Title: Breaking the Color Barrier:
1Breaking the Color Barrier
2Television 1956 Nat King Cole
Oprah Winfrey
3Boxing 1908 Jack Johnson
Muhammad Ali
4Acting Award 1940Hattie McDaniel
Sidney Poitier
5Law 1967Thurgood Marshall
Clarence Thomas
6International Award 1950 Ralph Bunche
Martin Luther King, Jr.
7First - 1910s Madame C.J.Walker
Robert Johnson
Oprah Winfrey
8Government 1966 Edward Brooke
Barak Obama
9Military 1940Gen. Benjamin Davis
Gen. Colin Powell
10Literature 1773Phillis Wheatley
Gwendolyn Brooks
11Education 1823 Alexander Lucien Twilight
Edward Alexander Bouchet
12Sports (Tennis) 1957Althea Gibson
Arthur Ashe
13Government 2001Colin Powell
Condaleezza Rice
14Space 1967 Robert H. Lawrence, Jr.
Guion Bluford
15Sports 1884 Moses Fleetwood Walker
Jackie Robinson
16National Poetry 1976Robert Hayden
Rita Dove
17Acting Award 1954 Dorothy Dandridge
Halle Berry
18Literature 1853William Wells Brown
Toni Morrison
19Congress 1969 Shirley Chisholm
Carol Moseley Braun
20Medicine 1921James McCune Smith
Charles Drew
21Aviation 1921 Bessie Coleman
Mae Jemison
22Sports 1960/1984 Rafer Johnson
Jackie Joyner Kersee
23 - We all have barriers to break. We may not be the
first but well still break barriers someday. -