Title: Metropolitan Chicago Healthcare Council
1Metropolitan ChicagoHealthcare Council
- Emergency Preparedness Exercises 2009
- Participating hospitals are able to safely
evacuate a broad range of patients, staff, and
visitors in accordance with existing evacuation
3EVACUATING HOSPITAL Task 1.1 Priorities are
established with patient categories that need to
be evacuated first.
- A request comes in from the POD hospital wanting
to know which patients are critical. They want
to know how many of those patients are in each
- Evacuating hospital will be able to provide a
listing of how many patients are critical (e.g.
ICU, newborns).
4EVACUATING HOSPITAL Task 1.1 Priorities are
established with patient categories that need to
be evacuated first.
- Evacuating hospital will be able to rapidly make
decisions and provide a rationale for allowing
certain types of patients to go home. They are
able to discuss plans to arrange for
transportation of these patients (e.g. contacting
family members).
- There is increased tension among patients who
feel that they can leave under their own power.
5EVACUATING HOSPITAL Task 1.2 Visitors are
provided with accurate, timely, and useful
- Procedures for notifying visitors to leave the
hospital are provided by the evacuating hospital.
A means for getting the message to the visitors
in a power outage are discussed.
- There are hundreds of visitors in many of the
patient rooms and in the waiting room areas.
6EVACUATING HOSPITAL Task 1.2 Visitors are
provided with accurate, timely, and useful
- Evacuating hospital activates staff to deal with
upset parents. A strategy is developed to not
make them part of the problem. Use of the Red
Cross patient connection program is discussed.
- Many visitors are refusing to leave the hospital
until they know what is going to happen to their
loved ones. Parents in the pediatrics wing are
especially upset.
7EVACUATING HOSPITAL Task 1.2 Visitors are
provided with accurate, timely, and useful
- Security procedures for dealing with the visitors
are discussed. Counselors are activated to deal
with these visitors.
- Word has rapidly spread that the hospital is
evacuating. There is a group of about 40
visitors in the lobby demanding to accompany
their loved ones. Three of these visitors have
walked on their own to various parts of the
8EVACUATING HOSPITAL Task 1.2 Visitors are
provided with accurate, timely, and useful
- The evacuating hospital begins to enter
information regarding the destination hospital of
patients who are evacuated.
- A HAN Alert is issued indicating that the Red
Cross Patient Connection Program is activated.
9EVACUATING HOSPITAL Task 1.3 Staffing issues
are considered.
- Considerations regarding whether or not to call
off staff are discussed.
- There is a clerical and nursing shift change
scheduled to occur in one hour.
10EVACUATING HOSPITAL Task 1.3 Staffing issues
are considered.
- Hospital discusses safety precautions that are
taken to protect staff.
- One elderly clerk has fainted after working in
the building with indoor temperatures nearing 90
11EVACUATING HOSPITAL Task 1.3 Staffing issues
are considered.
- Human resource issues regarding the reassignment
of staff are addressed.
- It is expected that the hospital will be
completely evacuated within 8 hours. CDPH and
IDPH inquire as to whether or not the staff from
the evacuating hospital can fill any shifts to
ease the burden on other surging hospitals.
12EVACUATING HOSPITALTask 1.4 Critical patients
are triaged and safely evacuated.
- Inject cards will be distributed and patients
will utilize props to simulate actual evacuation
- Evacuating hospital will apply tactical
procedures as it pertains to a wide-range of
patients with conditions in accordance with those
patient profiles provided to the Great Lakes
13EVACUATING HOSPITALTask 1.5 Facility recovery
issues are addressed.
- Indoor temperatures are expected to exceed 90
and will persist for at least another 24 hours.
- Facilities unit leader will discuss the process
that is being planned and considerations for
getting the building back on line to accept
- Receiving hospitals are able to activate
effective medical surge procedures in response to
an increase in patients from the heat wave and
receipt of patients from an evacuated hospital.
non-traditional hospital space will be utilized
to meet surge demands.
- HICS group will make decisions based on the
following considerations patient condition,
expected length of stay, available space. Areas
to be utilized will be identified.
- As a result of the extended heat wave, the
receiving hospital is currently at 10 over their
normal bed capacity. The receipt of additional
patients from the evacuating hospital is likely
to increase that surge to over 20 of normal bed
non-traditional hospital space will be utilized
to meet surge demands.
- Hospital staff will begin to perform the function
of preparing non-traditional space for surge
demands. Patients will be placed in the space.
- With the rapid arrival of patients, it is assumed
that the hospital will exceed 25 of bed capacity
within the hour. Elective surgeries have already
been cancelled and currently admitted patients
are being reviewed for rapid discharge.
