Title: GhostDB: Hiding Data from Prying Eyes Demonstration
1GhostDB Hiding Data from Prying Eyes
- Christophe Salperwyck, Nicolas Anciaux, Mehdi
Benzine, Luc Bouganim, Philippe Pucheral,
Dennis Shasha - SMIS Project (INRIA-UVSQ), New York University
2GhostDB Simulator
- One software simulator per component
- One laptop is used for each simulator
Visible Data
Untrusted Server (Visible)
Terminal (PC)
Secure token (Hidden)
3Secure Token Simulator
- The secure token's simulator shows
- The query (SQL) to process
- The physical query execution plan processed
- And the execution time of the current and
previous queries executions
Execution Plan area
Query area
Execution time area
4Terminal Simulator
Relational schema
Communication channel
5Untrusted Server Simulator
Communication channel
6Query Execution
Query submitted
Visible sub queries to send to the untrusted
7Visible sub queries
Visible sub queries received from the terminal
8Visible execution
Visible sub queries results
9Hidden computation
Query submitted
The query submitted is sent to the secure token
10Hidden execution Plan
Query execution plan
The query execution plan is produced according to
the SQL query
11Visible data transfert
The visible sub queries results are sent to the
secure token through the terminal to finalize the
Visible sub queries results
12Other strategies
Other execution plans more or less efficient can
be produced and executed to issue the same query
Use post filtering (bloom filter)instead of