MatrixOps - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... 0's in the upper left and 1's on the diagonal, U has zeros in the bottom right. ... upper right, and the non-0, non-1 elements of L are stored in the bottom left. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: MatrixOps

  • Operations on matrices are quite important to
    applications, whether the applications be from
    Physics or from Economics. Good models require
    very large sizes many econometric models use
    systems of linear equations containing 10,000 or
    more equations and variables weather models,
    airplane designs, and Formula 1 cars are not far
    behind, if not well ahead, and, usually, have to
    deal with substantial non-linearities.
  • A matrix is a two-dimensional array of items from
    a set with some algebraic structure - usually at
    least a ring with multiplicative identity,
    sometimes more, e.g. a division algebra or a
    field (commutative or not).

  • See http//
  • Matrix rectangular array of numbers
    aiji1..m, j 1..n.
  • Rmxn usually denotes the set of all m by n
    matrices with entries in the real numbers.
  • AT denotes the transpose of the matrix A if A
    is an mn matrix, AT is an nm matrix obtained by
    exchanging the rows and columns of A.
  • A vector is a one-dimensional array of numbers.
    It can be a row vector or a column vector. The
    transpose of a column vector is a row vector and
  • The unit vector ei is the vector whose ith
    element is 1 and all others are 0.
  • A zero matrix is one whose every entry is zero.

  • Square Matrices. m n.
  • diagonal matrix aij 0 whenever i ? j.
  • identity matrix In the diagonal matrix with 1s
    on the diagonal.
  • tridiagonal matrix aij 0 if i - j gt 1.
  • upper-triangular matrix aij 0 if i gt j.
  • unit-upper-triangular matrix upper-triangular
    with aii 1 for all i.
  • lower-triangular matrix aij 0 if i lt j.
  • unit-lower-triangular matrix lower-triangular
    matrix with aii 1 for all i.
  • permutation matrix has exactly one 1 in each
    row and column.
  • symmetric matrix A AT.

  • There are three primary operations that we wish
    to support, followed by some others that are
    appropriate only under the assumption that the
    elements of the matrix come from more structured
    algebraic entities.
  • Addition M N ???
  • Multiplication by a scalar a M ???
  • Multiplication of two matrices M N ???
  • where a matrix is a two dimensional array of mn
    elements we lay them out in m rows of n columns
    each. It is possible to construct
    multi-dimensional arrays (mnp, ,
    m1m2m3mq), but we will not pursue that study.

  • Matrix Addition
  • The operation makes sense only for matrices of
    the same dimensions It is applicable to
    matrices whose elements are taken from a group.
    Closure under addition is enough, but not very

  • 2. Scalar Multiplication
  • where is a member of the underlying algebraic
    structure, which now supports multiplication.

  • 3. Matrix Multiplication

  • We will concentrate on operations where m n p
    (the case of square matrices), since that is, for
    us, the more important case.
  • A quick analysis of nn matrix operations
  • Sum there are n2 elements, added in pairs. Cost
    Addition is associative and
    commutative as long as it satisfies the same
    properties in the underling algebraic structure.
  • Scalar Multiplication there are n2 elements,
    each multiplied by the same scalar. Cost
  • Matrix Multiplication each element of the
    product seems to require n multiplications and
    n-1 additions Cost O(n3), for the complete
    multiplication. This is not too bad, since,
    letting m n2, the cost is Can we do
    better? (but no better than )

  • Matrix multiplication is associative and
    distributive if the operations are so in the
    underlying algebraic structure. It is not
    commutative, regardless of the commutativity of
    the operations in the underlying algebraic
  • Two products are of some special importance
  • Let xT be a (1 n) row vector, y a (n 1)
    column vector. The inner product of x and y is
    defined as
  • xyT is the outer product an n n matrix.
  • The euclidean norm

  • Matrix Inverse given a matrix A, its inverse, if
    it exists, is a matrix denoted by A-1 and with
    the property that AA-1 A-1A I.
  • Matrices need not have inverses they are then
    called non-invertible or singular. If a matrix
    has an inverse, it is called invertible or
  • Property Matrix inverses are unique (Ex. D.2-1).
  • Property if A and B are nonsingular matrices,
    (BA)-1 A-1B-1.
  • Property inverse commutes with transpose
    (A-1)T (AT)-1.

