Title: Peanut STS
1 Enzyme Structure Mechanism
Peanut STS
Alfalfa CHS
Highly homologous overall structures.
2Reactions Catalyzed by CHS and STS
3Different Cyclization in STS and CHS Hydrolysis
occurs ONLY during the Cyclization of STS
No thioesterase-like motif was found in STS. How
is the hydrolysis controlled in STS?
4(Nucleophilic) Water Molecule at the Active
Sites of STSs
Crystal structure of stilbene synthase from
Arachis hypogaea. Shomura, Y, Torayama, I, Suh,
D-Y, Kita, A, Sankawa, U and Miki, K (2005)
Proteins 60 803
5Proposed Aldol Switch Hydrogen Bond Network at
the STS Active Site
STS Active Site
3.0 Å
3.0 Å
2.8 Å
(3.6 Å)
2.8 Å
(3.5 Å)
2.7 Å
2.7 Å
(3.8 Å)
2.7 Å
2.7 Å
2.7 Å
putative nucleophilic water / hydroxide ion
An aldol switch discovered in stilbene synthases
mediates cyclization specificity of type III
polyketide synthases. Austin et al. Noel, JP
(2004) Chem. Biol. 111179
6Reaction Sequence in the STS Cyclization Hydrolys
is Occurs First.