Title: Further Practice
1Further Practice
214, Arguing from the past to the future.
- The darkness have been very successful with their
recent single releases. They are going to release
a new song at Easter. This new song will also do
well in the charts.
312, Appeal to pity.
- Carl had put in hours of training in the gym to
help him prepare for the big race. He had so
nearly won it last year, when he had also been
training hard. Carl deserves to win the race this
44, Cause and effect or, linking things when there
is no link.
- A few minutes after the minister made his speech
to the City of London, there was a devastating
explosion which killed 45 people. For the future
safety of the City, the minister should not make
any more speeches here.
510, Leaving out a vital link in reasoning, the
assumption flaw.
- I was out walking home late last night when a
bloke covered with tattoos started walking down
the same road. Only by running as fast as I could
and getting home quickly did I escape being
beaten up. My training in the gym has finally
paid off.
62, Using an inappropriate analogy.
- Teaching my Gran to use the Internet is just like
when we tried to get her to use the dishwasher we
bought for her. She just doesnt understand
modern technology. We should just leave her to be
happy in her old fashioned ways.
76, Attacking the arguer not the argument.
- Two boys were seen drinking vodka at lunchtime by
their teacher. The boys parents were contacted
and they were suspended from school. One of the
boys argued that their teacher always went down
the Marquis of Lorne each Friday lunch time so it
was unreasonable for him to stop them from
drinking at lunchtime.
813, You too, tu quoque.
- I was running down the corridor at lunchtime. I
was done by the dinner lady. It wasnt fair,
because there were other people running down the
corridor two minutes earlier. So I should not be
97, Necessary and sufficient conditions.
- My Dad, who grows his own vegetables, says that
all you need to do is give em plenty of horse
muck and theyll grow like stink. The science
behind this is quite right. Vegetables have a
high requirement for minerals from the soil,
which can be supplemented by adding a good
organic fertilizer, such as, horse manure. So if
you really do want prize winning veg. all you
need is to dig in horse muck to your soil.
105, Slippery slope flaw, where one thing leads to
many more!
- More and more teachers want to take early
retirement because of the stress levels in their
jobs. If the government allowed this to happen
then what is to stop doctors, dentists and
policemen all wanting early retirement? Then we
would face a collapse in the social structure of
society since there will not be enough qualified
young to fill the gap. So, there should be no
change in the retirement age for anyone.
1111, Restricting the options.
- Owning a sailing boat is good for two things, for
going racing or for long cruises up the river.
Neither of these two pursuits are suitable for
couples with tiny children. So couples with tiny
children should not own sailing boats.
121, Arguing from the particular to the general.
- Some students from Benjamin Britten High School
were caught shoplifting in Lowestoft town centre
during the day last week. This just goes to show
that young people are not to be trusted, nor are
they ever found where they are meant to be.
139, Begging the question. Taking for granted the
conclusion towards which you are arguing.
- Three thieves pull off a robbery and get away
with four diamonds. They cant decide how to
divide their haul. The first robber says I
should get two diamonds since I am the leader
The second thief says Who says you are the
leader?. First thief says I must be the leader,
since I am getting the largest share of the haul.
148, The straw man fallacy. This involves
misrepresenting the opponents view.
Following a discussion on euthanasia-
- How can you support giving doctors the right to
end a persons life just because they decide that
the persons life is no longer worth living
no-one should have that power over another
persons life, and doctors should not kill
153, Insufficient evidence/failing to look for
extra evidence.
- The vegetables in my Dads allotment didnt do
very well this summer. He didnt use any growmore
fertilizer. If he had used the growmore
fertilizer he would have had a bumper crop.