Control Structures in Assembly Language - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Control Structures in Assembly Language


If the condition is not negated, the else part can be coded first ... Only the last condition is negated. 9/26/09. Dr. Tim Margush - Assembly Language Programming ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Control Structures in Assembly Language

Control Structures in Assembly Language
  • Assembly Language Programming
  • University of Akron
  • Dr. Tim Margush

Structured Programming
  • A disciplined approach to designing algorithms
    using a limited number of standard control
  • These are typically
  • sequence
  • selection
  • repetition

Structured Building Blocks
  • The primary building block in a program is a
  • The simplest statement is an atomic executable
    unit from the perspective of the language, such
    as an assignment or function call
  • The only other statements are the allowed control
    structures which include statements as subparts

Assembly Language Control Structures
  • Sequence
  • Provided by default since the program counter is
    incremented to determine the address of the next
  • Goto
  • Technically not a control "structure," but the
    branching capabilities of the processor are used
    to implement every other control option

What is a Branch
  • Jump and branch can be used interchangeably
  • Jump usually means unconditional
  • Branch sometimes means conditional
  • Jump instructions place an address into the
    program counter
  • This replaces the incremented value which would
    have resulted in sequence

AVR Jump
  • The AVR provides three jump instructions
  • The only difference is how the destination
    address is represented
  • rjmp address (pc-relative addressing)
  • The address must be within 2048 words of the
    current instruction
  • jmp address (direct addressing)
  • ijmp (indirect addressing)
  • The address must be in Z

Assembler Support
  • Addresses are generally specified as symbols or
  • The most common expression is just a label
  • here rjmp here
  • The second most common expression involves the PC
  • rjmp PC-2 back up 2 instructions
  • The previous instructions must both be a single

Indirect Addressing
  • The indirect jump can only use register Z for the
    target address
  • Use the low and high functions to separate the
    bytes of the address
  • ldi ZH, high(somewhere)
  • ldi ZL, low(somewhere)
  • ijmp

Conditional Branches
  • Conditional branch instructions either
  • sequence
  • do not change the already incremented program
  • or branch
  • replace the program counter with a new address)
  • The AVR branch instructions all use PC-relative
  • The range is PC1-64 to PC163
  • PC1 because the program counter will already be
    incremented when the instruction is executed

  • The AVR branch instructions all depend on a
    single bit in the status register
  • brbc s, k
  • branch if bit in status register is clear
  • brbs s, k
  • branch if bit in status register is set
  • PC PC1 if the condition is not met
  • PC PC 1 k if the condition is met

  • In the instruction documentation, the k in
  • brbc s, k
  • is a signed displacement (-64 .. 63)
  • In assembly language, you specify an address and
    let the assembler determine the displacement
  • brbc 0, somewhere
  • The displacement k is calculated as (somewhere
  • If -64 lt k lt 63 is not true, an error occurs
  • To specify your own explicit displacement, you
    must write (PC1)k, not just k
  • brbc 0, PC1-2 (k will be -2)

Branch Aliases
  • Each bit of the status register has a name or
    common purpose
  • The assembly language provides simple aliases for
    the branches made possible by the fundamental
    brbc and brbs instructions
  • The aliases imply the bit just put the
    destination as the operand
  • Example brcc somewhere branch if carry clear
  • Same as brbc 0, somewhere (bit 0 is carry flaf)

SREG(0) Carry
  • brcc branch if carry clear
  • brcs branch if carry set
  • After a comparison of unsigned data it is more
    readable to use these equivalent forms
  • brsh branch if same or higher (brcc)
  • brlo branch if lower (brcs)

  • add r16, r17
  • brcs unsignedOverflow
  • cp r20, r21
  • brlo r20isSmaller
  • brsh r20isNOTsmaller
  • one of the above branches must occur!