17RECEIVING HOSPITALTask 2.2 Hospitals are able
to activate procedures to rapidly register
- The HICS incident commander contacts the ED and
needs to be able to know where all patients are
being transferred within the hospital.
- Hospital begins to conduct rapid registration of
all patients.
18RECEIVING HOSPITALTask 2.3 Hospitals address
issues as they relate to evacuated patients
arriving without adequate records.
- Three patients arrive to the hospital without
medical records or medication lists. Two of the
three are non-ambulatory and one is on a
- Receiving hospital HICS group identifies
agency/hospital to contact and information
needed. Calls are made to appropriate points of
19RECEIVING HOSPITALTask 2.4 Critical patients
are triaged and admitted.
Expected Outcome
- Receiving hospital will apply tactical procedures
as it pertains to a wide-range of patients with
conditions in accordance with those patient
profiles provided to the Great Lakes volunteers.
- Inject cards will be distributed and patients
will utilize props to simulate actual medical
surge considerations.
- Chicago first responder agencies and Hospitals
are able to collectively establish command and
control and coordinate response actions as it
pertains to movement of patients and management
of fatalities utilizing NIMS and ICS.
control under unified command is established.
- Upon activation of the JOC, OEMC, CFD, and CDPH
will identify staffing of various ICS lead roles.
- An incident commander, section chiefs and
branches/units are identified and staffed
22JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER Task 3.1 Command and
control under unified command is established.
- A call comes into the resource hospital
indicating that power has been lost and they may
need to evacuate. The resource hospital contacts
the POD as this will likely require regional
coordination of resources.
- The POD and resource hospital discuss the
criteria for expanding this to a regional
incident and how the coordination occurs at the
POD level. Resource management between the POD
and Chicago responder agencies is addressed.
23JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER Task 3.2 The patient
connection system is activated.
- OEMC coordinates with other agencies at the JOC
to determine how to reunite families with
patients who are evacuated.
- Over 50 calls have been received by the 911
center from family members of those evacuated.
They want to know where their loved ones were
24JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER Task 3.2 The patient
connection system is activated.
- CDPH issues a HAN alert to all Chicago hospitals
advising them to utilize the patient connection
system for this emergency.
- Red Cross representative in the JOC recommends
the use of the Patient Connection system.
Hospitals need to be notified.
25JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER Task 3.2 The patient
connection system is activated.
- Red Cross and CDPH coordinate communications with
the evacuating hospital to determine the
destination of "missing" patients.
- Calls begin to be received by the Red Cross
(notional) from family members inquiring about
the status of their loved ones who have been
evacuated. There are some patients who have been
evacuated who are not in the system.
26JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER Task 3.3 The movement
of patients is communicated and coordinated by
the JOC, POD, and Evacuating hospital.
- JOC agencies collectively address the need for
ambulance surge utilizing private providers.
- CFD ambulances have been overwhelmed by runs
involving those victims of heat-related stress.
The POD has received a request to move 120 high
priority patients from Rush.
27JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER Task 3.3 The movement
of patients is communicated and coordinated by
the JOC, POD, and Evacuating hospital.
- CFD ambulances have been overwhelmed by runs
involving those victims of heat-related stress.
The POD has received a request to move 120 high
priority patients from Rush.
- PPERS identifies where resources will be drawn to
move these patients using private ambulance
28JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER Task 3.3 The movement
of patients is communicated and coordinated by
the JOC, POD, and Evacuating hospital.
- Calls come into the POD from the evacuating
hospital. They are requesting to move some of
the non-critical patients utilizing some of their
shuttle buses. There are approximately 145 of
these non-critical patients.
- IDPH discusses the steps involved in granting a
waiver to the hospital to grant movement of these
patients in alternate vehicles.
29JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER Task 3.4 Briefings are
conducted by Chicago unified command.
- The City's incident commander conducts a briefing
to the JOC group and over conference call to all
HICS groups that join the call. The briefing
identifies the command structure, resources
ordered, and questions/answers from the hospitals
regarding coordination.
- Hospitals in the region are calling the JOC
trying to find out what the City is doing to help
coordinate this emergency. They are wondering if
they should coordinate directly with the POD or
the JOC.
30JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER Task 3.5 Fatality surge
is coordinated by Chicago unified command.
- The City unified command group discusses options
and identifies facilities to move these bodies.
It is also determined who will move these bodies.
