Title: Organizational%20Communications%20and%20Distributed%20Object%20Technologies
1Organizational Communications and Distributed
Object Technologies
- Chapter 20 Coulouris text
3Todays Topics
- CORBA History and goals
- CORBA services
- The Distributed Whiteboard Revisited
4CORBA History and Goals
- Object Management Group Formed in 1989
- Goals
- -- OOP on distributed systems
- -- heterogeneous hardware
- -- heterogeneous OS
- -- different programming
- languages
5History and Goals
- OMG Introduced the Object Request Broker (ORB)
- The role of the ORB is to help a client find an
object, activate the object if necessary, and
call a method on the object. - Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
agreed to by a group of companies in 1991 - CORBA 2.0 specification released in 1996
6History and Goals
- CORBA 2.0 specification defined standards for
different implementations of CORBA to communicate
with one another - These standards are called the General Inter-ORB
protocol (GIOP) and may run over various
transports - GIOP over TCP/IP is called the Internet Inter-ORB
- Main components
- -- An Interface Definition language (IDL) that
promotes - the use of different programming languages,
stubs are - generated in the clients language and
skeletons are - generated in the servers language
- -- An architecture
- -- GIOP defines an external data
representation - (CDR) as well as message formats and
message - types
- -- Message types include request and reply as
- well as location requests, errors, and
request - cancellations
8CORBA Services
- A set of generic services that can be used
- for distributed application
- -- Naming Service (location by name)
- -- Trading Service (location by attribute -
- directory service)
- -- Event Service
- -- Security Service (authentication, ACLs,
auditing, non- - repudiation)
- -- Transaction Service (begin, commit,
rollback a - series of RMI calls )
- -- Persistent Object Service (POS)
9The Distributed Whiteboard Example in CORBA
10IDL interfaces Shape and ShapeList
struct Rectangle // no class in IDL 1 long
width long height long x long y
struct GraphicalObject 2 string type
Rectangle enclosing boolean isFilled
interface Shape 3 long getVersion()
GraphicalObject getAllState() // returns
state of the GraphicalObject
typedef sequence ltShape, 100gt All
// All is a 100 element
array 4 interface ShapeList 5 exception
FullException 6 Shape newShape(in
GraphicalObject g) raises (FullException) 7 All
allShapes() // returns sequence of remote
object references 8 long getVersion()
// parameters
are in, out, or both
// parameters may be primitive, struct or array
// are passed
by value
parameters whose type is an IDL interface
// is passed by remote
- Run idltojava on the above interface
- The command idlj is found in
- j2sdk1.4.2\bin
- The Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, v1.4,
provides an Object Request Broker (ORB) runtime
component - The JDK documentation states that its Java ORB
has not been tested with ORBs written in other
languages - JDK 1.4 provides an Orb class with a pluggable
12From the JDK Doc
OMG specifies a mapping from IDL to several
different programming languages, including Java,
C, C, Lisp, Python, Smalltalk, COBOL, and Ada.
When mapped, each statement in OMG IDL is
translated to a corresponding statement in the
programming language of choice.
13Java interface ShapeList generated by idltojava
from CORBA interface ShapeList
public interface ShapeList extends
org.omg.CORBA.Object Shape newShape(GraphicalOb
ject g) throws ShapeListPackage.FullException Sh
ape allShapes() int getVersion()
14ShapeListServant class from CORBA interface
import org.omg.CORBA. class ShapeListServant
extends _ShapeListImplBase ORB
theOrb private Shape theList private int
version private static int n0 public
ShapeListServant(ORB orb) theOrb orb
// initialize the other instance
variables public Shape newShape(GraphicalObjec
t g) throws ShapeListPackage.FullException
1 version Shape s new
ShapeServant( g, version) if(n gt100)
throw new ShapeListPackage.FullException()
theListn s 2 theOrb.connect(s)
return s public
Shape allShapes() ... public int
getVersion() ...
15Java class ShapeListServer
import org.omg.CosNaming. import
org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage. import
org.omg.CORBA. public class ShapeListServer
public static void main(String args)
try ORB orb ORB.init(args, null) 1
ShapeListServant shapeRef new
ShapeListServant(orb) 2 orb.connect(shape
Ref) 3
org.omg.CORBA.Object objRef
4 NamingContext ncRef
NamingContextHelper.narrow(objRef) NameCompone
nt nc new NameComponent("ShapeList",
"") 5 NameComponent path
nc 6 ncRef.rebind(path, shapeRef)
java.lang.Object sync new
java.lang.Object() synchronized (sync)
sync.wait() catch (Exception e) ...
16Java client program for CORBA interfaces Shape
and ShapeList
import org.omg.CosNaming. import
org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage. import
org.omg.CORBA. public class ShapeListClient pu
blic static void main(String args)
try ORB orb ORB.init(args, null)
1 org.omg.CORBA.Object objRef
NamingContext ncRef NamingContextHelper.nar
row(objRef) NameComponent nc new
NameComponent("ShapeList", "") NameComponent
path nc ShapeList shapeListRef
2 Shape sList shapeListRef.allShapes() 3
GraphicalObject g sList0.getAllState() 4
catch(org.omg.CORBA.SystemException e) ...
17The main components of the CORBA architecture
18Naming graph in CORBA Naming Service
initial naming context
initial naming context
initial naming context