P2VoD: Providing Fault Tolerant VideoonDemand Streaming in PeertoPeer Environment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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P2VoD: Providing Fault Tolerant VideoonDemand Streaming in PeertoPeer Environment


Architecture uses a P2P approach to stream video using patching ... Patch serving. Base tree construction & patch server selection algorithm ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: P2VoD: Providing Fault Tolerant VideoonDemand Streaming in PeertoPeer Environment

P2VoD Providing Fault Tolerant Video-on-Demand
Streaming in Peer-to-Peer Environment
  • Tai T.Do, Kien A. Hua, Mounir A. Tantaoui
  • Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications
    (ICC 2004)

  • Introduction
  • Related Work
  • Architecture of P2VoD
  • Performance Evaluation
  • Conclusion

  • P2P approach can potentially solve many serious
    problems posed in existing streaming systems
  • Infeasibility of IP Multicast
  • Network bottleneck at the video server
  • Several projects on live streaming
  • Not trivial to apply these techniques into VoD

Introduction (cont.)
  • Live streaming
  • Shorter end-to-end delay, more lively the stream
  • Short tree rooted at the video server
  • User simply joins an on-going live streaming
  • User may not quit if QoS degrades
  • VoD streaming
  • Liveness is irrelevant, video is pre-recorded
  • Whole video must be delivered
  • User will stop watching if QoS degrades

Introduction (cont.)
  • Proposed techniques not based on any existing
    live streaming systems
  • Problems to be solved for a P2P VoD streaming
  • Fast and localized failure recovery without
  • Quick join
  • Effective handling of clients asynchronous
  • Small control overhead
  • P2VoD (Peer-to-Peer approach for VoD streaming)

Related Work P2Cast
  • Architecture uses a P2P approach to stream video
    using patching
  • Build application level multicast tree
  • Server streams the entire video over base tree
  • P2Cast clients provide two functions
  • Base stream forwarding
  • Patch serving
  • Base tree construction patch server selection
  • Best Fit (BF) find the fattest pipes to
    requesting clients
  • BF-delay also use network delay information
  • BF-delay-approx not using actual available
    bandwidth, (1 or 0 represents enough bandwidth
    or not)

Architecture of P2VoD
  • A streaming connection is assumed to constant
  • equals to the playback rate of the video
  • Retrieval block (R-block) as a data unit of the
  • equivalent to one unit of playback time
  • Each client has a buffer, whose maximum size is
    worth of MB units of playback time (i.e. MB

Architecture of P2VoD (cont.)
  • abX actual amount of buffer storage used by a
    client X
  • 1 abX MB
  • By using the cache, early arriving client can
    serve late coming clients by forwarding the
  • tjX the joining time of a client X
  • X can serve clients whose joining time
  • tjX , tjX abX

P2VoD system
  • abC1 MB 5, abC4 3 lt MB
  • When C6 arrives to the system at time 3, the
    first R-block of the video is still in the buffer
    of C1
  • C1 can serve the video stream to C6

Architecture of P2VoD (cont.)
  • Generation
  • Group of clients having the same smallest
    numbered R-block in their caches
  • Generations are also numbered
  • G1 as the oldest generation to Gn as the youngest
  • Clients in these generations, excluding the
    server, form a video session
  • A video session is closed
  • none of the clients has the first R-block of the

P2VoD system
  • C1, C2 , C3 , C4 , and C5 all have the same
    smallest number R-block

Data Caching and Generation (cont.)
  • Rules to build generations
  • Generations are indexed by numbers starting from
  • Members of a lower indexed generation arrive to
    the system no latter than any member of other
    higher indexed generations
  • A peer in generation i-th (i gt 1) receives the
    video stream from a peer in generation (i 1)-th
  • Peers at the first generation receive the video
    stream directly from the server
  • When joining a video session of the system, a new
  • belongs to the current highest numbered
    generation, OR
  • be the first member of a newly created generation
    of that video session

Data Caching and Generation (cont.)
  • Caching scheme with the generation concept
  • X and Y join the same generation at time tjX and
  • Caching Rule The difference of actual cache
    sizes used by two peers in the same generation
    must offset the difference in their arrival times
  • abX abY tjY tjX

Data Caching and Generation (cont.)
  • Assume that at time 36, peer C3 fails.
  • C1, C2, C4, C5 available to C8
  • allow a quick and localized recovery for C8

Control Protocol
  • Control Protocol is required to maintain the
    system connectivity
  • Neighbors of peer X
  • Siblings (peer in same G) need to keep a list of
    their IP addresses
  • Periodically update the list
  • Update the list on-demand (joining/leaving)
  • Child agree to forward the video stream, X needs
    to send the IP addresses of X and its siblings to
    its child
  • Parent first join the system, X sends the IP
    address to its parent

Join Algorithm
  • Server S has the list of peers at the youngest
    generation for each video session, denoted as Gy
  • Expiration time is the same for every
    member of the youngest generation
  • Initially, when the system is empty
  • is set to minus infinity
  • Set of youngest generation peers contains only S

