Title: Smopex Fibres for Metal Recovery
1Smopex Fibres for Metal Recovery
- Johnson Matthey is a world leader in precious and
base metal catalysis - homogeneous, heterogeneous, chiral, supported
homogeneous - Catalysts widely used in pharmaceutical and fine
chemical processes - Clean and efficient routes to high value products
- Requirements are maximum conversion and high
selectivity - But what happens to the metal??
3In the Product Stream?
- Requirement for metal to be removed from Product
- EMEA Guidance Note (2002)
- Product must be fit for its end use
- Residual metal can catalyse formation of
by-products in - work-up
- consecutive reaction steps
4In the Waste Stream?
Example of Catalyst Cost Contribution 5 Rh/C at
6 metal loss
5In the Effluent Stream?
- Metal will find its way to the site effluent
plant - Need to manage the removal of metals from these
high volume streams - Often an environmental or regulatory requirement
- Not limited to PMs - also Ni, Hg, As
- Shipped for special waste treatment if limits
6Use a Selective Scavenger
- Introduce Johnson Mattheys scavenging
technology - Smopex - by - explaining what Smopex is and how it is made
- highlighting the benefits that it offers over
technologies currently used for metal removal and
recovery - explaining the filing of Smopex with the FDA
- describing how a scavenging process is developed
- showing examples of how it can be incorporated
into your process -
8What is Smopex?
Unique metal scavenging system where
metal-binding functionality is grafted onto
polyolefin fibre
- Graft co-polymerisation of polyolefin fibres
using functionalised monomers. - Metal binding properties bound to the exterior of
the fibre.
The open fibrous structure of the Smopex polymer
enables greater metal recoveries in faster times
9Smopex Product Range
10Manufacturing Capability
Johnson Mattheys plant in Turku, Finland can
manufacture tonnage quantities of the full
Smopex range
11Smopex Benefits
- Excellent functional group accessibility
- Accessibility of reactive sites
- Easily separated from solution
- Filtering characteristics
- Stable across the pH range
- Dispersion in organic media
12What can Smopex do?
- Selectively remove ionic and non-ionic species
from aqueous and organic solutions - Removal from liquors containing low levels of
precious or non precious metal - even down to ppb
levels! - Benefits include fast reaction kinetics and high
metal loading
Ion-exchange of Cu2 in batch reaction
13Process Economics
1kg Pd, Euro 8649 (24th March 2006)
Metal return ()
Carbon (0.5)
IEX (2)
Smopex (6)
Adsorbent (loading)
14Technical Performance
- Pd/C catalyst used in a nitro-aromatic
hydrogenation. - Scavengers screened for Pd removal from a process
stream containing 30 ppm leached Pd. - S-105 gives greatest removal in a faster time
than equivalent amounts of other scavengers.
Remaining 15 of Pd exists as a cation, this is
easily removed with S-101 to give
non-detectable Pd in solution
15Technical Performance
- Homogeneous palladium catalyst precursor in the
presence of triphenylphosphine, dibuytlamine and
THF. - S-111 allows superior metal recovery in faster
time. - An equivalent commercial resin is unable to
remove more than 40 of Pd from solution.
16Purification of a Product Stream
- First Smopex Drug Master Files (DMFs) filed with
the FDA - Smopex-102 DMF 18441
- Smopex-105 DMF 18447
- Smopex-111 DMF 18099
- Smopex-234 DMF 18518
- Filed as a Type II (drug substance or
intermediate) - Allows Smopex to be used in contact with the API
- Can remove metal from process stream at source
- DMF available for review by customer through FDA
18What is important to YOU?
- Why does the metal need to be removed from
solution? - Product purity or values recovery or both
- How important is metal removal?
- Effect downstream
- Effect on plant cleaning
- How important is selectivity?
- Co-extraction of product, or even other metals?
