Title: COSC 6397 Information Assurance
1COSC 6397 Information Assurance
- Module M2 Protocol Specification and
Verification - University of Houston
- Rakesh Verma
- Lecture 3 of M2
- (This work is supported in part by NSF)
2Contents of M2
- Cryptographic basics
- Types of Protocols
- Security properties
- Taxonomy of Flaws and Attacks
- Specification of Protocols
- Specification of properties
- Protocol analysis
3System Scenarios
- Protocol roles provide templates
- Set up a finite scenario for verification
- choose roles participating in the session
- instantiate the variables of the roles
- Instantiation used to
- Say who is playing which role
- Introduce fresh nonces
4System Scenarios contd
- A-gtB A, Napk(B)
- B-gtA Na, Nbpk(A)
- A-gtB Nbpk(B)
- A possible scenario
- s1 initiator(a, B, na, Nb), responder(A, b,
Na, nb) - one INITIATOR A played by agent a
- one RESPONDER B played by agent b
5Variables Non-variables
- Consider the scenario
- initiator(a, B, na, Nb), responder(A, b, Na,nb)
- Variables indicate parameters that may assume any
value (their value is not known at the start). - For instance, the initiator here does not know in
advance the name of the responder. - Fresh nonces new terms (ground terms that dont
occur elsewhere ).
6More System Scenarios for NS
- initiator(a,b,na,nb), responder(a,b,na,nb)
- the honest scenario (but unrealistic)
- initiator(a,B,na,Nb), responder(A,b,Na,nb)
- may not communicate with each other
- initiator(a,b,na,nb), responder(A,B,Na,Nb)
- a may also play the responder role
- initiator(a,b,na,nb), responder(c,d,nc,nd)
- no communication!
7The Network Model
- Network - intruder Dolev-Yao.
8Constraint Store
- knowledge (K)
- the intruders knowledge the set of intercepted
messages - constraint store
- msg_1K_1, , msg_nK_n
- msg_1, , msg_n messages (terms)
- K_1, , K_n knowledges (set of messages)
- Is satisfiable each msg_i is generable using
9Some Definitions
- Substitution s is more general than substitution
? if there is a substitution ? such that ? ?s
(composition) - Given two terms that are unifiable, there is a
most general unifier (mgu). - Prolog quirk omits occurs check for efficiency.
10Overview of the Verification Algorithm
- A step of the verification algorithm
- choose an event e from a role of S
- Two cases
- e send(t)
- t is added to the intruders knowledge
- e recv(t)
- add constraint tK to the constraint store
- if constraint store is solvable, proceed
- otherwise, stop
11Finding Secrecy Flaws
- What is a secrecy flaw?
- To check if na remains secret, one just has to
add to the scenario the singleton role recv(na) - na remains secret ltgt the intruder cannot output
it! - in practice we define a special role
- secrecy(X) recv(X).
12Finding Authentication Flaws
- More complex than checking secrecy.
- What is an authentication flaw?
- Various definitions.
- Basically an input event recv(t) without
corresponding preceding output event send(t). - Can be checked by e.g., running the responder
strand without an initiator role.
13From abstract notation to implementation notation
- Abstract notation
- role_name(Var1,,VarN) Events.
- Concrete notation
- role_name(Var1,...,VarN,Events).
Abstract Notation initiator(A,B,Na,Nb)
send(A,Napk(B)), recv(Na,Nbpk(A)),
send(Nbpk(B)) ).
Implementation Notation initiator(A,B,Na,Nb,
send(A,Napk(B)), recv(Na,Nbpk(A)),
send(Nbpk(B)) ).
14Specification of NS
Initiator role initiator(A,B,Na,Nb,
send(A,Napk(B)), recv(Na,Nbpk(A)),
send(Nbpk(B)) ).
Responder role responder(A,B,Na,Nb,
recv(A,Napk(B)), send(Na,Nbpk(A)),
recv(Nbpk(B)) ).
Standard secrecy-checking role
15Scenarios in Practice
- scenario(
- name_1,Var_1,
- ...,
- name_n,Var_n
- ) -
- role_1(...,Var_1),
- ...