  • Def. Linear Dependence. The vectors x1, x2, ,
    xn are linearly dependent if there exist scalar
    constants c1, c2, , cn, not all 0, such that
    c1x1 c2x2 cnxn 0. If the vectors are
    not linearly dependent, they are linearly
  • Column Rank. For an mn matrix A, this is the
    size of the largest set of linearly independent
    columns of A.
  • Row Rank. For an mn matrix A, this is the size
    of the largest set of linearly independent rows
    of A.
  • Property row-rank(A) column-rank(A) rank(A).
  • Property 0 rank(A) min(m,n).

  • Alternate Def. of Rank A mn rank(A)
    smallest number r such that there exist matrices
    B and C of respective sizes mr and rn with A
  • Proof.???
  • Def. A square (nn) matrix A has full rank if
    rank(A) n. An mn matrix A has full row rank
    if rank(A) m and has full column rank if
    rank(A) n.

  • Theorem. A square matrix has full rank iff it is
  • Theorem. A square matrix A has full rank iff
    there does not exists a non-zero vector x such
    that Ax 0.
  • Corollary. A square matrix A is singular iff it
    has a null vector, i.e., if there exists a
    non-zero vector x such that Ax 0.

  • Strassens Algorithm. One can count, and observe
    that the naïve algorithm requires 8
    multiplications and 4 additions to multiply a 22
    matrix. As it turn out, multiplications are
    expensive, much more expensive than additions
    any cleverness that reduces the number of
    multiplications without changing the number
    additions too much is to be preferred. Prof.
    Strassen managed to come up with an algorithm
    that requires only 7 multiplications. This
    algorithm allows us to multiply any two matrices
    whose dimensions are compatible (and powers of
    2) in time O(n lg 7), which is substantially
    faster than O(n3). More recent results keep
    bringing the exponent farther down, but with
    mixed possibilities for real applications.

  • Strassens Algorithm. 7 multiplications and 18
    additions. The entries can be matrices of
    compatible sizes just be careful of

  • The recurrence is ,
    where d is a fixed constant and dn2 represents
    the time for the matrix additions and
    subtractions c 18 (n/2)2, where c is the
    constant relative to one such operation. The
    relevant version of the Master Theorem states
    that T(n) can be bounded asymptotically
    One could also check directly that

    solves the recurrence relation. The lowest
    currently known bound is
  • Although matrix multiplication is interesting,
    one also needs to solve large systems of linear
    equations. Is the complexity of their solution
    related to that of matrix multiplication?

  • Systems of Linear Equations. Basically, we will
    look at methods for solving matrix-vector
    equations Ax b, where
  • If A is nonsingular, then A-1 exists and
    A-1Ax A-1b gt x A-1b.
  • Claim if A is nonsingular, the solution is
    unique. Assume not there exist x and x solving.
  • x (A-1A)x A-1(Ax) A-1(b) A-1(Ax)
    (A-1A)x x.

  • Rank(A) lt n A is underdetermined typically the
    system has infinitely many solutions (sometimes
  • If the number of equations is larger than the
    number of unknowns, the system is overdetermined
    typically, no solution (sometimes one or more).
  • If A is nonsingular, we can compute A-1, but the
    theoretical method (based on a recursive
    combinatorial expression for A-1) is very
    expensive and suffers from numerical
    instabilities (Maple or Mathematica wont help -
    you just cannot guarantee that you can dial
    yourself enough decimal digits). This problem
    was recognized long ago, and reasonable methods
    have been known since what is the cost of those

  • LUP Decomposition. Given a nonsingular matrix A,
    we look for three other matrices, L, U, and P,
    such that PA LU, and
  • L is a unit-lower-triangular matrix (0s in upper
    right half, 1s on diagonal)
  • U is an upper-triangular matrix (0s in lower
    left half)
  • P is a permutation matrix (a single 1 in each
    row and column).
  • If we find such a decomposition, then
  • Ax b gt PAx Pb gt LUx Pb
  • and we solve a problem with two triangular
    matrices, which is simpler than the original one.

