Title: IRIS TMT Week
- James Larkin
- Keith Taylor, Tim Davidge, Ian McLean, Eric
Prieto, Mike Brown, Darren Erickson, Laura
Ferrarese, Andrea Ghez, Glen Herriot, Tommaso Treu
2Overview of Requirements
3IFU Design Families
Focal Plane Feed to Spectrograph Detector
Image Slicer Fiber Bundle Lenslet Array
4Design Description
- Existing AO-fed IFUs (OSIRIS, SINFONI and soon
NIFS) are either lenslet (OSIRIS) or slicers
based (SINFONI NIFS). - Both are reasonable options for IRIS and we are
following two design paths - Slicer Keith Taylor and Eric Prieto
- More efficient pixel usage
- Lower detector noise
- Lenslet James Larkin
- Better image quality
- Easy to expand to many thousands of field
locations. - We are also designing an internal imager like
OSIRIS. - Optical design James Larkin
5Slicer - Summary
- All reflective design.
- Each optical section contains 60 slicer mirrors
that are 1.4mm wide and 84 mm long. - Four sets of slicer mirrors provide the full
120x120 effective field with spectral bandwidth
of 20. - Current design uses spectral stepping to achieve
R4000. A non-stepping version will be
investigated next which would reduce the number
of slices to 30 per unit, or would reduce the
spectral bandwidth to 10. - Supports scales from 0.04 to 0.20 per pixel.
6IRIS SlicerPrieto (LAM) Taylor (Caltech)
7Lenslet Design
- Packing geometry makes it difficult to allow a
large spatial width in the dispersion direction
for a bandwidth of 20. - OSIRIS supports both a 20 bandwidth mode with
16x64 lenslets and a 5 bandwidth mode with 48x64
lenslets both with R3800. - 5 bandwidth is easily expanded to larger
roughly square fields. - Science Team was asked about spectral bandwidth
vs. field of view and universally favored field
of view. - Lenslet design now focusing on 5 bandwidth
spectrograph - Slicer now investigating 10 bandwidth mode.
8Wavelength Range
- Goal of 0.6 to 5 microns is extremely challenging
for both lenslets and slicers - Changes in pupil and slit diffraction with
wavelength - Need for a wide range of spatial sampling
- Differences in detector performance (read noise
and dark current increase with long wavelength
cutoff). - Longer wavelengths prefer pixels with larger
pixels to minimize some of the above effects. - For lenslet design, Ive broken the design into a
short wavelength (1-2.4 microns) and long
wavelength arm (2-5 microns)
9Lenslet Basic Parameters
- Short wavelength spectrograph 1-2.4 microns
- 4096x4096 detector (mosaic of 2048x2048) with 18
micron pixels - Plate Scales of 0.004, 0.009, 0.020
- Lenslet pitch 300 microns
- Spatial fields of view 136x136 gt 0.54x0.54,
1.224x1.224, 2.72x2.72 - F/15 focus, physical sizes 1.19mm, 2.68mm,
5.94mm - Spectrograph Optics
- Camera focal ratio F/4.42 including corners
- Collimator focal ratio F/2.41 including corners
- Output is 18,500 spectra each with 400 spectral
channels - Long wavelength spectrograph 2.0-5.0 microns
- 2048x2048 detector with 27 microns pixels
- Plates Scales of 0.009, 0.020, 0.050
- Lenslet pitch 600 microns
- Spatial fields of view 68x68 gt 0.61x0.61,
1.36x1.36, 3.40x3.40 - F/15 focus, physical sizes 1.34mm, 2.97mm,
7.46mm - Spectrograph Optics
- Camera focal ratio F/3.18 including corners
10Lenslet Optics
Fold Mirror Lenslet Array
AO Focus
Reimaging Cameras
Reimaging Collimators
Spectrograph Collimator Mirrors (TMA)
Fold Mirror
Spectrograph Camera Mirrors (TMA)
115 Bandpass OSIRIS Spectra
- White Light (3072 spectra) Arc Lines
(3072 spectra)
12Design - Imager
- We have designed a diffraction limited camera
based on a possible 4096x4096 Rockwell Detector
with 9 micron pixels. 15 arcsec field. - All Spherical
- 4 reflections
- For 25 nm of wfe, each mirror
- can have 6 nm of rms surface
- error. This is l/20 PV surface quality.
- Small spherical mirror is at well formed pupil.
- Transmission gt80 (85 filter, 98.5 per mirror).
Detector TBD.
0.88 m
0.22 m
Filter Pupil Fold
13Trade Studies Mounting/Rotating
- Were assigned down-looking port of NFIRAOS
- Rotation of the entire instrument
- Decreases need for back focal distance
- High throughput
- Fixed gravity vector
- Requires active alignment
14Trade Study Tip/tilt sensors
- Baseline is now 3 infrared tip/tilt stars.
- Originally, we hoped to use sub-arrays of the
imaging detector(s) as quad-cells. - Unfortunately, it now seems essential to be able
to patrol the entire 2 arcmin AO corrected field. - We are just beginning to look into deployable TT
sensors (not part of contract). - TT Sensors will also provide alignment to NFIRAOS.
15Potential Use of Focal Plane
- Central IFU Field up to 3.4
- Four 15 imaging fields
- Equivalent to WIRC
- Leaves 90 of field for patrol region.
TT Stars
Imaging Fields
2 Patrol Field
- Part of our team is still in the middle of
commissioning OSIRIS (AO-fed IFU for the Keck
Laser AO system) which definitely takes time, but
is very valuable experience.
OIII (500.7nm) Steps27 km/s
- 4c48.48Radio Galaxy
- (z2.343, 11.1 Billion light years)
1.6 14 kpc
HK image Carson et al 2001
18TitanMoon of Saturn
- 0.02 arcs/lenslet 130 km
- ly2.1 microns
19Variability at Sgr A
First Laser Assisted Spectroscopy of GC ever.
0.32 2500 A.U.
Sgr A flare
Telescope Crossing
15 minutes per frame
20Work Plan / Schedule
- IRIS Study
- 15 September 2005 Delivery of draft IOCDD
- 31 October 2005 Delivery of draft IFPRD
- 15 November 2005 Delivery of final IOCDD
- 1 December 2005 Delivery of final IFPRD
- 15 February 2006 Final Feasibility report
- 1 March 2006 Review meeting
- 14 April 2006 Revised Final Feasibility report
21Cost Targets (ROM cost)Example Table
22Cost Targets (ROM Cost)
- Weve had a late and slightly slow start.
- Settled on basic design parameters (local minima
in instrument parameter space) - Beginning to flesh out real optical components
- Mechanical design will start in early November.
Wrapping metal around the glass. - Gaining experience with OSIRIS.
- LGS spectroscopy of faint and complex objects
- AO backgrounds/ pupils/ modes
- Improved thermal modelling for extrapolation to
IRIS - Estimated Final Cost 20 Million not including
TT sensors.