- role_n(...,Var_n).
16For Instance
- scenario(
- alice, Init1,
- bob, Resp1,
- sec, Secr1
- ) -
- initiator(a,B,na,Nb,Init1),
- responder(a,b,Na,nb,Resp1),
- secrecy(nb, Secr1).
- What do we achieve with this scenario?
17Last Details (1)Initial intruder knowledge
- Set up the initial intruder knowledge
- initial_intruder_knowledge(a,b,e).
- specify which roles we want to force to finish
(only sec in this example) - has_to_finish(sec).
18The Origination Assumption
- Roles are parametric, i.e. may contain
variables - We have to avoid sending out uninstantiated
variables (only the intruder may do so). - We must satisfy the origination assumption
- Any variable should appear for the first time in
a recv event - So, we add events of the form recv(X), where
19Specification of NS with O.A.
- scenario(alice,Init1,
- bob,Resp1,
- sec,Secr1) -
- initiator(a,B,na,Nb,Init1),
- responder(a,b,Na,nb,Resp1),
- secrecy(nb, Secr1).
Initiator role initiator(A,B,Na,Nb,
recv(A,B), send(A,Napk(B)),
recv(Na,Nbpk(A)), send(Nbpk(B)) ).
Responder role responder(A,B,Na,Nb,
recv(A,Napk(B)), send(Na,Nbpk(A)),
recv(Nbpk(B)) ).
20Last Steps Before Execution
- Decide whether we want Prolog to stop at first
solution it finds, or iterate and show them all. - Click on Verify
21The Results
- For each run, the tool visualizes
- which events of a role could not be completed
(note the tools tries to complete each role, but
this is sometimes impossible) - the complete run.
22Examples of Results (1)
SOLUTION FOUND State alice,,bob,recv(nb
pk(b)),sec, .
. .
alice finished
sec finished!
bob did not finish
23Examples of Results (2)
- State a,,b,recv(nb pk(b)),sec,
- Trace
- a,send(a,na pk(e))
- b,recv(a,na pk(b))
- b,send(na,nb pk(a))
- a,recv(na,nb pk(a))
- a,send(nb pk(e))
- sec,recv(nb)
24What if we try another scenario?
scenario( alice1,Init1,
alice2,Init2, bob,Resp1,
sec,Secr1 ) -
initiator(a,b,na,Nb,Init1), initiator(b,A,na,Nb,I
nit1), responder(a,b,Na,nb,Resp1),
secrecy(nb, Secr1).
25Looking for authentication flaws in
- Consider (again) the scenario
- No secrecy check this time.
- But, if B is not b, and the responder role
finishes, we have an authentication attack!
initiator(a,B,na,Nb), responder(a,b,Na,nb)
26Looking for authentication flaws in
Needham-Schroeder contd
- We only have to specify has_to_finish for b
- has_to_finish(b).
- And verify again
27Results the first reported trace
- State a,,b,
- Trace a,send(a,na pk(b))
- b,recv(a,na pk(b))
- b,send(na,nb pk(a))
- a,recv(na,nb pk(a))
- a,send(nb pk(b))
- b,recv(nb pk(b))
- This is a normal run
- This is a correct trace. To find a flaw we must
look for B not instantiated to b!
28Results the right trace
- State a,,b,
- Trace a,send(a,na pk(e))
- b,recv(a,na pk(b))
- b,send(na,nb pk(a))
- a,recv(na,nb pk(a))
- a,send(nb pk(e))
- b,recv(nb pk(b))
29Exercise for home
- For the TMN protocol
- Encode and Verify the protocol try many
scenarios - Could you find any flaw?
- Compare this attack to the one in Clark Jacob
- Try other protocols discussed in class and those
listed in the tool. - http//
- www.cs.utwente.nl/etalle
30Primary References
- J. Millen and V. Shmatikov, Constraint Solving
for Bounded-Process Cryptographic Protocol
Analysis - R. Corin and S. Etalle, An Improved
Constraint-based System for the Verification of
Security Protocols