Title: Introducing..
1- Introducing..
- The Cephalonian Method
- USTLG, Aston University, March 9th 2004
- Nigel Morgan Information Services, Cardiff
2Why bother revamping our induction?
- Traditional methods needed revitalising
- To get information across more effectively
- Need to grab students attention
- To inspire ourselves!
- inject some spontaneity
- Information Literacy policy
3What qualities did we want our induction to have?
- An interactive format
- illusion of being student driven
- Interesting, lively, informative, entertaining
- - attention grabbing!
- Enjoyable to deliver
- Careful use of humour
- A sense of theatricality and unpredictability
4Where did we get our inspiration?
5Structure of session
Basic introductory information Finding
reading list items Services and facilities
6(No Transcript)
7My Mums e-mailed me a photo of Miguel, my pet
iguana. Where can I print it out?
- 2 PC rooms (24 hour access)
- Microsoft applications
- Subject databases
- Internet e-mail access
- Network printing accounts
- Laser printing (bw) - 6p per A4 sheet
8What if I dont renew or bring the stuff back on
- 2 week loan - 20p / day
- 1 week loan - 1 / day
- One day items - 1 / day
9What really irritates us?
- Eating drinking
- Excessive noise
- Personal stereos
- Loud talkers
- Theft
- Mobile phones !
- Mobile phones !!
- Mobile phones !!!
10What are the advantages of the Cephalonian method?
- A good icebreaker
- Works well with large groups
- Encourages interaction and discussion within
small groups - Allows the presenter to be creative!
- no two sessions are ever the same
- Achieved our objectives
11Feedback Evaluation
- Student Comments
- Really good idea, made it more fun to watch
presentation - Very well presented..loved it.Bravo!
- It was immense!!
- It was a bit weird
- More about Miguel pleaseI feel I know that
12Did you think that this session provided an
effective introduction to the library?
Yes 97 No 0 Dont Know 3
13Do you think it will be beneficial to attend the
next info skills session?
Yes 79 No 3 Dont Know 13 No
Response 5
14- Introducing..
- The Cephalonian Method
- USTLG, Aston University, March 9th 2004
- Nigel Morgan Information Services, Cardiff