Title: The Market for Education in England
1The Market for Education in England
- Simon Burgess
- Public Organisation Conference, June 2008
2Education Market in England
- Market problem is an assignment problem
- Everyone is assigned to a school, but which
pupils go to which schools? - Focussing on the equity implications of the
market here. - This talk
- mostly drawing on School Assignment, School
Choice and Social Mobility with Adam Briggs - partly drawing on School Quality, School Access
and the Formation of Neighbourhoods with Tomas
- Not all schools are good schools
- Which pupils go to the good schools?
- To the extent that children from poor families
are allocated to worse schools, this perpetuates
disadvantage, reducing social mobility - Questions
- What is the extent (if any) of a differential
chance of going to a good school? - How does it happen?
- What would be the impact of increasing choice?
4School choice
- School choice
- Promise of a well-functioning school choice
system is that it reduces role of location - Countervailing view is that a choice system
without fully flexible school size will increase
the role of choice by schools, and the scope for
the middle class to beat the system. - Relative role for location as opposed to working
the system is important.
5What we do
- We estimate the chances of poor and of non-poor
children getting places in good schools - One of the key factors is location distance
between school and home. - Our dataset allows us to measure distance very
precisely and characterise the pupils very local
area - We compare pupils living in the same place.
Exploit within-street variation and also control
for other personal characteristics including
prior test scores. - The difference is relatively small compared to
the overall difference.
- Poor children half as likely to go to good
schools. - Much of that, but not all, comes through
location. That is, accounting fully for location,
the gap is much smaller, but not zero. - Controlling for location, this gap doesnt vary
much by degree of choice. - Children from poor families tend not to go to a
good school, even if it is their nearest. - Our econometric strategy is not to identify
causal relationships in this paper (future work).
7Modelling Framework
- We model the assignment of children to schools,
as a function of the characteristics of the
school and of the children. Its a matching
problem. - The observed data on the outcome of this
assignment are realisations of an underlying
process, composed of two decisions - applications by parents and children for places
in particular schools (demand), - and the administrative procedures that allocate
children to schools given their choices
(assignment rule)
8- Given the basic structures of the problem,
parents then formulate their response strategy - the role of location
- make any implicit advantages of their children
visible to the admissions authorities, working
the system - Our strategy is to isolate how much of the
difference in outcomes works through location,
and how much through other channels, controlling
for location.
- Write a general model of the outcome of the
allocation as - where
10Reverse causation?
- We interpret the estimated relationship between
the schools quality score qa(i, t), t-6 and a
students personal characteristic, fit, as
representing the outcome of the assignment
process. - Alternative from student characteristics to the
outcome score.
11- Timing the quality score derives from the
performance of a group of children 6 years older
than the current intake. - But persistence in school attendance. Two
interpretations - Islands story Schools located on islands,
with no mobility between them. All students from
succeeding generations therefore go to the school
on their island. - Correlation from one generations poverty to the
next. - But this is not what Englands schools look like
- Half of children do not go to local school
- See map of Birmingham
12Figure 1 School Distance Contours in Birmingham
13- Dynasties pupils living in particular
locations always go to the same school. And with
persistence in area poverty, particular locations
always house poor families. - poverty of succeeding generations is correlated,
score of one generation of pupils drawn from that
area is correlated with the poverty of the next. - Econometrically, estimating
- Will be biased because omitted variable of the
nature of is location is correlated with fi, and
with the nature of the previous cohort of pupils
who generated the school quality score. - Response control for location to remove omitted
variable bias within postcode variation.
- Data on pupils
- Data on schools
- Data on location
- Our sample
- PLASC/NPD Census of all children in state
schools in England, taken each year in January. - Key variable for our purposes is an indicator of
family poverty, the eligibility for Free School
Meals (FSM). - Gender, within-year age, ethnicity, SEN,..
- Key-stage 2 test taken at age 11 as the pupils
finish primary school. This is a nationally set
group of tests (in English, Maths and Science),
marked outside the school
- Quality of the secondary school that each child
attends use the publicly available and widely
quoted measure of the proportion of a schools
pupils which passes at least 5 GCSE exams at age
16 (repeated using value-added). - Define a good school as a school in the top
third nationally of the distribution of 5A-C
scores (repeated using top third locally) - Dating we use the score for each school from
the time that the cohorts made their decisions on
school applications, so deriving from the results
of a cohort of pupils 6 years older.
- We have access to each pupils full postcode.
This locates them quite precisely. - Also the coordinates of the school, which locates
it exactly. - We rely on the postal geography of the UK for
this analysis. Overall, there are about 1.78m
unit postcodes covering 27.5m addresses. On
average, there are 15 addresses in a unit
postcode, but this varies. - Using pupils postcodes, we match in data on
neighbourhoods, on two scales postcode, and area
(ward approx 12k people).
- We take the cohort of new entrants into secondary
school from each PLASC, so pupils in their first
year of secondary school. Roughly 0.5m pupils in
each cohort we use 3 cohorts so our full sample
is 1.57m pupils. - State schools in England non-selective LEAs
(this cuts out 13.4 of the pupil total) omit
pupils from some special schools, a few pupils
are omitted if they have missing data. - Sample for the overall regressions is 1.24m, 91
of the available total in non-selective LEAs.
