CCP111N Week 5 Servlets Part 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CCP111N Week 5 Servlets Part 1


... communication in C or Java requires messing around with sockets, TCP/IP and ... No need to mess around with Sockets, TCP/IP or Java serialisation. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: CCP111N Week 5 Servlets Part 1

CCP111N Week 5 Servlets Part 1
CCTM Course material developed by James King
  • For this section you are expected to know Java
    programming including
  • while and for loops (vital)
  • if (vital)
  • Passing parameters to methods (vital)
  • Arrays and Strings (important)
  • The Enumeration class (important)
  • Threads and synchronized (useful)
  • Exceptions try and catch (useful)

CCTM Course material developed by James King
  • http//
    is a reasonable tutorial on servlets
  • Search the web for a good tutorials, there are a
    lot of them...
  • http//
    contains the entire list of classes, methods etc
    for all of Java, JSP and servlets. Use it as a
    reference don't try to learn it all!

CCTM Course material developed by James King
Serving Static HTML
  • Web servers where designed to provide web
    browsers with HTML.
  • The HTML was read from text files by the server
    and sent to the client using HTTP. The web server
    does not modify the HTML. This is now termed
    static HTML serving

Server Machine
Client Machine
HTML doGet or doPost
Web Browser
Web Server
Web Page on disk
CCTM Course material developed by James King
Static HTML the Problem
  • Modern uses of web pages often require pages to
    be dynamically generated.
  • For example a chat system would display any new
    messages each time you hit refresh. This requires
    the web page the browser requests to be modified
    each time someone adds a new message.
  • Until recently there was no easy way to do this
  • web browsers were not designed to rewrite web
  • web browsers are stateless so they process each
    request in isolation without reference or memory
    of what request came before it.

CCTM Course material developed by James King
Why not forget about generating HTML and write
custom programs in C or Java?
  • Web browsers are freely available for almost any
    platform and are frequently used by people
    connected to the internet
  • People can easily understand how to navigate web
    pages whereas many custom written applications
    have large and complex graphical user interfaces
  • Network communication in C or Java requires
    messing around with sockets, TCP/IP and possibly
  • Often the speed of C and similar languages is
    not required
  • You have to install the programming language and
    libraries on the client machine
  • You have to have a way to distribute (and update)
    and install (and uninstall) the application on
    the client machine

CCTM Course material developed by James King
Not the Solution - Modify the web server
  • We could modify the web server so that it
    dynamically generates HTML in response to a
    browser request.
  • But this requires modifying it for each
    application we want to run.
  • We have the source code and tools to modify it.
    Some web servers like Microsoft Internet
    Information Server (IIS) are proprietary and we
    can not modify them.
  • Any bugs in the modifications could crash the
    entire web server
  • Any updates to the application require the web
    server to be modified and restarted

CCTM Course material developed by James King
The Solution Run an external program to
generate the HTML
  • A better choice is to arrange it so that when a
    certain web page is accessed an external program
    is run by the web server and that program
    generates the HTML gt web server must know how to
    run and communicate with application.
  • This process is transparent to the web browser.
    It just receives HTML and does not know it has
    been dynamically generated gt web browser does
    not need to be modified
  • CGI Common Gateway Interface is one way for a web
    server to run external applications. Servlets is
    another way.

Server Machine
Client Machine
Information about the request
HTML doGet or doPost
Web Browser
Web Server
External HTML generator
CCTM Course material developed by James King
Servlets - a solution for dynamically generating
  • Servlets are programs written in Java which run
    on the web server and communicate using with the
    web browser using HTTP and HTML
  • Servlets are compatible with all web browsers
    because servlets communicate with the browser
    using only HTML and HTTP
  • Servlets are simple to write because they are
    written in standard Java
  • Most of the communication is done for you by the
    Servlet class. No need to mess around with
    Sockets, TCP/IP or Java serialisation.
  • Servlets run only on the server and therefore do
    not need Java any other programming language to
    be installed on the client
  • Servlets do need the servlet to be stored or
    installed on the client

