Title: WES The European Network to Promote Womens
1WESThe European Network toPromote
- September 2006
- Marianne Karlberg
2Aim of the W E S
- Raising visibility of existing women
entrepreneurs - Create a climate that is favourable to women
entrepreneurs - Increase the number of new women entrepreneurs
3The means to reach this
- To be a discussion partner towards the European
Union (Commission and Parliament) - To co-operate with already existing networks and
organisations - Benchmarking exchange information, knowledge
and good practise
- All the member countries in the European Union
including the accessing countries and - Norway and Iceland
- The members represent national governments and
central institutions with - responsibility to promote women entrepreneurship
within their country.
5Working methods and strategies
- Areas of action should be determined according to
the political and cultural circumstances in each
country - Within W E S there are possibilities to
co-operate - in smaller groups on international projects
- Non-European Union countries can be involved in
these projects
6For example A catalogue for good practise Other
strategies are e g to discuss the definition of
good practises for mainstreaming strategies
- National report from WES- members
- 2004 and 2005
- 2006 including statistics on women
7Networking and changing traditionsTo strengthen
womens possibilities to choose entrepreneurship
as one way of living, is a part of strengthening
the democracy in the society.
8Prioritised areasEconomic support/financing,incl
uding access to credit and utilisation of public
grantsEducation and business development
trainingCounselling NetworkingMentoringGender
based statistics
9Today only about 25-30 of the entrepreneurs are
women (European countries)Men and women should
have equal opportunities to the same support,
finance and education
10Networking is essential when you want to change
the existing tradition in order to strengthen
good initiatives - because networking is also
used to make the tradition go on unchanged.
11Networking is also a way of exchanging
knowledgesupporting development for women
entrepreneurs, building longlasting, effective
business-partnerships amongst women
12The WES network is now preparing the report for
2005 where we will include some main statistics
on womens entrepreneurship in every country.The
2005 report will be released in June 2006
13For moore information on the WES report
14Marianne KarlbergWES co-ordinatorCounty
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