- How much of the difference in probability of
attending a good school is due to location? - Need to control completely for location.
- Interpretation location not exogenous
estimating how important choice of location is
for parents strategy.
20(No Transcript)
21(No Transcript)
22(No Transcript)
23Table 5 Statistics on numbers of pupils per
24Figure 5 Differences in school quality by
differences in FSM status
25Table 6 Postcode-cohort FE regressions of school
26Table 7 LEA FE on full sample of whether pupil
attends a good school
27Econometric Issues
- Reverse causation? Unlikely. The measure of
quality used is essentially unrelated to the
performance of the children in the postcode - the measure relates to a cohort of children
passing through the school 6 years previously. - the focus children clearly constitute a
negligible fraction of the actual attendees of
the schools - the use of within-postcode variation controls for
any location effects. - Selection bias? Likely. Direction seems clear.
Will do some analysis of possible extent.
28Table 9 Postcode-cohort FE on School Quality by
deciles of minimum distance to three schools
- Specialise school allocation question to whether
a child goes to her/his nearest school. - Focus on the interaction of child characteristic
(FSM) and school quality. - Again control for location
30Figure 6 Probability of pupils attending their
nearest school
- Children from poor families half as likely to go
to good schools. - Much of that, but not all, comes through
location. That is, accounting fully for location,
the gap is a lot smaller. - Children from poor families tend not to go to a
good school, even if it is their nearest.
32School Quality and Neighbourhood Formation
- Some results from (as yet incomplete) follow-up
project on school quality and moving. - Same data source, using more cohorts, tracking
families moving house over five years. - Comparing poor and non-poor families.
- Lot of care modelling default secondary school
for any location three ways.
33Who moves, impact on default school quality
34Probability of Moving
35Results so far
- Moving probability for the non-poor is influenced
by quality of default school. - For the poor this effect completely disappears.
- Moving within local area ten times more sensitive
to school quality than cross-labour market moves.
- Main econometric challenge is initial conditions
problem in dynamic non-linear panel model with
unobserved heterogeneity. Follow Wooldridge
(control for initial and lagged move status,
stock of moves, initial quality) and results
- On-going project to understand the education
market in England. - Role of different assignment rules
- Equity aspects
- Analysing the chance of children from poor
families going to good schools - How this comes about
- Efficiency aspects too todays talk is dynamics
from perspective of children, but static view of
school. - There may be trade-offs between assignment rules
good for equity and those good for efficiency.
37- Why do FSM-eligible children have lower
probabilities of attending good schools? - Where they live
- Over-subscribed schools find ways of choosing
pupils according to their incentives - middle class parents are better at working the
system of school admissions - Costs of exercising choice prohibitive.
38Results and choice
- Promise of a well-functioning school choice
system is that it reduces role of location - Countervailing view is that a choice system
without fully flexible school size will increase
the role of choice by schools, and the scope for
the middle class to beat the system. - Findings cast some light on this debate
- location is associated with most but not all of
the differential school quality. - policy which reduced the factor contributing to
the greater part of the gap at the potential
expense of widening the smaller part might have
some attractions
- There are S schools denoted s, and P children
denoted i. - A childs poverty status is measured by her Free
School Meals (FSM) eligibility, denoted fi. - The school average FSM eligibility is
- A childs GCSE score is qi, and prior ability is
ki. The average GCSE score of school s for
time/cohort t is qs,t. - This generated from a production function
41Location and distance
- A pupils location is Li.
- Denote pupil is nearest school as n(i).
- The distance between pupil i and school s is dis.
- Denote pupil is actual school attended as a(i)
42Quality of school assigned to pupil i
- Quality score for a school s at time t is the
school mean GCSE score for the cohort finishing
in t, qs,t - School to which i is assigned is a(i, t).
- So quality of the school to which pupil i from
cohort t is assigned as qa(i, t), t-6
43Figure 2 Good to total school places per LEA for
Non-FSM and FSM pupils
44Figure 3 Good to total places ratio for FSM
pupils against good to total places ratio for
Non-FSM pupils
45Table 2 Probit of whether pupil goes to a good
46Selection bias
- The bias can be signed
- Assume equal dwelling-specific house prices
within a unit postcode. - Expect FSM-eligible households living in the same
street as ineligible households to be among the
better off of such households. - Similarly, FSM-ineligible households living next
door to FSM-eligible families are likely to be
relatively poor compared to other FSM-ineligible
households. - So income differences between households of
different FSM status and living in the same
street are likely to be lower than unconditional
income differences between households of
different FSM status. - If link between FSM status and school assignment
is a relationship between household income and
school assignment, our estimated differences are
likely to be an underestimate of the true
relationship. - Similarly, we would expect the FSM-eligible
households in mixed neighbourhoods to be
relatively interested in education, and the
FSM-ineligible households relatively less.
47Figure 4 FSM vs Non-FSM gaps in school quality
48Table 8 Role of feasibility of choice
49Table 10 Probits estimating the probability that
a pupil attends their nearest school
50Figure 6c Fitted values
Based on col 3 of table 10 for a white, female
pupil born in September with average KS2 mean,
English as first language, no SEN, attending a
school in an urban area and with the mean
distance to nearest good school