CCTM Course material developed by James King
Architecture of a Servlet
  • The web browser sends a HTTP doPost or doGet
    request to the web server
  • The web server realises the request is for a
    servlet. If the servlet is not already loaded it
    loads it and calls the servlet's init method
  • The web browser passes the HTML request to the
    servlet's service method
  • Service method calls the corresponding doGet or
    doPost method
  • The method can execute and generate HTML which is
    passed back to the web browser
  • When the web browser decides to unload the
    servlet it calls the destroy method

Server Machine
Servlet Java Class
Client Machine
HTML doGet or doPost
Web Browser
Web Server
CCTM Course material developed by James King
Class Structure of a Servlet
  • A servlet is a Java class which runs inside a
    Java virtual machine and is controlled by the web
  • All Servlets extend the Servlet class directly or
  • You write your own Java class to handle web
    server requests and this class will extend one of
    the standard servlet classes (normally
    HttpServlet which itself extends Servlet)
  • Communication with the web server is via two
    additional classes. normally HttpServletRequest
    and HttpServletResponse which extend
    ServletRequest and ServletResponse
  • There is normally no need to write your own
    ServletRequest or ServletResponse

CCTM Course material developed by James King
Class Structure of a Servlet Program
Your Servlet Code
MyServlet Methods doGet doPost init destroy etc.
Http Servlet Layer
HttpServlet Methods Service doGet doPost init
destroy etc.
Basic Servlet Layer
Servlet Method service
CCTM Course material developed by James King
Jobs of the Servlet Classes
  • Your servlet will extend HttpServlet and only
    needs to replace the methods of HttpServlet of
    any requests it will process.
  • The HttpServlet class extends servlet and
    overrides its service method. This class has one
    dummy method for each type of HTTP request. The
    service method determines what the request is.
    E.g. HTTP get or post and calls the appropriate
    dummy method. The additional HTTP information is
    passed in HttpServletRequest and
  • The Servlet class service method is designed to
    be called by the web server with details about
    the request. (ServletRequest and ServletResponse)

CCTM Course material developed by James King
Writing a Servlet
  • Your servlets will usually extend the HttpServlet
    class. Which provides default implementations of
  • init, you only need to override this if you want
    to do some initialisation such as open a database
  • destroy, you only need to override this if you
    want to do some cleaning up such as closing a
    database connection.
  • service, should not normally be overridden
    because it decides which of the doX methods
    should be called
  • doGet. HTTP Get is the default way a web browser
    makes a request and this causes the doGet method
    of the servlet to be invoked so you would
    normally override this method
  • doPost. If you don't respond to a Post you don't
    need to override this method.

CCTM Course material developed by James King
HTTP Get or Post?
  • The main differences between Get and Post are
  • GET data is sent as a query string client
    query is completely embedded in the URL sent to
    the server. The amount of query information is
    usually limited to 1KB. This information is
    stored in the request line. This is the default
    method when you click on a href HTML link.
  • POST data is sent as part of the message
    body. Data is not visible in the URL and large
    amounts of data can be sent to the server.

CCTM Course material developed by James King
Servlet doGet and doPost
  • doGet and doPost have identical signatures and
    receive two parameters from the service method..
  • public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response) throws
    IOException, ServletException
  • public void doPut(HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response) throws
    IOException, ServletException
  • HttpServletRequest is an Object containing
    information about the request from the web
  • Such as the login name of the user and any values
    in the header field sent by the web browser.
  • Any parameters sent as part of the request
  • Any initialisation parameters set in the
    deployment descriptor
  • It also supplies any session and cookies (more on
    these later)
  • HttpServletResponse is an Object which allows you
    to add cookies, add header values and redirect to
    a new URL, write HTTP to the web browser and send
    error messages.

