Title: Quotes
1Quotes Questions
- Feel free to use anything that you find
- attractive, annoying, inspiring, true, false,
- whatever
- But cite where you got it dialogic BV,
- Velp, The Netherlands
- martijn_at_dialogic-leadership.com
2Any market is contestible.
3Are you going to adopt a wait-and-see-policy or
are you going to do something?
4True leaders endorse and enable leadership in
5Knowledge per sé is obsolete. The power to
aggregate it takes over.
6Do you want control (fear n loathing) or to
embrace change (love n fun)?
7Its not about dividing the world in suits and
ponytails Its about truly accepting yourself
and others as they are.
8Quit sticking labels. Start thinking of your
organisation as a bunch of people, not an org
9People in roles, not functions. Dynamic teams,
not business units.
10Any job is a project.
11You yourself are a project too, BTW.
12The greatest job you can do in any job is making
it obsolete. ASAP.
13Promote people that make mistakes. It breeds
14Projects should be staffed based on their desired
output, not on who provides the politically
correct input.
15Are you a writer, a talker, a listener, a
thinker, a mozer, a ....? And your team
members? Your boss? How do they see you?
16We hope you get paid to think. If you dont share
this, think. Think hard.
17Look, feel, be. Use your senses!
18You get paid to work 40-something hours, right?
If you can do it in say, 24 hours, the rest of
the time is yours. To have fun inside the company
doing other things.
19Do your Y! homework! When are you going to
20Inspiration is in strange places.
21When was the last time you read a book? Poetry?
Saw a great concert? Chopped some wood? Had sex
in a strange place? Painted a picture? Cooked a
great meal? (microwaving junk from the deli
doesnt count). Took your shoes off in the park
to feel the grass?
22Self liquidate your cost.
23The more you tell about you, the more youll
learn from the other.
24The more you listen, the more youll learn.
25Keep it simple, stupid. If it aint, go back and
think harder.
26Does the sale legitimise the investment or does
the investment legitimise the sale?
27Whats more important your E.P.S. or having a
good time?
28Consultative selling for dummies turn on your
inner receiver and shut down the transmitter
29Dont stop doing things when your making
strategy. Block time for it and then test it.
30Thinking it up isnt hard. Getting it done is.
31I am the only one who really works hard and get
things done here. Time to work on your
communication skills, maybe?
32What-the-fuck-are-you-going-to-do-about-it?!? I
want it solved. NOW. Try What the fuck are we
going to do to stop this happening next time and
how are we going to solve it ASAP? next time.
33Create decision points.
34Document them so you dont have to do the same
work twice.
35Idea people are the ones who leave you the
soonest if they get stuck getting leverage for
their ideas. Theyre also likely to become your
fiercest competitors. What are you going to do to
keep them?
36Do you want results or documented 09.05 to 16.55
attendance? And nag about it?
37If you havent laughed for a day, chances are
that you are taking it all way too seriously
38Are you passionate about what you do? If not, why
39Innovation is often found in strange corners. Try
having a beer with the guy who runs your mailroom
or a shift in the factory.
40Remember that whats an inch for you could feel
like a mile for somebody else.
41If you really want something to change, ask
yourself what made you want it. Explain that to
the others involved. Otherwise nothing much is
going to change.
42The biggest contradiction in terms is LINEAR
43If you do not seek a constant dialogue with your
customers, forget finding customers altogether
44Sometimes it helps to throw someone in the water
to see if he swims. You can always jump in after
him and offer hot cocoa and warm towels later.
45Create your own definition of freedom.
46If you have one problem, you dont have a
problem. Wait for some more. The solution you
come up with is bound to solve them all in one go.
47Do you say BUT or SO more often? (inertia vs.
action )
48Theres more beauty in wanting to make things
work than repeating that they dont.
49Start with what you have, rather than with what
you havent got.
50Men arent better than women. Nor are women
better than men. Theyre just different. (Thats
great and it might even make the difference
between the success and failure of a project)