Title: http://agenda.hep.wisc.edu/displayLevel.php?fid=3
2exclusive (cont.)
- ongoing work on role of excl. channels in SIDIS
- goals
- quantify uncert. for excl. meson electroprod.
- duality in SIDIS for z-gt1 ?
- tools
- factorization
- some model for GPDs
- limitations
- higher twist contr. ?
- frag. fcts. at low scales?
- (in particular, for strangeness
- production)
signs of duality
3M. Kopytin
DVCS Measurements at HERMES
Beam Charge Assymetry
Longitudinal Target Spin Assymetry
DsC cos(f) Re H
DsUL sin(f) Im H
Twist 3 ? Im(H3,H3)
4M. Kopytin
DVCS Measurements at HERMES
Beam Charge Assymetry
Longitudinal Target Spin Assymetry
DsC cos(f) Re H
DsUL sin(f) Im H
With increased statistic assymetries may
constrain GPD models
5A. Vandenbroucke
Exclusive Meson Production
Sensitive to E(x,x,t)
Statistical sample (not final) largely improved.
Clear evidence for both Collins and Sivers
Non vanish Lq
No sizeable effect. Possible cancellations in
isoscalar target (6LiD) Expected 3statistic,
2006 runs on p target (NH3)
8SSA transversity (cont.)
- extraction of Sivers function
strategy (1) fix intr. trans. mom. from unpol.
data first
(2) estimate Sivers fct. from HERMES data
(3) check COMPASS data
An (s - s-) / (s s-)
- p- lt 0 at 3 sigma, p gt0 at 1.5 sigma level.
Sign consistent with lower energy results. - An at negative xF for p and p- are consistent
with 0 (as also found by STAR for p0) - The protons are found to have AN 0
xF 0.17 - 0.32
xF lt0
BRAHMS preliminary
10Transversity Friends
- SIDIS-SSA on L-polarised target
- Probes of Lq through quark transverse momentum
distribution - Access to new PDF not accessible in DIS
New inner calorimeter will open new avenue for
studies of SSA of exclusive and semi-inclusive
g, p0,h,r
11Transversity Friends
P.van der Nat
p target
D target
- Asymmetry vs Minv, x, z consistent with 0 or
small. - More results expected with
- Improved statistic
- RICH information
- Runs using p-target (NH3)
12Transversity Friends
All the previous Spin dependent Fragmentation
function analyses yields information on the
Collins and the Interference Fragmentation
function ! ?Always 2 unknown functions involved
which cannot be measured independently
2-h inclusive transverse momentum dependent
13Transversity Friends
- The double ratio method shows
- Significant non-zero asymmetries
- Rising behaviour vs. z
- First direct measurement of the Collins function
Only first steps, however Naïve LO analysis
shows significant Collins effect
14Future Transversity in DY
15SSA transversity (cont.)
- new NLO results single-incl. hadrons
no improvement in scale dependence
interesting tool to learn about transversity no
other unknown (TMD) fcts. involved here!
at RHIC energies much improved scale dep. but
small asymmetries
16(No Transcript)
18Visualization of Sivers effect
CEBAF operation _at_ 6 GeV has provided results with
unprecedented precision on structure functions
and form factors (including strangeness) Upcoming
years will highlight precision hypernuclear
studies, standard model tests and . . .
- The Upgrade to 12 GeV is essential to provide
access - to new kinematic regions and will
- determine with extreme precision the spin and
flavour structure - of the nucleon in the valence region
- provide a totally new and complete view of the
nucleon structure - access to
quark angular momentum - finally (after gt 30 years) determine the origin
of the EMC effect - test our understanding of quark confinement
- and much much more . . .
20Milestones and Timelines for 12 GeV
- 1994-2002 Development of Science Case and
Exp.Equiment - April 2002 Recommendation by NSAC Long Range
Planning - April 2004 DOE Approval of Mission Need (CD-0)
- 2004-2005 Development of Conceptual Design
Report - Oct 2004 GlueX Detector Review
- Jan 2005 Review of Spectrometer Options
- April 2005 DOE Science Review of the 12 GeV
Upgrade - (very positive
response ! ) - Sept 2005 Critical Decision on Prel. Baseline
Range (CD-1) - 2007-2008 Engineering and Design
- 2008-2011 Construction
- 2012 Beam on Target