'. - Converted via contentUrl2CastorUrl
- castor//clusterName/UUIDmimetype.... gt
http//castorNode/UUID - CastorContentStore
- Alternative store implementation alf-castor.jar
- in ALFRESCO_HOME/tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/l
ib - add the CastorContentStore as a bean
- ALFRESCO_HOME/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/exten
sion/custom-repository-context.xml - ltbean id"castorContentStore"
"gt - lt!-- clusterName --gt ltconstructor-arg index"0"
value"testCluster"/gt - lt!-- list of clusterNodes --gt
- ltconstructor-arg index"1"gt ltlistgt
ltvaluegt10.0.1.1lt/valuegt ltvaluegt10.0.1.2lt/valuegt
ltvaluegt10.0.1.3lt/valuegt lt/listgt
lt/constructor-arggt - lt!-- maxTotalNbrOfConnections --gt
ltconstructor-arg index"2" value"50"/gt - lt!-- maxNbrOfConnectionsPerHost --gt
ltconstructor-arg index"3" value"20"/gt - lt!-- timeout (used for socketTimeout
1connectionTimeout in milliseconds)
-ltconstructor-arg index"4" value"5000"/gt - lt!-- maxNbrOfClusterAccessAttempts --gt
ltconstructor-arg index"5" value"3"/gt - lt!-- lifePoint parameter --gt ltconstructor-arg
index"6" value" minreps2, maxreps3,
deletableno"/gt - CastorContentStore content store object, which
maintains connections to CAStor servers in the
9CastorContentStore part II
- configure Alfresco to use the new store
- fileContentStore is referenced in several places
- avm-services-context.xml avmRepository
- content-services-context.xml contentStoreCleaner
- content-services-context.xml contentService
- core-services-context.xml avmLuceneIndexerAndSear
cherFactory - sufficient to override the
- contentStoreCleaner and
- contentService beans
- with instances that refer to 'castorContentStore'
(instead of 'fileContentStore'). - Note We haven't used CAStor in combination with
10(No Transcript)
11(No Transcript)
- Connect with VNC
- Open castor monitor screen
- Add document
- Open document
- View log with CAStor url
- Check immediate CAStor url
- Remove connection
- Open document (retrieved from other node)
13Alfresco2Castor Status
- Production quality to store and retrieve files
(5 million docs at Vivium insurance) - Added thread-safeness to alfresco2castor in V1.1
- Combined with fast, multi-threaded input programs
to load archives at 1000 documents per minute - Includes creating subspace, setting access
control, meta-data, ... - CAStor is NOT the bottleneck!
- Content router Replication between
geographical sites (Antwerp Brussels) - Roadmap
- Integrated clean-up delete
- Efficiënt redirect for distributed Alfresco
- Seamless store switch
- integrating code from P. Dubois
- Aspect or rule based
14Alfresco quote
- The idea of connecting an ECM to a virtually
infinitely scalable storage cloud is something
Im very excited about and finding that XeniT, an
Alfresco and Caringo partner, have published the
source code to the Alfresco Forge pleases me to
no end. - Luis Sala, Senior Director of Solutions
Engineering Alfresco Software, Inc.
15For more information
- www.xenit.eu
- info_at_xenit.eu
- sales_at_xenit.eu