Title: Overview of the Labor Market
1Economics 321 Labor Economics Fall
2008 Monday/Wednesday/Friday 210PM-300PM 138
2Ms. Hai-Lan (Helen) Yang 78 Heady
Hall pseudo_at_iastate.edu
Teaching Assistant
3- Aim To develop a working knowledge of
- economic models of discrimination
- federal antidiscrimination laws
- Models of marriage and household decisions
- Facts regarding wages, education, occupation and
labor supply for various majority and minority
4- 3x5 Card
- Name Last, First
- Long Term Academic Objective
- Long Term Job Objective
- 1 thing you want to learn this term in Econ 321
5Blau, Francine D., Marianne A. Ferber, and Anne
E. Winkler. 2006. The Economics of Women, Men and
Work, 5th edition. Pearson Prentice Hall.
- A. Economics of Discrimination
- Models of Discrimination
- Empirical Evidence on Differences
- Explained Differences the Human Capital Model
- Measuring Discrimination the Earnings Function
- Applications to various groups
- Discrimination laws
- B. Household Formation and Production
- Theory of Marriage
- Time Allocation in the household
7 Expectations Exams Problems Sets Class
Participation Team Class Presentation Econ
ometric Exercise http//www.econ.iastate.edu/clas
- Take 5 minutes to locate your teammates
- Pick 3 papers you would be willing to present in
order of preference - List on 4x6 card with your names and hand in
9What is discrimination?
- Websters discriminate
- To make a distinction to use good judgment
- To make a difference in treatment or favor on a
basis other than individual merit.
10What is discrimination?
- Economic definition (Thomas Sowell)
- To offer different transaction terms to
individuals differing only by group membership
(antagonism. See Blau et al, p. 203) - To offer different transaction terms to
individuals because of subjectively held opinions
regarding relevant criteria (institutional or
unconscious) - To offer different transaction terms to
individuals because of accurate knowledge of
group differences (statistical) - To put a price on unproductive attributes
11What is discrimination?
- Economic definition (Thomas Sowell)
- To offer different transaction terms to
individuals based on individual attributes - Can be unfair, but it is not discrimination
unless it has a group dimension
12What is discrimination?
- Deviation from competitive labor market
equilibrium - To be shown