SREG(1) Zero Flag
  • brne branch if not equal (Z0)
  • breq branch if equal (Z1)
  • These make more sense after a comparison
  • After an arithmetic or logical instruction, read
    these as
  • branch if result is not equal to zero
  • branch if result is equal to zero

  • cpi r20, 16
  • breq sweet
  • brlo child
  • inc R16
  • brne somewhere

SREG(2) Negative Flag
  • brpl branch if plus (N0)
  • brmi branch if minus (N1)
  • add R2,R3
  • brpl notMinus

SREG(3) oVerflow
  • brvc branch if V clear (no signed overflow)
  • brvs branch if V set (signed overflow)
  • add R20, R21
  • brvs overflow_oh_my

SREG(4) Sign
  • These are usually used after a signed comparison
  • brge branch if greater or equal
  • brlt branch if less
  • You must choose between the signed or unsigned
    version after a compare different flags are
    used to determine the outcome

SREG(5) Half Carry
  • brhc branch if half carry clear
  • brhs branch if half carry set
  • These can be used to implement BCD arithmetic

SREG(6) T Flag
  • brtc branch if T clear
  • brts branch if T set
  • After loading a bit into T, this can choose two
    paths of execution based on its value

SREG(7) Global Interrupt Flag
  • brid branch if interrupts disabled (I0)
  • brie branch if interrupts enabled (I1)
  • This allows different paths of execution
    depending on whether interrupts are enabled or

Skip Instructions
  • The AVR processor has a few special purpose
    instructions that conditionally skip the next
    instruction (PCPC1, 2, or 3)
  • cpse Rd, Rr
  • Compare and skip if equal
  • sbic A, b sbis A, b
  • Skip if bit in I/O register A is clear/set
  • sbrc Rr, b sbrs Rr, b
  • Skip if bit in Rr is clear/set

  • The ability to jump to any address allows the
    creation of arbitrarily complex control
  • The structured programming model seeks to limit
    complexity by reducing entry and exit points from
    blocks of code and providing for a
    well-understood flow through a block

  • Imitating high level languages, control
  • should be entered at the top
  • and exited at the bottom
  • This takes advantage of the natural sequencing
    action as we read down the page

  • If statements are entered at the top
  • Entry is at the top
  • The condition must be evaluated before the
    statement in the then-part is reached
  • Whether the then-part is executed or not, control
    continues with the statement after the if
  • Exit at the bottom

Assembly IF
  • if (altb)
  • a
  • b
  • assume a and b are
  • registers and
  • contain signed data
  • cp a,b
  • brge end_if
  • inc a
  • end_if
  • inc b

Negated Condition
  • We negate the if condition to achieve a more
    natural flow
  • The code at right uses the original condition
  • if (altb)
  • Extra jumps are needed to get everything right
  • cp a,b
  • brlt then_part
  • rjmp end_if
  • then_part
  • inc a
  • end_if
  • inc b

IF Flow
  • if (condition)
  • action
  • becomes
  • if (!condition) branch around action
  • action
  • common exit point

  • if (condition)
  • then_action
  • else
  • else_action
  • becomes
  • if (!condition) branch to else_part
  • then_action
  • jump to end_if
  • else_part
  • else_action
  • end_if
  • Note the need for the jrmp to avoid falling into
    the code of the else-part
  • If the condition is not negated, the else part
    can be coded first
  • This results in an unfamiliar ordering of the two
  • No jump is needed at the end of the else-part
    it sequences to the next statement (common exit)

One Entry
  • It is assumed that no statements from elsewhere
    in the program jump to any of the statements
    inside the group of statements comprising the if
    or if/else structure
  • Allowing such transfers will violate the one
    entry restriction and create a control structure
    that is more complex

Compound Condition AND
  • if (condition1 condition2)
  • action
  • becomes
  • if (!condition1) branch to end_if
  • if (!condition2) branch to end_if
  • action
  • end_if

Short Circuit Evaluation
  • The expression
  • condition1 condition2
  • is false if either condition is false
  • Short circuit evaluation considers the conditions
    in left to right order, and only evaluates the
    next if the previous ones are true
  • if (!condition1) branch to end_if
  • if (!condition2) branch to end_if

DeMorgan's Law
  • Assembly language programmers need to negate
    conditions to implement most decision structures
  • DeMorgan's Law is needed for compound conditions
  • (p q) p q
  • (p q) p q

Compound Condition OR
  • if (condition1 condition2)
  • action
  • is awkward if negated
  • if (!condition1) branch to next_condition
  • branch to action
  • next_condition if (!condition2) branch to end_if
  • action
  • end_if

Compound Condition OR
  • if (condition1 condition2)
  • action
  • Is better implemented as follows
  • if (condition1) branch to then_part
  • if (!condition2) branch to end_if
  • then_part
  • action
  • end_if

Only the last condition is negated
  • if (x lt -2 x gt 2)
  • y x
  • The second condition is negated to make the test
    to skip the then_part
  • x lt 2
  • This is an awkward condition for the AVR (there
    is no brle), so it is transformed to
  • x lt 3
  • cpi x, -2
  • brlt then_part
  • cpi x, 3
  • brlt end_if
  • then_part
  • mov y, x
  • end_if

  • The multiway selection structure commonly known
    as switch is generally considered equivalent to
    nested if/else statements
  • However, if the customary break statements are
    not used, a more complex structure can result
  • Assembly is good at making complex structures!