- Every Chicago hospital is reporting that as a
result of the heat wave, they have experienced an
increase in fatalities after they were admitted,
particularly among the elderly. They have begun
stacking in the hospital morgues and 5 hospitals
have reported that they have begun to move bodies
into non-traditional spaces such as conference
rooms that are being kept cool by air
conditioning. They will soon be facing a crisis
to get these bodies to an alternate morgue site
or funeral home. The electronic death records
process has greatly slowed down their ability to
move them to funeral homes. The Cook County
Morgue is near capacity and is not accepting any
more non-ME cases. Initial estimates are that 175
bodies are required to be moved.
31JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER Task 3.5 Fatality surge
is coordinated by Chicago unified command.
- Unified command formulates decisions to move
these fatalities.
- The evacuating hospital's morgue has lost
refrigeration capability and will need to move
the 12 dead patients immediately.
32JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER Task 3.5 Fatality surge
is coordinated by Chicago unified command.
- The medical examiner addresses steps related to a
body that shows up without identification.
- The evacuating hospital has taken it upon
themselves to transport two bodies in a van to
the Cook County Morgue. One of those bodies is
delivered to the morgue without identification.
Hospitals are able to activate key HICS
- Operations and logistics sections are clearly
defined. A liaison officer is coordinating
communications with Chicago ICS.
- The heat wave has forced the hospital to activate
HICS to manage the surge in patient volume. The
announcement of an evacuation has forced the
hospital to mobilize all key HICS positions and
begin coordination.
- Hospitals are able to effectively utilize
existing HAvBed and ESAR-VHP systems for the
management of resources.
35JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER Task 4.1 Available bed
data is accurate and able to be accessed.
- The POD hospital is able to provide bed data to
CFD for all hospitals within the EMS region.
- CFD EMS is aware of an increasing number of
hospitals in Chicago that have gone on bypass.
The EMS Chief needs information on available bed
data to be able to effectively route patients.
36JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER Task 4.1 Available bed
data is accurate and able to be accessed.
- The POD hospital reaches out to other regional
PODs and requests available bed data from the
Christ Hospital POD and the Loyola POD.
- The Region 11 POD hospital indicates that many
hospitals in the region are on bypass and
beginning to exceed daily bed census by as much
as 20.
utilized for the management of volunteers to meet
surge demands.
- CDPH assigns volunteers through the Illinois
ESAR-VHP system to hospitals that have requested
additional staff. Hospitals use the Illinois
ESAR-VHP system to verify the credentials of the
volunteers assigned to them.
- Hospitals across the city are experiencing staff
shortages. Several affected hospitals have
requested assistance in maintaining staffing.
utilized for the management of volunteers to meet
surge demands.
- Facilities verify the credentials of the
spontaneous volunteers using the Illinois
ESAR-VHP system.
- Spontaneous volunteers have begun arriving at
affected facilities.
- Hospitals are able to communicate in operable and
interoperable modes during an evacuation.
notifications are conducted to inform hospital
staff that an evacuation has been ordered.
- HICS communication unit will rapidly gather the
information to be included in the message and
broadcast the message to all appropriate staff in
a facility without power.
- HICS has made the decision that an evacuation is
warranted. At this point in time, numerous
hospital departments have made cell phone calls
to the command group seeking instruction.
41EVACUATING HOSPITALTask 5.2 Tactical operable
communications are effectively established.
- HICS communication unit will identify
communication strategy to manage the evacuation
within the hospital.
- Land line phones and public address systems are
not working due to the power outage.
42EVACUATING HOSPITALTask 5.2 Tactical operable
communications are effectively established.
- All recipients of notification will acknowledge
receipt of message. Message will be sent through
either voice cellular, SMS text, Email, or text
- A call down to all HICS section chiefs and unit
leaders will be conducted by the communications
unit leader.
and Chicago ICS agencies are able to establish
interoperable communications.
- A CDPH HAN Alert is issued indicating that Med
Channel 9 will be utilized for the purposes of
making broadcast announcements pertaining to the
evacuation of City of Chicago hospitals.
- HICS command receive the HAN alert via cell
phone, acknowledge receipt, and begin to monitor
Med Channel 9.
and Chicago ICS agencies are able to establish
interoperable communications.
- Two-way communication between the evacuating
hospital and CDPH are established by providing
brief situation reports. CDPH will acknowledge
successful transmission of these reports.
- Inject The liaison officer at the hospital will
need to communicate evacuation status with CDPH
utilizing Med Channel 9.
and Chicago ICS agencies are able to establish
interoperable communications.
- Hospitals utilize existing systems (landlines,
cellular, paging, internet) for management of
communications. Communication unit leader has
the necessary contact information for the JOC.
- CDPH sends HAN to all area hospitals regarding
evacuation. All hospitals not experiencing
losses of power are requested to utilize routine
communication devices.