Title: A
1A Photographic Catalog of events from the
20th 21st Centuries
2Cold War begins
Churchill, FDR Stalin
3Korean War
1950 - 1953
A Cold War Hot Spot
4Civil Rights Movement 1955 - 1965
Rosa Parks Montgomery Bus Boycott 1955
5Civil Rights Movement Desegregation with all
deliberate speed
1957 integration of Central High School Little
Rock, Arkansas
6Cuba Bay of Pigs
April 1961
7Civil Rights Movement
Freedom Rides May 1961
8Berlin Wall
Constructed in August 1961
Separates East West Berlin and ends the brain
9Vietnam War
U.S. Involvement 1961 - 1973
10Cuban Missile Crisis
1962 Brink of Nuclear War
11 Civil Rights Movement
March on Washington August 28, 1963
12JFK assassinated
November 22, 1963
13Lyndon Johnson sworn in as President.
LBJ sworn in as president on Air Force One. Mrs.
Kennedy is still wearing her blood stained suit.
14MLK assassinated
April 14, 1968
15RFK assassinated
June 5, 1968
August 15 17, 1969
18Vietnam War Protests
Kent State, Ohio May 1970
Four student protestors shot killed
19Vietnam War Protests
1971 Protestors in DC
20Vietnam War Ends
Last helicopter out of Saigon 1973
21Nixon Watergate
August 9, 1974
22Carter Energy Crisis
Gas lines Odds Evens (odd number license
plates buy gas on odd number days )
23President Carter Return to the People
President Carters fireside chat
Inaugural walk
24Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Completed in 1982, paid for by private funds
25The Reagan Years
Star Wars
26The Reagan Years
Reagan Gorbachev
27COLD WAR thaw
Kennedy Khrushchev
Reagan Gorbachev
28Fall of the Berlin Wall
Dancing on the Wall 1989
29Impeachment of Clinton
Impeachment Trial 1998
302000 Presidential Election
hanging chads
Gore popular 50,996,116 electoral 266 Bush
popular 50,456,169 electoral 271
319/11 Terrorist Attacks
NYC World Trade Center, Pentagon a Pennsylvania
field 2001