CCTM Course material developed by James King
Client-Server Interaction
  • HTTP Request (Sending request message to Server
  • HTTP is a request-response protocol
  • When a client sends a request, it consists of
    three parts
  • request line
  • HTTP method type (GET or POST)
  • resource name (URL)
  • protocol/version e.g. POST /im51p/w7.html
  • header variables contains browser information
  • message body in POST method request information
    is stored here (optional)
  • HTTP Response (Sending response message to
  • The response sent by the server also consists of
    three parts
  • response line (server protocol and status code)
  • header variables (server and response
  • message body (response, such as HTML)

CCTM Course material developed by James King
Servlet Output
Request contains any parameters, Cookies and
Sessions send by the client
Response allows you to add cookies and send data
to the client
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws
IOException, ServletException
PrintWriter out response.getWriter()
out.println("ltHTMLgt") out.println("ltHEADgtltTIT
LEgtFirst Servlet programlt/TITLEgtlt/HEADgt")
out.println("ltBODYgt") out.println("ltH1gtWelcom
e to Servletslt/H1gt") out.println("lt/BODYgt")
out.println("lt/HTMLgt") out.close()

The servlet must get the communications channel
from the response Object and set the encoding
before sending anything to the client
ltHTMLgt ltHEADgtltTITLEgtFirst Servlet
Programlt/TITLEgtlt/HEADgt ltBODYgt ltH1gtWelcome to
Servletslt/H1gt lt/BODYgt lt/HTMLgt
CCTM Course material developed by James King
First Servlet Example
Servlets are not part of the standard SDK, they
are part of the J2EE
import import javax.servlet. import
javax.servlet.http. public class ServWelcome
extends HttpServlet public void
doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws
IOException, ServletException
PrintWriter out response.getWriter()
out.println("ltHEADgtltTITLEgtFirst Servlet
out.println("ltBODYgt") out.println("ltH1gtWe
lcome to Servletslt/H1gt")
out.println("lt/HTMLgt") out.close()

Servlets normally extend HttpServlet
The response to be sent to the client
Details of the HTTP request from the client
Set the response type to text/html (this is
This HTML text is sent to the client
Don't forget to close the connection with the
CCTM Course material developed by James King
Servlet Life Cycle Managed by the Server and
Call to methods doGet(), doPost() in the user
defined servlet class
Unlike CGI a single servlet can service several
requests. In CGI, server invokes a separate
process for each request. Servlets therefore
reduce server load
CCTM Course material developed by James King
Scalability of Servlets
  • There are several costs associated with loading
    and executing user supplied code in the web
  • Compiling and loading
  • Handling sequential requests
  • Handling concurrent requests
  • The servlet is only recompiled by the web browser
    if it has changed otherwise the already compiled
    .class file is loaded gt Faster response times
    because the servlet does not need to be
  • The servlet can be kept in memory for a long time
    to service many sequential requests gt Faster
    response times because the servlet does not need
    to be reloaded
  • Only one copy of the servlet is held in memory
    even if there are multiple concurrent requests
    for it gt less memory usage for concurrent
    requests and no need to load another copy of the
    servlet and create a new process to run it.

CCTM Course material developed by James King
HttpServletRequest class
Get and Post are passed an instance of the
HttpServletRequest class. It contains methods for
accessing information about the HTTP request and
about the server environment such as the names of
parameters passed by the client, the protocol
used by the client etc.
String getMethod() obtain the HTTP request is
it a GET or POST String getParameter(String name)
- get a parameter (covered later) String
getRemoteHost() - clients host name String
getRemoteAddr() - IP address of client String
getServerName() - servers name int
getServerPort() - port on which server was
initially contacted on (8080 is usually
intranet only and not accessible from
outside) String getHeader("User-Agent") - name of
clients web browser String getHeader("Referer")
- URL of page that called the servlet some more
methods ...
CCTM Course material developed by James King
HttpServletRequest Example
import import javax.servlet.
import javax.servlet.http. p
ublic class ServEnvData extends HttpServlet
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException,
ServletException response.setContentTy
pe("text/html") PrintWriter out
response.getWriter() out.println("ltHTMLgt
") out.println("ltHEADgtltTITLEgtEnvironment
Datalt/TITLEgtlt/HEADgt") out.println("ltBODY
gt") out.println("ltH1gtServlet
Environmentlt/H1gt") out.println("ltBgtMethodlt/Bgt"
request.getMethod()"ltBRgt") out.println("ltBgtClie
nt Hostlt/Bgt"request.getRemoteHost()"ltBRgt") ou
t.println("ltBgtClient's IP Addresslt/Bgt"
tRemoteAddr()"ltBRgt") out.println("ltBgtServer
Namelt/Bgt"request.getServerName()"ltBRgt") out.p
rintln("ltBgtServer Portlt/Bgt"request.getServerPort
()"ltBRgt") out.println("ltBgtClient's
gt") out.println("ltBgtClient's URLlt/Bgt"request.g
out.println("lt/HTMLgt") out.close()

