Title: CSE 428 Semantic Web Topics OWL
1CSE 428Semantic Web TopicsOWL
- Jeff Heflin
- Lehigh University
2Ontology Header
- lt!DOCTYPE rdfRDF lt!ENTITY owl
xmlnsowl "http//www.w3.org/2002/07/owl" xmln
srdf "http//www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns
" xmlnsrdfs"http//www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-sch
ema"gt - ltowlOntology rdfabout""gt ltrdfslabelgtMy
Ontologylt/rdfslabelgt ltrdfscommentgtAn example
ontologylt/rdfscommentgt - ltowlimports rdfresourcehttp//www.ont.org/gen
eric /gtlt/owlOntologygt - ...
- lt/rdfRDFgt
Two URIs refer to the same individual.
ltpPerson rdfabouthttp//www.cse.lehigh.edu/he
flin/gt ltowlsameAs
Two URIs refer to distinct individuals
ltpPerson rdfabouthttp//www.cse.lehigh.edu/he
flin/gt ltowldifferentFrom
4Sets of Distinct Individuals
ltowlAllDifferentgt ltowldistinctMembers
rdfparseTypeCollectiongt ltpPerson
rdfaboutBob /gt ltpPerson
rdfaboutSue /gt ltpPerson
rdfaboutMary /gt
The URIs Bob, Sue and Mary all refer to
distinct individuals.
5All Values From
ltowlClass rdfIDBandgt ltrdfssubClassOfgt ltow
lRestrictiongt ltowlonProperty
rdfresourcehasMember/gt ltowlallValuesFrom
rdfresourceMusician/gt lt/owlRestrictiongt lt
A Band is a subclass of the set of entities which
only have members that are Musicians
6Some Values From
ltowlClass rdfIDBandgt ltrdfssubClassOfgt ltow
lRestrictiongt ltowlonProperty
rdfresourcehasMember/gt ltowlsomeValuesFrom
rdfresourceSinger/gt lt/owlRestrictiongt lt/
Every Band has at least one member who is a Singer
7Has Value
ltowlClass rdfIDGuitaristgt ltrdfssubClassOfgt
ltowlRestrictiongt ltowlonProperty
rdfresourceplaysInstrument/gt ltowlhasValue
rdfresourceGuitar/gt lt/owlRestrictiongt lt/
A Guitarist is a subclass of the set of entities
which play at least one instrument that is a
8Minimum Cardinality
ltowlClass rdfIDParentgt ltowlequivalentClassgt
ltowlRestrictiongt ltowlonProperty
rdfresource"hasChild" /gt ltowlminCardinalit
y rdfdatatype "xsdnonNegativeInteger"gt1lt/ow
lminCardinalitygt lt/owlRestrictiongt
Parent is exactly the set of entities which have
at least one child.
9Intersection and Union
ltowlClass rdfIDFathergt ltowlintersectionOf
rdfparseTypeCollectiongt ltowlClass
rdfaboutParent /gt ltowlClass
rdfaboutMale /gt lt/owlintersectionOfgtlt/ow
A Father is exactly a Parent who is also Male.
ltowlClass rdfIDPersongt ltowlunionOf
rdfparseTypeCollectiongt ltowlClass
rdfaboutWoman /gt ltowlClass
rdfaboutMan /gt lt/owlunionOfgtlt/owlClassgt
Every Person is either Male or Female.
ltowlClass rdfIDMangt ltowlintersectionOf
rdfparseTypeCollectiongt ltowlClass
rdfaboutPerson /gt ltowlClassgt ltowlcompl
ementOf rdfresourceWoman /gt lt/owlClassgt lt
Man is every Person who is not a Woman.
11Enumerated Classes
ltowlClass rdfIDPrimaryColorgt ltowloneOf
rdfparseTypeCollectiongt ltowlThing
rdfaboutRed /gt ltowlThing
rdfaboutBlue /gt ltowlThing
rdfaboutYellow /gt lt/owloneOfgtlt/owlClass
PrimaryColor has exactly three instances Red,
Blue and Yellow.
12Ontology Versioning
ltowlOntology rdfaboutgt ltowlpriorVersion
rdfresourcewww.onts.org/myont1 /gt
ygt ltowlDeprecatedClass rdfID"Car"gt
ltowlequivalentClass rdfresource"Automobile"/gt
lt/owlDeprecatedClassgt ltowlDeprecatedProperty
rdfID"hasDriver"gt ltowlinverseOf
rdfresource"drives" /gtlt/owlDeprecatedProperty