Research methods and statistics in Cognitive Science by Annette Hohenberger - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Research methods and statistics in Cognitive Science by Annette Hohenberger


... a population where a genuine effect exists, we would overlook this effect in 20 ... detect an effect if one exists is 1- (i.e., 1- the p of overlooking the effect) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Research methods and statistics in Cognitive Science by Annette Hohenberger

Research methods and statistics in Cognitive
Science by Annette Hohenberger
  • Recapitulating/Introducing basics in Statistics
  • Chapter 1 Everything you ever wanted to know
    about statistics
  • Andy Field (20052) Discovering Statistics Using
    SPSS. Second Edition. London Sage.
  • Disclaimer
  • All pictures and equations are taken from chapter
    1 (2005) and chapter 2 (2000)?

Building statistical models
In Architecture 1. There is a real world
phenomenon, e.g., a physical bridge, which we
want to construct 2. We construct a model of the
bridge (see 3 models in Fig. 1) 3. We compare
the model(s) to the real world. How good are the
models? 4. We construct the real brigde
Field (2000) 2
In CogSci, how do we proceed?
1. We don't have access to a real-world
phenomenon in its entirety, e.g., to the
distribution of intelligence in the human kind 2.
Instead, we collect data (administer an
intelligence test) from the real world (draw a
sample) on the phenomenon we are interested in,
e.g., intelligence 3. We construct a model of the
data, e.g., analyze the mean IQ, SD, factorial
anaysis, etc. 4. We draw conclusions about the
real world phenomenon, how intelligence is
distributed in the population.
  • Sample
  • Subset of the population (as in Micro-census)?
  • Should be representative of the population (for
    valid inferences)?
  • Fully observable
  • Can be measured repeatedly
  • Various samples can be drawn
  • Population vs.
  • Entire set of people, animals, or objects
  • Usually not observable in its entirety
  • Attempts Macro-census

Statistical values of a sample- The mean -
  • Expl We draw a sample of 5 statistics teachers
    and determine how many friends they have
  • (12334)/52.6
  • The mean number of friends is 2.6
  • The mean is a statistical model of the
    population. It also sometimes written as ?
  • Total error sum of deviations
  • (-1.6)(-0.6)(0.4) (0.4)(1.4)0

Mean and total error
Sum of squared errors (SS)?
  • Errors are squared so to get rid of the direction
    of the error (if or )

The sum of the squared errors SS 5.20 Problem
SS depends on the number of subjects
Variance s²SS/n-1
  • We divide the sum of the squared errors by n-14
  • It's n-1 because of the degrees of freedom
  • if you have 5 observations, you can choose 4 of
    them freely, the last one, however, is determined

Standard deviation s square root of the
variance s²
S ? 1.3 1.14
  • The standard deviation is abbreviated with s, or
    sigma ???or SD

Same mean different SD's
  • Although the mean of two samples is the same,
    their SD's may not be the same

SE The SD of the population Mean
Population Mean
  • (the SE is a 2nd order SD)?

Individual sample mean
  • The SE is the SD of the mean of the population.
    If we draw multiple samples, the SE measures the
    variability between these different samples

SE The SD of the Mean
  • If we collected many many samples, their means
    would form a normal distribution, see diagram
  • The SD of this distribution is the SE.

Most samples would have values around the
mean, e.g. 2,6 friends
Few samples would have very low values, e.g.
only 1 friend
Few samples would have very high values, e.g.
only 5 friend
Calculating the SE, ?n
  • ?n ? / ?n
  • SE is SD divided by the square root of the sample

Summary - Example
  • Sample 5 lecturers have 1, 2, 3, 3, and 4
  • Mean (12334)/5 2.6
  • Sum of squared errors, SS ? ( xi x)2
  • (-1.6)2 (-0.6)2 (0.4)2 (0.4)2 (1.4)2
  • 2.56 0.36 0.16 0.16 1.96 5.2
  • Variance s2 SS/n-1 5.2/4 1.3
  • Standard deviation, s, SD ?s2 ?1.3 1.14
  • Standard error, SE SD/?n 1.14/?5 1.14/2.23

Frequency Distributions
The normal distribution/ bell-shaped curve
  • The 'normal distribution', made popular by Carl
    Friedrich Gauss, as depicted on the old
    10-DM-bill (DM 'Deutsche Mark', Germany's
    currency before the EURO)?

The ubiquity of the normal distribution
  • Many features in humans are normally distributed
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -

Examples for normal distributions in genetics
body height
Examples for normal distributions in genetics
skin colour
Examples for normal distributions in genetics -
Skewed distributions left skewed vs. Right
Mean Mode
Mode Mean
  • In skewed distributions, the mean is not a good
    characteristic. The mode or the median are better
    suited values for the central value.

Alternative average values
  • Mean statistical mean
  • 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 9 mean2.9
  • Median The value in the middle of a series of
    values, e.g.
  • 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 9 median2
  • Mode The most frequent value of a series,
  • 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 9 mode1
  • Note The median and the mode characterize
    non-normal distributions better than the mean.

