Title: Prof. Xiande Zhao
1DSE4190 Service Quality Management
- Prof. Xiande Zhao
- Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial
Economics - Tel. 2609-7650
- Email xiande_at_baf.msmail.cuhk.edu.hk
- Website http//ihome.cuhk.edu.hk/b103313/index.h
2Service Quality and Service Profit Chain
- Importance of customer satisfaction and loyalty
- Service Quality and Value
- Measurement of Service Quality
- Service quality GAP model
- Employee Satisfaction and Retention
- Internal service Quality
- Application of the service profit Chain
3- How do we make profits in a service business?
- What are some of the key drivers of profitability
in service businesses? - What are the most important factor that influence
the profitability of a service business?
4What Drives Profitability?
5What are the behaviors of a loyal customer?
- 3 Rs
- Customer retention
- Repeat/Related business
- Referral
6Why Loyal Customers Matter?
- Buy more
- Pay higher prices
- Cost less to serve
- Bring in new
- customers
- Are more satisfying
- to serve
leads to
Loyal, Satisfied Customers
Higher Profits
7What influences Customer Loyalty?
External Service Value
Customer Loyalty
Customer Satisfaction
Value Benefits received by the customer /
Sufferings that the customer has to endure
9What is external service value?
Results produced for the Customer
Process Quality
Costs of Acquiring the services
Price to the Customer
10- What is Service Quality?
11In-Class Exercise 2
- Recall a recent service situation in which you
are very delighted with the services provided.
Please do the following - 1. Why you are delighted with the service?
- 2. What did the service personnel do to make you
so happy? - 3. What was your expectation for the service?
- 4. How can the service organization make this
service a norm rather than an exception.?
12In-class Exercise 1
- Recall a recent service situation in which you
are not satisfied with the services provided.
Please do the following - 1. Why you are not satisfied with the service?
- 2. What did the service personnel do to make you
dissatisfied? - 3. What was your expectation for the service?
- 4. What do you think are the major causes of the
problem? - 5. What can the organization do to prevent the
problem from happening again in the future? -
13The Role of Expectations in Service
Expected Service
Perceived Service Quality
Perceived Service
14Perceived Service Quality
Word of mouth
Personal needs
Past experience
Service Quality Dimensions Reliability Responsive
ness Assurance Empathy Tangibles
Service Quality Assessment 1. Expectations
exceeded ESltPS (Quality surprise) 2.
Expectations met ESPS (Satisfactory
quality) 3. Expectations not met ESgtPS
(Unacceptable quality)
Expected service
Perceived service
- Reliability
- The ability to perform the promised service
dependably and accurately - Assurance
- The knowledge and courtesy of employees and
their ability to convey trust and confidence. - Tangibles
- The appearance of physical facilities,
equipment, personnel, and communication materials - Empathy
- The provision of caring, individualized
attention to customers. - Responsiveness
- The willingness to help customers and to provide
prompt services
16Garvins Product Quality Dimensions
Perceived Quality
17 Garvins Product Quality Dimensions
- Performance
- Refers to the efficiency with which a product
achieves its intended purpose. - Features
- Attributes of a product that supplement a
products basic performance. - Reliability
- The propensity for a product to perform
consistently over its useful design life.
18 Garvins Product Quality Dimensions
- Conformance
- Numerical dimensions for a products performance,
such as capacity, speed, size, durability, color,
or the like. - Durability
- Useful life time, The degree to which a product
tolerates stress or trauma without failing. - Serviceability
- Ease of repair, availability of support and after
sale services.
19 Garvins Product Quality Dimensions
- Aesthetics
- Subjective sensory characteristics such as taste,
feel, sound, look, and smell. - Perceived Quality
- Quality is as the customer perceives it. This is
often influenced by the reputation of the firm,
brand image and advertising etc.
20How to Measure SERVICE QUALITY?
- Measuring Service Quality Using SERVQUAL
- SERVQUAL is a multiple-item scale for
measuring the five dimensions of service quality
reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy,
and tangibles - A score for the quality of service is calculated
by computing the difference between the ratings
that customers assign to paired expectation and
perception statements
- DIRECTIONS This survey deals with your opinions
of ??? services. Please show the extent to which
you think firms offering ??? services should
possess the features described by each statement.