  • A first intermediate step is to define y Ux,
    where we still dont know what x is, and solve Ly
  • This first problem can be solved in time
    via a method known as forward substitution. Let P
    Pi,pi denote the permutation matrix, where
    Pi,j 0 for j ? pi, and Pi,j 1 for j
    pi. p is the permutation array associated
    with P. Since L is unit-lower-triangular, we are
    now solving the system

  • The general solution is given by
    which involves no extra divisions. Now we
    solve Ux y. Since U is upper triangular (not
    unit, though)
  • Solving from the bottom (backsubstitution) we
    have the general formula
    which involves n divisions. A pseudocode
    algorithm follows

  • LUP-Solve(L, U, p, b)
  • n L.rows
  • Let x be a new vector of length n
  • for i 1 to n
  • do
  • for i n downto 1
  • do
  • return x
  • The total cost is, clearly, the ith
    iteration of the for loop in lines 2 and 3 takes
    i-1 multiplications and i-1 additions the ith
    iteration of the loop in lines 4 and 5 takes n-i
    additions, n-i-1 multiplications and one

  • Computing an LU decomposition. We assume that no
    entries in the matrix that will be used for
    division are 0. This cannot be expected in
    general - and small entries are almost as bad -
    but will provide us a starting point for an
    algorithm. If n 1, the matrix A aij is
    already decomposed. Otherwise, decompose A into
    four parts

v is a size (n-1) column vector, w is a size
(n-1) row vector and A is an (n-1)(n-1) matrix.
We can now factor A as follows
  • You need only multiply the right hand side to
    see. The (n-1)(n-1) matrix A - vwT/a11 is
    called the Schur complement of A with respect to
  • Claim if A is nonsingular, its Schur complement
    is also nonsingular.
  • Pf. Suppose it is singular. It is an (n-1)(n-1)
    matrix, and thus its row rank must be strictly
    less than n-1. The last n-1 rows of the second
    factor of A have a first column of all zeros, and
    thus must have rank strictly less than n-1. This
    implies that the row rank of the second factor is
    less than n gt factor is singular gt A singular.

  • The nonsingularity of the Schur complement allows
    us recursively to apply the same ideas to it IT
    has an LU decomposition, say LU A - vwT/a11
    LU. Replacing in the matrix equation
  • If a11 0, then everything breaks. If the upper
    left entry in the Schur complement vanishes at
    any point, everything breaks. If a11 (or any
    of the upper left entries in the Schur
    complement) is very small we could have numerical

  • Claim if A is symmetric positive-definite then
    the upper left-hand entry in the Schur complement
    is never 0.
  • Pf. Later.
  • We can now present an algorithm to compute the LU
    decomposition of any matrix for which the method
    just presented will work note that L has 0s in
    the upper right and 1s on the diagonal, U has
    zeros in the bottom right. It is thus sufficient
    to keep the information in a SINGLE nn matrix,
    where U will be stored in the diagonal and the
    upper right, and the non-0, non-1 elements of L
    are stored in the bottom left.

  • LU-Decomposition(A)
  • n rowsA
  • for k 1 to n
  • do ukk akk
  • for i k1 to n
  • do lik aik/ukk // lik holds
  • uki aki // uki holds
  • for i k1 to n
  • do for j k1 to n
  • do aij aij - likuki
  • return L and U

  • Since line 9 is triply nested, the algorithm runs
    in time All other lines are no more than doubly
    nested, contributing no more than O(n2).
  • We still have a fairly serious problem we made a
    number of unwarranted assumptions about the size
    of certain crucial entries. We now need to
    remove those assumptions (to the extent
    possible), show that we can still construct L and
    U, and, at least as important, that we will not
    make the asymptotic complexity any worse.