Join Algorithm (cont.)
  • Case 1
  • If all of the existing video sessions are closed,
    X will be admitted if server S still has enough
  • Otherwise, X will be rejected
  • Case 2
  • For the case where there is at least one existing
    video session still open, X will try to join that
    video session

Join Algorithm (cont.)
  • Case 2 proceeds as follows.
  • Step1
  • X contacts a random member of the Gy set
  • acquires the list of peers at the super
    generation of Gy.
  • Step2
  • If texp at the super generation gt tjX, then go to
  • Otherwise go to Step4
  • Step3 (generation not expired)
  • X selects a parent from the super generation
  • If such a candidate exists, X becomes a member of
  • X starts receiving the video stream from its
    selected parent
  • X sets its actual cache size abX to conform to
    the caching rule
  • Otherwise go to Step4

Join Algorithm (cont.)
  • Case 2 proceeds as follows.
  • Step4 (generation expired)
  • A new generation is formed below Gy
  • X becomes the first member of that generation
  • Actual cache size abX is set to equal to MB
  • X selects a peer from Gy as its parent
  • If no such peer exists, X tries other open video
    sessions or contacts the server

Parent Selection Criteria
  • Round Robin Selection
  • promote the fairness among peers
  • the requesting peer should select a peer, who
    hasnt served any client for the longest period
    of time
  • Smallest Delay Selection
  • minimize the joining time of the requesting peer
  • the requesting peer picks the first peer in the
    candidate group, who has enough out-bound
  • Smallest Distance Selection
  • reduce the number of links involved in the
    underlying network
  • the requesting peer chooses a peer, who has
    enough out-bound bandwidth and closest to it

Failure Recovery
  • P2VoD uses a two-phase failure recovery protocol
  • 1) Detecting failure
  • Grateful failures When a peer leaves the system,
    it forwards the LEAVE_MESSAGE to its children
  • Unexpected failures it happens unexpectedly
    without any explicit warning, peers in P2VoD are
    required to monitor their incoming traffic

Failure Recovery (cont.)
  • 2) Recovering from failures
  • Failure at a peer X, the whole sub-tree under X
    is affected
  • The rest of the sub-tree are informed to wait
    through the WAIT msg
  • A disrupted peer X finds a new parent
  • X contacts the siblings of its parent
  • If no such parent exists, X contacts the server
  • Otherwise, X is rejected
  • X succeeds, the sub-tree is recovered
  • X fails, the immediate children of X will invoke
    the recovery process

Performance Evaluation
  • Examine the effects of two parameters in P2VoD
  • max number of clients allowed in the first
    generation of each video session, K
  • max buffer size each client can use, MB
  • Compare P2VoD with P2Cast
  • Network topology using GT-ITM
  • Clients arriving to system follow the Poisson
  • one Transit network (with 4 nodes)
  • 12 stub domains (with 96 nodes)
  • backbone link support 25 streams
  • edge link support 7 concurrent streams

Performance Evaluation (cont.)
  • Rejection probability
  • probability that a client tries to join the
    system but can not get the service
  • Server stress
  • amount of bandwidth used at the server, or the
    number of streams established at the server
  • Number of contacts during the recovery
  • number of nodes a client has to contact during
    the recovery process

Rejection probability for various maximum buffer
sizes (K 3)
  • MB is varied from 0.1 to 0.4 of the length of the
  • When doubling size of MB, the rejection
    probability is reduced by half

Server stress with various values of K (MB 0.1)
  • In light workload, almost every clients get the
    video stream directly from the server
  • In heavy workload, most clients get the video
    stream from some other client, not the server
  • With small K, a failure at the first generation
    will likely cause disruption the whole video
  • With large K, such failure only cause a portion
    of the
  • video session to be in
  • recovery mode

P2VoD vs. P2Cast Client rejection probability
  • P2VoD use K 6 MB 0.2
  • The threshold for P2Cast is set at 0.2.
  • P2VoD outperforms BF because P2Cast requires each
    client to obtain two streams

P2VoD vs. P2Cast Server stress
  • In P2VoD, a video session is open as long as
    clients in the Gy still have the first block of
    the video buffer
  • In P2Cast, a video session is open for a short
    period of time starting when the first client
    join the video session and last for the length of
    the threshold

P2VoD vs. P2Cast Failure overhead
  • Clients arrive to the system at a rate of 0.4 per
    second during a period of 2 hours (3516 clients)
  • When the failure probability increases, the
    number of clients contacted during a recovery
  • more clients leave the system, network bandwidth
    is also released
  • easier for an affected client to find a new parent

  • P2VoD, a new system for Video-On-Demand streaming
    in a Peer-to-Peer environment
  • the concept of generation and caching scheme to
    deal effectively with failures
  • An efficient control protocol help P2VoD to
    allow clients join the system fast, as well as to
    recover failures in a quick and localized manner
  • Simulation-based performance study shows that
    P2VoD is superior than P2Cast
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