Alex Gurevich ASC, University of Wisconsin
FNAL SRF Meeting, May 4, 2005
2Analytical thermal breakdown model
Instead of numerically solving this ODE, one can
solve much simpler equations for Tm and Ts
Kapitza thermal flux q ?(T,T0)(T T0)
For a general case of thermal quench, see A.
Gurevich and R. Mints, Reviews of Modern Physics
59, 941 (1987)
3Maximum temperature
Take BCS surface resistance residual
resistance R0
Since Tm T0 ltlt T0 even Hb, we may take ? and h
at T T0, and obtain the equation for Tm
4Breakdown rf field
Thermal runaway occurs at a rather weak
For ? gtgt d?, the breakdown field is limited by
the Kapitza resistance, ?(T)kT03. Thus,
is minimum at T0 ?/6
5Q-factor (linear resistance)
Q(Hb) ?Q(0)/e 0.37Q(0)
Q versus H0 for T0 2.2K and different
R0/RBCS(T0) 0, 0.2 and 0.5 (top to bottom).
6Nonlinear surface resistance in the clean limit
- RF dissipation was calculated for clean limit (l
gtgt ?) from kinetic equations for a superconductor
in a strong rf field superimposed on a dc field
H(t) H0 cos?t Hdc
- Nonlinear correction due to rf pairbreaking
increases as the temperature decreases - At low T, the nonlinearity becomes important
even for comparatively weak rf - amplitudes H? (T/Tc)Hc ltlt Hc
- RF power P depends quadratically on the dc
magnetic field. Field dependence of - P(H0) does not necessarily indicates vortex
7Thermal breakdown for nonlinear BCS resistance
Bi-quadratic equation for H0(Tm)
Breakdown field
8Q-factor (nonlinear resistance)
Comparison of Q(H0) for linear and nonlinear
models for ? 20 W/mK at T0 2K and R0 0.
(b) Same as in (a), except that the Kapitza
coefficient ? is doubled, from 0.5 W/cm2K to 1
9Effect of hotspots
What happens if the surface has macroscopic
regions of radius r0 where A(x,y) is locally
enhanced (impurities, GBs, thicker oxide
patches, etc)?
Each hotspot produces a temperature disturbance
which spreads along the cavity wall of thickness
d over the distance L gtgt r0
L increases with H and diverges at the breakdown
field, H Hb
10Weak hotspots
- Dimensionless hotspot strength
- Weak hotspots ? ltlt 1. For ? 20 W/mK, T0
2K and ? 0.5 W/cm2K, we get - Lh ? 3mm, with Lh(T) increasing as T decreases.
So hotspots with r0 lt 1mm are weak, - even for strong local inhomogeneity, A0 A gt A.
- Maximum temperature in the hotspot Tm relative
to the temperature Ts(H) in - the uniform part of the cavity
For h 1, r0/Lh 1/3, A0 3A, T0 2K, we
obtain Tm Ts 0.03K
11Averaged linear BCS surface resistance
- Here Si is the area of the i-th hotspot with
local Ai, S is the total surface area, - Rs(h) is the uniform BCS resistance with the
account of rf heating. -
CONCLUSIONS - Hotspots result in a strongly nonlinear
contribution to the global surface - resistance and can greatly increase the high
field Q slope. - The main contribution comes from the expansion
of the warmer area around a hotspot -
12Effect of hotspots on the Q-factor
T 2.5K
A small fraction of hotspots can significantly
change the high-field Q slope even for the
linear BCS surface resistance