  • Example for LU Decomposition

  • Computing an LUP Decomposition. We are now ready
    to remove the restrictions. We change the problem
    to one of finding three matrices, L and U as
    before, and a permutation matrix P such that PA
    LU. Before we decompose A into the four
    submatrices, we examine the first column. At
    least one element of the first column must be
    non-zero, otherwise A would be singular. If there
    is more than one non-zero element, find the index
    of the one with largest absolute value. If this
    element resides in row k (ak1), swap it with the
    element in row 1 (ak1 lt--gt a11). This action can
    be accomplished by pre-multiplying A by a
    permutation matrix Q, obtained from the identity
    matrix by exchanging the first and kth columns.
  • Note that Q Q-1.

  • QA is a non-singular matrix with the element of
    largest absolute value among those in the first
    column appearing in position (1, 1). Using the
    notation from the original A
  • We know from the earlier discussion that the
    Schur complement A - vwT/ak1 is also
    non-singular. By the induction hypothesis, we
    can obtain an LUP decomposition of A - vwT/ak1
    with (n-1)(n-1) matrices P, L and U P (A
    -vwT/ak1) LU. P is an (n-1)(n-1)
    permutation matrix. Define

  • We have
  • We need to translate this into a pseudo-code

  • The algorithm will re-use A rather than allocate
    space for both L and U. As we observed earlier,
    L and U can be both stored in a single nn
    matrix, and, it turns out, we do not need to keep
    a copy of A. Furthermore, we do not need to keep
    a full copy of P all we need is an array p1n,
    where pi j means that the ith row of P
    contains a 1 in the jth column. When the
    procedure terminates we will have

  • LUP-Decomposition(A)
  • n lt-- rows(A)
  • for i lt-- 1 to n
  • do pi lt-- i
  • for k lt-- 1 to n
  • do p lt-- 0
  • for i lt-- k to n
  • do if aik gt p
  • then p lt-- aik
  • k lt-- i
  • if p 0
  • then error singular matrix
  • exchange pk lt--gt pk
  • for i lt-- 1 to n
  • do exchange aki lt--gt aki
  • for i lt-- k1 to n
  • do aik lt-- aik/akk
  • for j lt-- k1 to n
  • do aij lt-- aij - aikakj

  • Example for LUP
  • Decomposition

  • The analysis is similar to that in the previous
    case we observe that the deepest nesting level
    of loops is 3, which means a time complexity of
    O(n3) - in fact . Because of the reuse
    of A, the extra space needed is 0.
  • The algorithms introduced for the solutions of
    systems of linear equations exhibit the time
    complexity of naïve matrix multiplication. We
    can use these algorithms for the computation of a
    matrix inverse if we can compute an LUP
    decomposition of A, PA LU, we can solve an
    equation of the form Ax b in time If
    we replace b by the column matrices ei, i 1, ,
    n, solving all n equations Ax ei will take time

  • Since the LUP decomposition itself can be
    computed in time , the computation of A-1
    will take time
  • The question that remains is since Strassens
    algorithm (and later developments) show that one
    can multiply two nn matrices strictly faster
    than O(n3), does this speedup have implications
    (theoretical at least) for matrix inversion? Or
    can we invert matrices just as fast as we can
    multiply them, or does something else stop us?
    We now develop the (unsurprising) answer.

  • Theorem 28.7. (Multiplication is no harder than
    inversion.) If we can invert an nn matrix in
    time I(n), where and I(n)
    satisfies the regularity condition I(3n)
    O(I(n)), then we can multiply two nn matrices in
    time O(I(n)).
  • Claim I(n) satisfies the condition above
    whenever for any constants c gt 0
    and d 0.
  • Pf. of Claim
  • Meaning any reasonable time complexity formula
    for inversion will satisfy the condition.

  • Proof. (of theorem) Let A and B be given nn
  • Consider the matrix with inverse
  • We can compute AB by just taking the upper right
    nn submatrix of D-1. D can be constructed from A
    and B in time, and D-1 can be computed from D in
    O(I(3n)) O(I(n)) time - where the regularity
    condition comes in. The uniqueness of inverses
    guarantees the contents of the upper right-hand
    block. Thus M(n) O(I(n)), as claimed.

