Title: Colorados MultiUse Network
1Colorados Multi-Use Network
Division of Information Technologies
October 2003
- Strategic Plan for a Statewide Telecommunications
Infrastructure (Feb. 1998) - State to serve as anchor tenant
- In public-private partnership
- All agencies participate
- 13.5 million in capital funds 7 million
spending authority - Community Incentive Fund
- MNT Program
- Authorized by SB 96-102
- DPA contracted with Qwest June 2000
- Community Incentive Fund
- Authorized by HB 99-1102 as Beanpole Program
3Serve as Anchor Tenant
Statute consistent on whom MNT is to serve
- schools, public libraries, institutions of higher
education, and state agencies (C.R.S.
23-11.5.104) - pubic offices of all levels political
subdivisions of the state within every community
(C.R.S. 24-30-903(7)) - institutions of higher education, school
districts, public libraries, public hospitals,
courts, and government offices (MNT Executive
4MNT Deployment
60 million in infrastructure
- 65 points of service (termed ANAPs)
- 5 Super-ANAPs to route traffic
- 39 Edge sites at larger state locations
- 39 sites for aggregating county traffic
57,800 Miles of Fiber Loop
6Illustration of Aggregation
- Statewide fiber backbone deployed
- Access to every county
- Backhaul reduced or eliminated
- Equity in pricing
- Internet access included
8Achievements (cont)
- Seamless statewide enterprise network
- Fault-tolerate and robust
- Last mile improved in 15 counties
- State agency circuits migrated
- Program management in place
9MNT Performance Measures
- Direct Measures (Infrastructure)
- Reduce cost of government telecom
- Serve as public sector anchor tenant
- Enhance private sector access
- Indirect Measures (Impact)
- Promote economic development
- Enhance educational opportunity
10GOAL Reduce Cost of Government
- Reduction in T-1 costs achieved as a result of
circuit conversions from legacy network to MNT - Reduced costs due to aggregation at County Points
of Presence
11GOAL Serve as Anchor Tenant
- Overall statistics
- Total number of connections
- Total and average bandwidth subscribed
- Total connection to Internet
- by type of entity served
- Number of entities
- Percentage of total
12GOAL Enhance Private Sector Access
- Number/percent ANAPs with DSL or cable
- Number ANAPs with last-mile fiber
- Number non-ANAP municipalities linked to network
by fiber
13GOAL Economic Development
- Growth in indicator industries
- Number of employees, firms, average wage
- Percentage overall employment
- High Tech chosen as one indicator
14GOAL Eco Devo (cont)
high tech jobs are concentrated in metro
Metro Rural
15GOAL Eco Devo (cont)
16GOAL Enhance Education
- School district bandwidth per student
- Students per computer
- Percent classrooms with Internet access
- Percent computers with Internet access
- Rural college Internet bandwidth
17MNT is working!
- We might as well be sitting in Denver.
- Because of MNT, all of a sudden we have seen an
explosion of service. - The MNT is giving the small company a chance.
- This makes it economically feasible for SOHOs.
- You get world-wide marketing for a song!
- Half my (ISP) staff makes over 50,000
18Future Opportunities
- Compete last-mile build-out
- Enterprise-wide IP video and voice
- Expand applications
- Include non-MNT local tel-cos
- Full participation from public sector
19Future Opportunities (cont)
- Explore Next Generation Networks
- Extend Internet2 to schools, colleges
- Obtain redundant Internet access
- Measure impact
- Statewide networking governance
- Statewide fiber in every county
- Available to private sector
- Statewide public sector enterprise network
- Impact measures in place
- Planning in place to leverage new asset
21Colorados Multi-Use Network
Division of Information Technologies