Title: Water, Energy, and Carbon Cycling in the Sevilleta
1Water, Energy, and Carbon Cycling in the
- Shirley Kurc
- PhD candidate, University of Colorado
- Advisor Eric Small
A Science and Technology Center (STC) of the
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Assistance with field work related to this study
John Boulanger, Jim Elliott, Doug McGhee
- Field Sites
- Methods
- Water and Energy Dynamics (ET)
- Carbon dynamics
- Questions, Future Work
4Field Sites
5Methods Measuring Evapotranspiration (ET)
- Bowen Ratio Method
- Measure
- Temperature gradient
- Vapor pressure gradient
- Net Radiation
- Ground heat flux
- Calculate ET from energy balance
6Methods Measuring Evapotranspiration (ET)
7Why study ET?
Runoff, Infiltration, And Recharge http//jan.ucc
.nau.edu/wittke GLG100/Groundwater.html
Biogeochemical Cycling Photo J. Hendrick
Soil Moisture Dynamics
Land-Atmosphere Interactions http//www.sevilleta.
Riparian Hydrology http//www.sahra.ari
Carbon Cycle http//www.gsfc.nasa.gov/gsfc/
8Water and EnergyWater Balance
9Water and Energy Energy Balance
rl et
Rn - G SH LE
10Two Different EcosystemsSite Differences
11Water and EnergyET is nearly identical at the
12Water and EnergyAvailable energy is higher at
the grassland
Available Energy (Q) Q Rn G Equals the
sum of latent and sensible heating
13Water and EnergySoil moisture controls
evaporative fraction
Evaporative Fraction EF LE / Rn G
- The fraction of available energy used toward
latent heating (et).
r2 0.89
r2 0.82
(0-5 cm)
(0-5 cm)
14Water and EnergyTimescales are Fast
Volumetric Water Content
2.9 days
2.3 days
2.3 days
1.4 days
15Why study Carbon?
- Hydrologic processes mediated by plants
- transpiration
- interception loss
- infiltration
- surface runoff
- Biologic processes mediated by water availability
in soil - growth
- reproduction
- seedling establishment
- Woody encroachments identified as possible
location for carbon sequestration
19Questions, Future Work
- Estimating ET
- ? can we estimate ET from knowledge of soil
moisture (in the top 5 cm of soil)? - Partitioning ET into evaporation vs
transpiration -
- how do shrub and grass differ?
- how does the Sevilleta differ from other areas?
20Questions, Future Work
- Estimating NEE
- can we estimate soil respiration from soil
moisture? - are assimilation and respiration dynamics in the
Sevilleta similar to those in other arid areas? - Carbon Sequestration
- is this woody encroachment a carbon sink?
- or can we tell?