  • switch (a)
  • case 1
  • x
  • break
  • case 3
  • case 4
  • y--
  • break
  • case 2
  • x y
  • default
  • y x
  • cpi a, 1
  • breq case_1
  • cpi a, 3
  • breq case_3
  • cpi a, 4
  • breq case_4
  • cpi a, 2
  • breq case_2
  • rjmp case_default
  • cases follow
  • case_1
  • inc x
  • rjmp case_end

case_3 case_4 dec y rjmp case_end case_2
add x, y case_default mov y, x case_end
Computed GoTo
  • The indirect jump instruction provides another
    way of implementing a switch statement by
    calculating the address of the code for the
    specific case, and jumping directly to it
  • There must be an easy transformation from the
    switch variable to the address

A Jump Address Table
  • This is an table of destination addresses
  • jat .dw case_1, case_2, case_3, case_4,
  • The desired access is accessed by adding some
    number to the address of the table (0, 1, 2, etc)
  • ldi zh, high(jat)
  • ldi zl, low(jat)
  • add zl, r16
  • adc zh, zero
  • An ijmp instruction transfers to that section of
  • ijmp

  • cpi a, 5
  • brge case_default
  • subi a, 1
  • brmi case_default
  • ldi zh, high(jat)
  • ldi zl, low(jat)
  • add zl, a
  • brcc goto
  • inc zh
  • goto
  • lpm xl, Z
  • adwi z, 1
  • lpm xh, Z
  • movw zhzl, xhxl
  • ijmp
  • jat .dw case_1, case_2,
  • case_1
  • inc x
  • rjmp case_end
  • switch (a)
  • case 1
  • x
  • break
  • case 3
  • case 4
  • y--
  • break
  • case 2
  • x y
  • default
  • y x

Data embedded in program cannot be executed!
  • Loops in assembly language occur when a jump
    transfers to an already executed instruction
  • Conditional loops are naturally implemented by
    using a conditional branch at the bottom of the
  • Creates a post-test loop (do until or do while)

Example Do Until
  • do
  • x
  • until (x0)
  • loop entered here
  • lp
  • inc x
  • brne lp
  • loop exit here

Notice how this creates a natural one entry (at
the top) and one exit (at the bottom) control
Pre-Test Loops
  • Placing the loop condition at the top of the loop
    creates an awkward structure
  • while (x!0)
  • x
  • loop entered here
  • lp
  • tst x
  • breq end_while
  • inc x
  • rjmp lp
  • end_while
  • loop exit here

Pre-Test Loops
  • This illustrates an alternate implementation of a
    pre-test loop
  • An initial test precedes the loop
  • The other tests are done at the end of the loop
  • while (x!0)
  • x
  • loop entered here
  • tst x
  • breq end_while
  • lp
  • inc x
  • brne lp
  • end_while
  • loop exit here

Pre-Test Loops
  • It is also possible to enter the loop at the
    bottom (at the test)
  • while (x!0)
  • x
  • loop entered here
  • cpi x, 0
  • rjmp lp_test
  • lp
  • inc x
  • lp_test
  • brne lp
  • loop exit here

A setup for the loop test is required in this
case because the increment action and testing are
coupled in the loop body
For Loops
  • For loops are just special cases of the standard
    while loop
  • Precede the loop with the necessary
  • Decide how to code the test (at the top or
  • Add the required updates for the loop counter

Example For Loop
  • for (x0 xlty x,y--)
  • a
  • ldi x, 0
  • rjmp for_test
  • for_loop
  • inc a
  • inc x
  • dec y
  • for_test
  • cp x, y
  • brlt for_loop
  • breq for_loop
  • exit here

An alternative might be cp y, x brge for_loop
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