Title: The Boys Who Wouldnt Stop Bothering The Girls
1The Boys Who Wouldnt Stop Bothering The Girls
2Have you ever had a time when someone would never
stop bugging you. These girls know how you feel.
Once the girls were playing a game of basketball.
And these boys came up and wouldnt stop bugging
the girls.
3They could never get along and the boys picked on
the girls all the time. The girls got so angry.
They would tell the teacher and then the boys
would get mad. If you ask me it was a mad house
in the school.
Every day the teachers had to separate the kids.
Oh boy was that hard. They would all scream at
the top of their lungs! Some teachers didnt even
come the next day. So on and on and on and on it
went and no one would stop.
But one day the teachers decided to come to
school and none of the kids showed up. The room
was a mess - a total disaster. And guess who had
to clean it up, the teachers!
6The next day the kids came. But none of the
teachers came. And of course the girls and boys
still screamed at the top of there lungs. Finally
the principal came and broke up the fight.
7If the girls and boys didnt get along they would
be expelled! So they tried to play with each
other. But they still got into fights. One day
the boys asked if their moms if they could come
over. She said, yes. So the boys asked the
girls over.
8This was an even bigger problem. They got in a
fight each time they tried to get along. The
boys had a idea. They said that each time they
had tried to get along they couldnt. SO maybe
if they tried not to get along they would. So the
boys and girls tried to do it. But it made things
The girls decided to go home. The next day they
went to school and the kids were there but no
teacher was there. So the janitor had to be their
teacher but they didnt learn anything about
school. Just plumbing and how to clean the
10The end
That day the girls and boys got along and they
didnt try any of the things they tried. Finally
they got along and they were best friends for the
whole year! And they lived happily ever after.
11My Fairy Tales
By Madi Paulson