Do this by picking one of the seven numbers next
to each statement. If you strongly agree that
these firms should possess a feature, circle the
number 7. If you strongly disagree that these
firms should possess a feature, circle 1. If
your feelings are not strong, circle one of the
numbers in the middle. There are no right or
wrong answers ? all we are interested in is a
number that best shows your expectations about
firms offering ??? services.
- Tangibles
- E1. They should have up-to-date equipment.
- E2. Their physical facilities should be visually
appealing. - E3. Their employees should be well dressed and
appear neat - E4. The appearance of the physical facilities of
these firms should be in keeping with the type
of services provided..
- Reliability
- E5. When these firms promise to do something by a
certain time, they should do so. - E6. When customers have problems, these firms
should be sympathetic and reassuring. - E7. These firms should be dependable.
- E8. They should provide their services at the
time they promise to do so. - E9. They should keep their records accurately.
- Responsiveness
- E10. They shouldnt be expected to tell customers
exactly when services will be performed. (?)b - E11. It is not realistic for customers to expect
prompt service from employees of these firms.
(?) - E12. Their employees dont always have to be
willing to help customers. (?) - E13. It is okay if they are too busy to respond
to customer requests promptly. (?)
- Assurance
- E14. Customers should be able to trust employees
of these firms. - E15. Customers should be able to feel safe in
their transactions with these firms employees. - E16. Their employees should be polite.
- E17. Their employees should get adequate support
from these firms to do their jobs well. - Empathy
- E18. These firms should not be expected to give
customers individual attention. (?) - E19. Employees of these firms cannot be expected
to give customers personal attention. (?) - E20. It is unrealistic to expect employees to
know what the needs of their customers are. (?) - E21. It is unrealistic to expect these firms to
have their customers best interests at heart.
(?) - E22. They shouldnt be expected to have operating
hours convenient to all their customers. (?)
- DIRECTIONS The following set of statements
relate to your feelings about XYZ. For each
statement, please show the extent to which you
believe XYZ has the feature described by the
statement. Once again, circling a 7 means that
you strongly agree that XYZ has that feature, and
circling a 1 means that you strongly disagree.
You may circle any of the numbers in the middle
that show how strong your feelings are. There
are no right or wrong answers ? all we are
interested in is a number that best shows your
perceptions about XYZ. - P1. XYZ has up-to-date equipment.
- P2. XYZs physical facilities are visually
appealing. - P3. XYZs employees are well dressed and appear
neat. - P4. The appearance of the physical facilities of
XYZ is in keeping with the type of services
- P5. When XYZ promises to do something by a
certain time, it does so. - P6. When you have problems XYZ is sympathetic and
reassuring. - P7. XYZ is dependable.
- P8. XYZ provides its services at the time it
promises to do so. - P9. XYZ keeps its records accurately.
- P10. XYZ does not tell customers exactly when
services will be performed. (?) - P11. You do not receive prompt service from XYZs
employees. (?) - P12. Employees of XYZ are not always willing to
help customer requests promptly. (?)
- P13. Employees of XYZ are too busy to respond to
customer requests promptly. (?) - P14. You can trust employees of XYZ.
- P15. You feel safe in your transactions with
XYZs employees. - P16. Employees of XYZ are polite.
- P17. Employees get adequate support from XYZ to
do their jobs well. - P18. XYZ does not give you individual attention.
(?) - P19. Employees of XYZ do not give you personal
attention. (?) - P20. Employees of XYZ do not know what your needs
are. (?) - P21. XYZ does not have your best interests at
heart. (?) - P22. XYZ does not have operating hours convenient
to all their customers. (?)
29Applications of SERVQAL
- Identify areas for improvements
- Understand customer requirements or expectations
what dimensions are important? - Track longitudinal trends
- Benchmarking performance
30Problems or limitations of SERVQUAL
- Some items are vague and difficult to understand
- Are the five dimensions sufficient and accurate
- Questionnaire is too long
- not applicable to all industries
- consistency across industries
- is it necessary to measure both expectations and
perception? SERVPERF
31- How to Improve Service Quality?
