Title: SILC Mini School Poster
Portoroz, Slovenia, April 15-18, 2000
Within the frame of
TMR SILC network we are organizing a mini school
on Introduction to theory and modeling of
thermotropic liquid crystals with the emphasis on
surface related phenomena. It will take place
from Saturday April 15 to Tuesday April 18, 2000
in hotel Bernardin in Portoroz (Slovenia). The
decision to organize such a school was made at
the last annual meeting of SILC network to help
young experimentalists to get better insight and
understanding of theoretical approaches in their
research field. Nevertheless the participation of
candidates not belonging to SILC network is
strongly encouraged. As the organization and
speakers are covered by SILC network funds, there
is no participation fee. The list of
lecturers, together with the topics treated, is
as follows Directors of
the school A. Strigazzi S.
Zumer Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico di
Torino Department of Physics, University of
Ljubljana Torino, Italy Ljubljana,
Slovenia Organizing committee M. Becchi,
Torino I. Drevensek Olenik, Ljubljana S.
Ponti, Torino A. Sarlah, Ljubljana Sponsors TMR
SILC Network MURST Co-Fund '99 (coordinated by
V. Benci, Pisa University) INCO Copernicus
Photocom (Contract No. IC15CT98-0806) Candidate
s for participation are kindly asked to make a
notice of their interest using emails
strigazzi_at_polito.it and slobodan.zumer_at_fmf.uni
-lj.si. For further information see the homepage
P. Barois (Bordeaux) Phenomenological
description of smectics S. Dietrich
(Wuppertal) Forces mediated by liquids G.
Durand (Paris) Phenomenological description of
nematics and cholesterics S. Faetti
(Pisa) Anchoring of liquid crystals C.
Oldano (Torino) Linear optics of liquid
crystals P. Palffy-Muhoray (Kent) Nonlinear
optics of liquid crystals M. Telo da Gama
(Lisboa) Wetting in liquid crystals H. R. Trebin
(Stuttgart) Defects in liquid crystals C.
Zannoni (Bologna) Computer simulations of
liquid crystals B. Zeks (Ljubljana) Antiferroel
ectric liquid crystals