Title: The Unique Kenya Coffee Production Process
1The Unique Kenya Coffee Production Process
2The Coffee Bean
Coffee seeds ready for sowing
3 Young Coffee Seedlings
Recently germinated coffee seedlings
4Ready for transfer to field
Young coffee plants in a coffee nursery before
transfer to field
5Preparing farm for planting
Preparing a hole where coffee will be planted
6Young Establishments in field
Recently introduced coffee plants 2-3 years
7Mature coffee trees
Mature plants before flowering
8Mature coffee budding and flowering
Mature bushes with good flowering
9The coffee berry development stages
Pin head
10Ripe coffee ready for picking
Red berries ready for picking
11Picking Coffee
Ripe berries selectively picked for processing
12Sorting of picked coffee
gt Under ripe berries gt Over ripe berries gt
Foreign bodies
Picked berries selectively sorted to remove
13Soaking beans.
After the skin of the coffee bean is pulped off
(removed), the beans are socked in water
After pulping the beans are soaked in water to
remove the sugary pulp or mucilage still
adhering to the coffee bean. The processing,
known as wet fermentation takes from 36-72 hours
to accomplish
15Sun drying coffee beans
The wet parchment is sun dried cautiously to
lower the moisture content from 55 to (10.5
-12.5) The process is completed at conditioning
bins which takes about 2 weeks to several weeks.
16Storage of sun dried coffee
The Sun dried coffee is stored in bags ready for
17Hulling of coffee beans
Commonly referred to as milling ,the dry
parchment is hulled, polished and graded into the
seven standard grades namely-
AA,AB,C,T,TT,PB and E.
18Roasted Beans
Quality analysis of the hulled (milled coffee)
20Auction in progress
Auction in progress. at the Nairobi Coffee
21The Coffee Cup
Thank you courtesy of the Coffee Board of Kenya