Confidence IntervalsSignificance levels/Fisher's
  • Confidence intervals set boundaries within which
    the true value of the population falls.
  • The sample mean is the midpoint, and there is a
    lower and an upper boundary (two-tailed test) or
    there is just an lower or an upper boundary
    (one-tailed test).
  • We can choose the probability with which the
    population mean should fall within the confidence
    interval, usually with ???????????error
    chance??or????????????error chance???
  • When the statistical test (e.g., t-test, F-test)
    yields a value that is significant for an ?0.05
    or ?0.01, we can say that with an error
    probability of only 5 or 1 our finding is

Confidence Intervals two-tailed
  • Two-tailed testing
  • With a chosen confidence level of ??????, 2,5 of
    both sides of the distribution is cut off (2,5
    2,5 5). Within these two boundaries, the true
    value must fall.
  • If we have no expectation about the presumed
    direction of the effect, we make a two-tailed

In a normal distribution, 95 of the distribution
falls within the z-values from -1.96 to 1.96 (to
be looked up in the Appendix A1). Z-values are
standardized values in a standard normal
distribution with mean 0 and SD 1
Confidence interval, one-tailed
  • One-tailed testing
  • With a chosen confidence level of ??????, the
    entire error probability is accrued on one side.
  • If we have a clear expectation about the presumed
    direction of the effect (treatment goup should
    have smaller or bigger values than the control
    group), we make a one-tailed test.

Q Is it easier to get an effect statistically
significant for a chosen ?, in a two- or in a
one-tailed test?
Calculating boundaries of confidence intervals
  • The equation for calculating the lower and upper
    boundary for any given (normal) distribution is
  • lower boundary mean (1.96 x SE)?
  • upper boundary mean (1.96 x SE)?

Linear Models
  • The standard model in statistics is the
  • In a linear model, all data points are captured
    by an ideal straight line (therefore 'linear').
    The straight line either expresses a positive
    (upward line) or negative (downward line)
    relation between two variables.

Linear vs. Non-linear models
Pros and Cons of the Linear Model
  • Pro
  • Easy, feasible, less powerful
  • Most wide-spread in statistics
  • Often good approximation
  • Counter
  • Linearity is rather the exception than the rule
  • In nature, non-linearity is ubiquitous
  • There are non-linear tools availabe!
  • Good statistical demeanour first plot your data
    and then decide on a fit linear or non-linear

Is my model representative of the real world? -
H1 vs H0-
  • In an experiment, we test the
  • experimental hypothesis H1 against the null
    hypothesis H0. If the statistical test reaches
    significance (p0.05 or p0,01), we conclude that
    H1 is true, i.e., that our statistical model also
    represents the real world.

What can we conclude from a significance test?
  • 1. Is a significant effect automatically
    important or meaningful?
  • --gt NO, you can get any small effect significant
    if you take a big enough sample.
  • 2. Does a non-significant result mean that H0 is
    right? --gt NO, it just tells us that the effect
    is not big enough to be distinguishable from
  • --gt Null-effects should not be interpreted at
  • 3. Does a significant result mean that H0 is
    wrong? --gt NO, only that H0 is very unlikely
  • --gt Statistics only allow us to draw
    probabilistic conclusions

Is my model representative of the real world? -
variance -
  • In a test statistics we confront two types of
  • test statistics V1 variance explained by the
  • V2 variance not explained by the model
  • V1 is due to a genuine effect of the experimental
    condition (hopefully the one we have
  • V2 is a mixture of unsystematic (error) variance
    and systematic variance other than V1.
  • The more variance we can explain (V1), the better
    is our test statistics.

Type 1 and Type 2 Errors
  • Type 2, ??level
  • We believe there is no effect while there is one
  • Cohen suggests that the ??level of type 2 error
    be only p.2 (20)?
  • Expl If we repeat our test 100 times in a
    population where a genuine effect exists, we
    would overlook this effect in 20.
  • Type 1, ? level
  • We believe there is a genuine effect while there
    isn't any
  • The probability of this error is 5 if we accept
    the ? level of p0.05 (Fisher's criterion).
  • Expl If we repeat our test 100 times, there will
    be 5 tests that will turn out to be significant
    (making us think there is an effect)?

--gt There is a trade-off between Type 1 2
error The higher the one, the lower the other.
Effect size
  • As a means to judge whether a given effect is
    indeed important, we can calculate the 'effect
    size' of the test. The effect size is a
    standardized and objective measure of the
    magnitude of an observed effect
  • Cohen's d and Pearson's r are common measures
  • Pearson's r is a correlation coefficient that
    lies between 0 (no effect) and 1 (full effect).
  • Expl r.10 (small effect, explains 1 of the
  • r.30 (medium effect, explains 9 of the
  • r.50 (big effect, explains 25 of the
  • --gt It is recommended that the effect size is
    reported in any publication

Determining the effect sizeStatistical power
  • The ability of a test to detect an effect of a
    given size is called 'statistical power'.
  • The probability to detect an effect if one exists
    is 1-? (i.e., 1- the p of overlooking the
  • When the recommended ? level is .2, then the
    statistical power of a test should be 1-.2.8.
  • --gt The power of a statistical test should be .8,
    i.e., we want to have a 80 chance of detecting
    an effect if there is one in reality.

How to compute the statistical power ??of a test
  • 1. (Calculate the power of our test --gt to be
    done in later chapters, in concrete examples)?
  • 2. Estimate the sample size necessary for
    obtaining a desired level of power
  • n of required subjects effect size
  • n 783 for r .1
  • n 85 for r .3
  • n 28 fpr r .5
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