  • Theorem 28.8. (Inversion is no harder than
    multiplication.) Assume the time to multiply two
    nn matrices is and that M(n)
    satisfies the regularity conditions M(nk)
    O(M(n)) for 0 k n, and M(n/2) cM(n) for
    some constant c lt 1/2. Then the computation of
    the inverse for any nonsingular nn matrix can be
    carried out in time O(M(n)).
  • Proof. First, assume n is a power of 2. This can
    be easily shown not to be a restriction the
    first regularity condition implies that the
    asymptotics can get worse only by a constant.
  • Temporary assumption A is symmetric and positive
    definite. This will be removed later.

  • Partition A into four (n/2)(n/2)
    matrices where B and D are also
    symmetric positive definite.
  • Let S D - CB-1CT be the Schur complement of A
    with respect to B (more details later). One can
    check that
  • by an explicit multiplication. The existence of
    B-1 and S-1 follows from the fact that A (and
    hence B and S - to be proven) is symmetric
    positive definite. Using the relationships among
    multiplication, inversion and transposition
    B-1CT (CB-1)T and B-1CTS-1 (S-1CB-1)T.

  • We can now use the Schur complement and the form
    of A-1 just given to specify a recursive
    algorithm involving four multiplications of
    (n/2)(n/2) matrices
  • CB-1, (CB-1)CT,
  • S-1(CB-1), (CB-1)T(S-1CB-1).
  • We need to invert B and S (two (n/2)(n/2)
    matrices) we need to multiply four (n/2)(n/2)
    matrices - which we can multiply with an nn
    algorithm - plus an O(n2) cost to extract
    submatrices from A and perform a fixed number of
    additions and subtractions on these matrices

  • where the fact that allows
    passing from the first to the second line. Case
    3 of the Master Theorem states (in this case)
    that if for
    some constant and if 2f(n/2) cf(n) for
    some constant c lt 1 and all large n, then
  • The final result follows from the observation
    that any solution of the inequality with I(n) is
    bounded above by a solution of the equation
    resulting by replacing with . The
    satisfaction of the asymptotic bound on f(n) is
    trivial, since f(n) kM(n). The regularity
    condition follows from the theorem hypotheses,
    which are reasonable doubling the (linear)
    size of the matrix should more than double the
    time for multiplication - you must deal with four
    times the number of items.

  • We must still remove the condition that A be
    symmetric positive definite. Since A is
    invertible, ATA is symmetric (which does not need
    invertibility) and positive definite (Thm. 28.6,
    which needs invertibility). Next, we observe that
    A-1 (ATA)-1AT. Inverting A can then by
    accomplished by a) computing ATA b) inverting
    ATA via the procedure just outlined
    post-multiplying the result by AT. Each of the
    three steps takes O(M(n)) time any nonsingular
    matrix with real entries can be inverted in
    O(M(n)) time.

  • Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices. There are
    a few results we need to establish to complete
    the details of the proof of Thm. 28.8.
  • Lemma 28.9. Any positive definite matrix is
  • Proof. Suppose A is singular. Then there exists a
    non-zero vector x such that Ax 0. Hence xTAx
    0 and A cannot be positive definite.
  • Def. the kth leading submatrix of A is the
    matrix Ak, consisting of the intersection of the
    first k rows and k columns of A.

  • Lemma 28.10. If A is a symmetric positive
    definite matrix, then every leading submatrix Ak
    of A is symmetric positive definite.
  • Proof. That Ak is symmetric is obvious. Assume it
    is not positive definite. Then there exists a
    k-vector xk ? 0, such that xkTAkxk 0. Extend xk
    to an n-vector by padding with 0s x (xT, 0)T.
    A can be decomposed into four matrices of
    appropriate sizes (and symmetries) so that
  • contradicting the hypothesis that A is positive

  • Generalization of the Schur Complement. Given a
    symmetric positive definite matrix A, with Ak the
    leading kk submatrix
  • we define the Schur complement of A with respect
    to Ak as S C - BAk-1BT.
  • Since Ak is symmetric and positive definite, Ak-1
    exists, and thus S is well-defined. We now show
    that S is itself symmetric and positive definite,
    thus allowing us to complete the proof of Theorem

