Title: Safemark Inroom Safe Desirability Research
1Safemark In-room Safe Desirability Research
- Prepared by D.K. Shifflet Associates Ltd.
- August 2004
2Research Objectives
- Provide insight into the value placed upon
in-room safes by Comfort Inn, Hampton Inn and
Holiday Inn guests. - 2. Determine the extent that in-room safes
contribute to a guests satisfaction with their
stay and how much added value an in-room safe
provides to a guest. - 3. Identify where in-room safes rank on a
hierarchical list of similar level hotel
amenities - 4. Determine guest in-room safe usage, as well
as acceptable price points for usage and the
impact of a warranty offer on safe desirability.
3Methodology Recent Hotel Guests Were Identified
in D.K. Shifflet Associates, DIRECTIONS
- A four page questionnaire asking for an
evaluation of specific room amenities (including
in-room safes), in-room safe usage, and
safety/security issues was mailed to guests in
July, 2004 - Amenities tested- in-room safe - hairdryer
- - electronic key card - pay-per-view TV
- - high speed internet - newspaper
- - coffee/tea - mini-bar
- Hotel guests included and the resultant
respondent samples were - - Comfort Inn (n166)
- - Hampton Inn (n159)
- - Holiday Inn (n143)
- 50 of all mailed questionnaires were returned
within two weeks -
- 468 respondents met study qualifications
4Was Amenity Available?
5In-Room Safe Available for One In Three
GuestsWhile Over Half Reported Availability of
High Speed Internet.Basic Amenities (key,
coffee, hairdryer) Reported By Most Guests.
Q Was item available when you stayed at hotel?
BaseTotal respondents
Comfort Inn, Hampton Inn, Holiday Inn
6In-Room Safes More Available At Higher Priced
Hotels (Holiday).High Speed Internet
Availability Higher Among More Business Oriented
Hotels (Hampton).
Q Was item available when you stayed at hotel?
BaseTotal respondents
Comfort Inn, Hampton Inn, Holiday Inn
7Is Amenity Important?
8In-Room Safe and High Speed Internet Are Equally
Q How important is having item? BaseTotal
9Do You Expect to have Item in Hotel Room?
10One Third of Guests Expect In-Room Safe in Hotel
Room-Equal to High Speed Internet and
Pay-Per-View Expectations
QDo you expect to have item in hotel room?
BaseTotal respondents
11How Likely Are You to Use Item?
12Guests Equally Likely to Use An In-Room Safe and
High Speed Internet.
Q How likely are you to use item? BaseTotal
13Do You Feel Hotels Offering this Amenity Care
More About Their Guests?
14Hotels Offering In-Room Safes Care More About
Guests- Equal to High-Speed Internet and
Electronic Key Cards
QDo you feel hotels offering this amenity care
more about their guests? BaseTotal respondents
15Rank In Order of Desirability 1Most/8Least
16Similar to the Usage Split Seen Earlier, Amenity
Desirability Splits Into Two Groups High and
Moderate.- In-Room Safe is 1 Is the Moderate
Desirability Group
Q Rank in order of desirability BaseTotal
17Have You Ever Used An In-Room Safe?
18Business Guests and Guests with Theft Experience
More Likely to Have Used In-Room Safe.
Q When traveling have you ever used an in-room
safe to secure valuables? BaseTotal respondents
19Do You Feel the Availability of an In-Room Safe
Increases the Value of Your Hotel Room?
20Areas of Importance to Travelers
Q Rate the importance of each area of a hotel
room BaseTotal respondents