32Take Home Exercise (due Feb 14, 2007)
- Use your organization or other service
organizations as examples to do the following - 1. Identify some problems or aspects of services
that customers are dissatisfied with and/or often
complain about? - 2.. Use the service quality gap model to
identify the proper gaps that caused the problem. - 3. What are the key factors that caused each of
one the gaps that you have identified? - 4. Suggest measures to reduce the gaps. How will
these measures help to improve customer
satisfaction and what are some of the
difficulties associated with implementing these
33GAPs Model of Service Quality
Expected Service
Perceived Service
Service Delivery
External Communications to Customers
Customer-driven service designs and standards
Company perceptions of consumer expectations
34Key Factors Leading to the Customer Gap
Customer Expectations
Customer Perceptions
35Summary of the Key Gaps
- GAP1 the Knowledge GAP
- Not knowing what the customers expect
- GAP2 the Specification GAP
- Not selecting the right service design and
standards - GAP3 The Delivery GAP
- Not delivering services according to the standard
- GAP4 The Promise GAP
- Not matching performance to promise
- GAP5 The service GAP
- GAP between customers perception and expectations
36Key Factors Leading to Provider Gap 1
Customer Expectations
Company Perceptions of Customer Expectations
37Key Factors Leading to Provider Gap 2
Customer-Driven Service Designs and Standards
Management Perceptions of Customer Expectations
38Key Factors Leading to Provider GAP 2
Company Perceptions of Customer Expectations
- Key Factors Related to Leadership
- Inadequate service leadership
- Lack of recognition that quality service
- is a profit strategy
- Imbalanced performance scorecard
Customer-Driven Service Designs and Standards
39Service Quality Spells Profits
Defensive Marketing
Volume of Purchase
Price Premium
Service Quality
Customer Retention
Word of Mouth
Market Share
Offensive Marketing
Price Premium
40Key Factors Leading to Provider GAP 3
Customer-Driven Service Designs and Standards
Service Delivery
41Strategies for Enhancing Customer Participation
Effective Customer Participation
Recruit, Educate, and Reward Customers
Define Customer Jobs
Manage the Customer Mix
42Three Roles Customers Can Play in Service Delivery
Service Delivery
Productive Resources
Contributors to Quality, Value, and Satisfaction
43Key Factors Leading to Provider GAP 4
Service Delivery
External Communications to Customers
44Employee Satisfaction
What influence external service value?
Employee Retention
External Service Value
Employee Productivity
45What are some of the benefits of long term and
loyal employees
- Long-term employees are knowledgeable about our
products, services, and policies and procedures.
- They have close relationship with customers
- They are familiar with our customers needs and
problems. - They can help us improve the quality of products
or services or the way we serve customers. - They are valuable resources for helping other
workers do a good job of serving customers and
can provide leadership on the front line.
46What are some of the dawbacks of long term
- They may have poor qualifications, knowledge and
skills - They may have a poor attitude towards serving
- They may not be innovative enough
- They are slow to learn new things
- They are afraid of changes
- Playing politics, bad habits etc
47Costs of High Turnover
Employee Dissatisfaction
High Turnover
High Costs
Visible Costs
Invisible Costs
- More recruiting
- More training
- Lower productivity
- of co-workers and
- management
- Internal
- Adverse effects on
- Employee quality
- Employee retention
- Wage levels
- Training efficiency
- External
- Adverse effects on
- Service quality
- Customer retention
48Costs of employee turn overs
- Rreplacing an employee with 5-8 years of
experience with one with less than 1 year
experience - Automobile sales 36,000 in sales per month
- Broker at a security firm 2.5 Million in
commission during the first 5 years.
49-Work place system design-Job
Design-Recruitment Selection-Training
Development-Opportunities for
advancement-learning opportunities-Employee
Reward Recognition-Empowerment tools for
serving customer
How to improve employee Satisfaction?
Internal Service Quality
Employee Satisfaction
50The Service Profit Chain (SPC)
51How to use the service profit chain?
- Measuring the relationships in the service profit
chain across units - Communicating results of the self-appraisal
resulting from the measurement - Developing a balanced score card of performance
measures - Designing efforts to help managers improve
service profit chain performance - Tying recognition and rewards to established
measures - Communicating results and encouraging best
52Reading Assignment
- Heskett J. L. Jones, T. O., Lovemen, G. W.,
Sasser, W. E. Schlesinger, L. A. Putting the
Service Profit Chain to Work, Harvard Business
Review, March- April 1994, pp 164-174 . - Berry, L. L, Zeithaml, V.A., Parasuraman, A.,
Five Imperatives for Improving Service Quality,
Sloan Management Review, Summer 1990, pp. 29-38 - .Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V.A., Berry, L.
L., A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and
Its implications for Future Research, Journal
of Marketing, Vol. 49, Fall 1985, pp. 41-50
53Thinking Assignments
- How can a company use the service profit chain to
help improve profit? Please list a few things
that a company can do.