  • Lemma 28.11 (Schur complement lemma). Let A be
    symmetric positive definite, Ak a leading kk
    submatrix of A. Then the Schur complement of A
    w.r.t. Ak is symmetric positive definite.
  • Proof. A symmetric gt C symmetric. One can easily
    show that BAk-1BT is symmetric, and that S is
    symmetric. We still need to show that S is
    positive definite. Let x be any nonzero vector,
    xT (yT, zT), where the components are size
    compatible with the decomposition of A. Recall
    also that A-1 exists. Then

  • We can verify the equalities by simple
    multiplication. Note that the term in the last
    set of parentheses is the Schur complement.
    Since xTAx gt 0 for any nonzero x, pick any
    nonzero z, and then choose y - Ak-1BTz, which
    makes the first term of the last line on the
    previous slide vanish, leaving xTAx zT(C -
    BAk-1BT)z zTSz gt 0, which immediately implies
    that the Schur complement is positive definite.
  • We are now finished with the details of the proof
    of Theorem 28.8, and we have proven that matrix
    invertibility is asymptotically equivalent to
    matrix multiplication, at least under some
    reasonable assumptions.

  • A useful result is
  • Corollary 28.12. LU decomposition of a symmetric
    positive definite matrix never causes a division
    by 0.
  • Proof. Let A be the matrix. We will prove that
    every pivot is strictly positive. The element
    a11 is the first pivot, and a11 e1TAe1 gt 0. The
    first step of the LU decomposition gives us the
    Schur complement of A w.r.t a11. Since the Schur
    complement is positive definite symmetric, and
    its upper left hand element is the new pivot, it
    must be positive. An induction gives that all
    pivots are positive.

  • Least-Squares Approximation. We are given a set
    of m points (say, in the plane) (x1, y1), (x2,
    y2), ,(xm, ym), where the yis are subject to
    measurement error. We want to construct a
    function F(x) such that for i 1, 2, , m,
    where the errors are small.
  • There are several mathematical theorems (all
    variants of the same most general one) that allow
    us to conclude the existence (under suitable
    assumptions) of a countable family of basis
    functions such that every reasonable function
    can be arbitrarily approximated by a finite
    weighted sum of such basis functions
  • We choose fi(x) xi-1, so F(x) c1 c2x

  • The approximation gets better as n gets larger,
    but we also know that our data are noisy we have
    to play the accuracy of the approximation against
    the cost of computation in the context of
    guaranteed partial ignorance.
  • We have m data points, and so we can deal with at
    most m unknown quantities the m coefficients of
    an approximation that uses m basis functions. We
    could be using a different set of basis functions
    (e.g., trigonometric polynomials, wavelets), but
    we choose standard polynomials. If n m, we
    have the best fit the curve can be made to go
    exactly through each of the data points, and all
    the errors can be made to disappear.

  • The problem is that the errors are there
    regardless of our wishing them away fitting the
    curve exactly to the (noisy) data will not give
    us the best approximation to reality. The usual
    approach involves using a coarser approximation
    (fewer basis functions, and thus less computation
    both in the determination of F and the
    computation of interpolated values) while trying
    to minimize some reasonable function of the
    total error.
  • Consider the matrix

  • When we include the (as yet unknown) coefficients
    of the basis function we have the linear (usually
    overerdetermined) system (m gt n)
    with the
    errors given
  • The error is given by the m-vector formula
  • To minimize the errors, we choose to minimize the
    norm of the error vector as a
    function of the cjs. A necessary condition for
    an extremum is the simultaneous vanishing of all

  • We have
  • and differentiating
  • The equations on the last line are equivalent to
    the matrix equation (Ac - y)TA 0, equivalent to
    AT(Ac - y) 0, which implies ATAc ATy. ATA is
    clearly symmetric. If A has full column rank, a
    previous result implies that ATA is positive
    definite, and thus has an inverse (ATA)-1. We
    can solve c (ATA)-1 ATy. (ATA)-1 AT is called
    the pseudoinverse of A since A is nonsquare it
    cannot have a true inverse.

  • An Example five points and F(x) c1 c2x

  • With the pseudoinverse A

  • The approximating function and the errors.
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