- Can you use less scavenger - but get a better
financial return? - Metal return vs metal loss
- Strike a balance
19Lab Scale - Screening
- Information about actual process solution
- Solution sampled prior to screen
- Soluton screened with Smopex range
- Johnson Matthey (expertise)
- In-house
- 1 w/v Smopex, 60 C, 2h
- Filter and analyse filtrate for PMs
20Lab Scale - Optimisation
- Optimise scavenging in preparation for pilot
trials - How practical is the process?
- Where can Smopex be best implemented in the
process? - Statistical Experimental Design methods
- Use orthogonal arrays to investigate effect of
factor whilst also changing other independent
factors! - Results are obtained by measuring the average
response for each factor over the whole
experiment - Optimum conditions can be obtained quickly - and
a lot of information is obtained - Results are reproducible
21Lab Scale - Optimisation
Case Study Johnson Matthey Effluent Plant
- Pt (2 mg/l), Pd (240 mg/l), Rh (1 mg/l), pH 10
22Lab Scale - Optimisation
- Combined confirmation run
- 15 minutes, 80 ºC, mixture S-105 and S-112
- Residual concentrations
- Pt 0.14 mg/l (91.1 extraction)
- Rh 0.15 mg/l (73.7 extraction)
- Pd 0.23 mg/l (99.9 extraction)
- Pilot trials to maximise metal loadings
- first treatment with S-112 (Pd)
- followed by S-105 (Pd, Pt, Rh polish)
23Lab Scale - Reaction Time
24Pilot Scale - Metal Loading
25Plant Process
240 ppm Pd 1.6 ppm Pt 0.5 ppm Rh
- Commissioned at JM Royston
- Plant generates gt10 MT per month
- gt99 PM recovery
- 13 w/w metal loading
- Saving gt100k/annum
S-112 (Pd)
S-105 (Pt,Rh)
1.39 ppm Pd 0.29 ppm Pt 0.32 ppm Rh
26Using Smopex on the Plant
27Batch and Fixed Bed Processes
28Smopex Column Skid
- Plug and play principle
- Batch controller
- Temperature control
- Steam heated jackets
- Safety devices
- Compatible with organic and corrosive media
29Purification and Values Recovery
Pd removal from process solution following
coupling reaction
- 280 ppm Pd in organic phase
- Development work Smopex-111 at 90 C
- Pilot scale treatment of 4.5 MT of waste liquor
- lt5ppm Pd in the treated mother liquor
- 98 Pd extracted from solution
- 1.2 kg Pd recovered with 6 w/w loading on Smopex
30Rh Recovery
The refining of Rh from Oxo process waste liquors
can be challenging.
- Solution contains gt100 ppm Rh
- 2.5 MT circulated through Smopex column on
recycle - 1 w/w Rh-loading
31Ru Removal
Removal of low levels of ruthenium from a polar
80 ppm Ru
- Aqueous solution containing 35 acetic acid, 1
sodium acetate, and 80 ppm Ru - Pilot trial to treat 5 MT solution
- In a column at 85 C
- Ru loading is 4.5 w/w
500 mm
3 ppm Ru
32Smopex in Bag Filters
Effluent polishing system to remove Pt, Pd, and
Rh from levels of only 2ppm
- Smopex-105 in bag filters
- High throughput 3000 litres/h
- Uses temperature from plant process 75 degC
- 25k CAPEX, but will recover 30k of metal in
- Imperative that metal impurities are removed from
high value pharmaceutical substances - Vital that precious metal catalysts are recovered
from process streams or effluents..this will
make the difference in process economics - Smopex offers a real scavenging solution, with
the open fibrous structure allowing fast reaction
kinetics and extremely high metal loadings - Johnson Matthey works closely with customers to
give the best recovery solution from lab-to-plant
The Art of Meeting Palladium Specifications in
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Produced by
Pd-Catalysed Reactions C. E. Garrett and K.
Prasad, Adv. Synth. Catal., 2004, 346,
889-900. Removal of Metals from Process Streams
Methodologies and Applications J. T. Bien, G. C.
Lane and M. R. Oberholzer, Topics Organomet.
Chem., 2004, 6, 263-283.