Title: Lucian Georgescu President
1Lucian GeorgescuPresident Executive Creative
Directoron behalf of Graffiti/BBDO Romania
andONPHR Organizatia Nationala a Persoanelor
cu Handicap din Romaniawill talk about
2- How Ive learned to love happy-endings even
though I used to hate them - or
- The battle of Ten versus 89
3An essay about the relativity of figures
- World Population
510 Total of persons with disabilities
6- 22.000.000
- Romanian population
7- 2.200.000
- Number of Romanians with various disabilities
8workers, students, beggars, painters, teachers,
gipsies, women, adults, Romanians, men,
shepherds, engineers, doctors, Hungarians,
children, musicians, Germans, peasants, retired,
TV stations owners, writers, economists, railroad
employees, computer operators, film directors .
workers, students, beggars, painters, teachers,
gipsies, women, adults, Romanians, men,
shepherds, engineers, doctors, Hungarians,
children, musicians, Germans, peasants, retired,
TV stations owners, writers, economists, railroad
employees, computer operators, film directors.
workers, students, beggars, painters, teachers,
gipsies, women, adults, Romanians, men,
shepherds, engineers, doctors, Hungarians,
children, musicians, Germans, peasants, retired,
TV stations owners, writers, economists, railroad
employees, computer operators, film directors.
9 10 11- 18
- The number of Associations represented by the
Organizatia Nationala a persoanelor cu Handicap
din Romania - Romanian National Organization of Disabled People
12- 1 Office
- 20 sq. meters of space
- 5 chairs
13- One
Secretary - No hands
- (excellent coffee!)
14- No brief.
- No name.
- No budget.
- No sponsor.
- No deadline.
15 16- Something. Anything. Anytime.
17(No Transcript)
18- 200,000
- General Romanian Vocabulary
19 20 21- 10
() - Referring to a precise physical disability
22 23 24- This mentality to disappear
25- 3
- December
- The International Day of Disabled Persons
26- Ten
- different TV spots
- Eleven
- print ads
27- Four TV Stations, Five magazines, Two Newspapers
28 29- 400,000
- Advertising and PR value of exposure
30- ZERO financial investment
31- 100
- pure passion and dedication
32- One year of fighting.
- Another 100 to come.
33 34 35 36(No Transcript)
37(No Transcript)
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