CCTM Course material developed by James King
HttpServletRequest Example
Web browser sent a HTTP GET request
My machine does not have a DNS entry so the
hostname is just the IP address
My machines IP address
The server has a DNS entry
The server was contacted by the web browser on
port 8186. A temporary port is set up for all
further communications allowing another web
browser to connect to the client
I used Mozilla rather than Internet Explorer
CCTM Course material developed by James King
HttpServletResponse class
  • The doGet and doPost methods also receive a
    instance of the HttpServletResponse class which
    contains methods for communicating with the
    client and manipulating HTTP information. Servlet
    can set the content length,status codes and MIME
    types of the reply etc.

void response .addCookie(Cookie cookie) -
(covered later) void response.sendError(int
status) - standard HTTP status codes void
response.sendStatus(int status) - send HTTP
status codes that are not errors void
response.sendRedirect(String location) - sends a
redirect response to the client some more
methods ...
CCTM Course material developed by James King
Passing a Parameter to Servlets
  • You can pass parameters to the servlet by
    creating a link to the servlet and encoding one
    or more parameters in the link
  • lta href"http//
    /param?p1hello"gt click here for a parameter
    example! lt/agt
  • This hardwires the value of the parameter in the
    html code.
  • The servlet can access the parameter called p1 by
    using the getParameter method in request.
  • String parameterrequest.getParameter("p1")

The name of the parameter
The value of the parameter
The name of the parameter
Get parameter always returns a String
The HttpServletRequest Object
CCTM Course material developed by James King
Passing Multiple Parameters to Servlets
  • To pass more than one parameter separate each one
    with a
  • lta href"http//
  • p1hellop2goodbye"gt click here for a parameter
    example! lt/agt

CCTM Course material developed by James King
Getting a list of Parameters
  • You can get a list of all the parameters passed
    by using getParameterNames() which returns an
    Enumeration Object
  • Enumeration prequest.getParameterNames()
  • while (p.hasMoreElements())
  • String n(String)p.nextElement()
  • String vrequest.getParameter(n)
  • out.println("parameter name is "n"
    parameter value" v"ltbrgt")

CCTM Course material developed by James King
Using forms to Pass Parameters
  • The second way to pass parameters to an servlet
    is to use HTML forms.
  • Enter your Name ltINPUT TYPETEXT NAME"myName"gt
  • lt/FORMgt

This will cause the doGet method in the servlet
to be invoked
Name of parameter value of parameter is whatever
is typed into the text box
CCTM Course material developed by James King
Using Choice boxes
  • The choice box allows one of a set of choices to
    be selected
  • Just like a TEXT input the result of the
    selection is stored in a parameter and passed to
    your application

Using Choice boxes
  • The code is a little more complex than a TEXT
  • ltbrgtltbrgtquestion 0 what grade do you want on this
  • ltbrgt F
  • ltinput type"radio" name"q0" value0 gt
  • ltbrgt resit
  • ltinput type"radio" name"q0" value1 gt
  • ltbrgt fail
  • ltinput type"radio" name"q0" value2 gt
  • ltbrgt retake
  • ltinput type"radio" name"q0" value3 gt
  • lt/formgt

All the choices associated with the same choice
box have the same name!
Each possible choice should have a different
When the submit button is pressed the parameter
q0 will have the value 0 or 1 or 2 or 3
Using Choice boxes
  • You may have one than one independent choice box
    in the same form. The result of each select is
    passed as separate parameters.

Using Choice boxes
  • In this case one choice is called q0 and the
    second q1
  • ltbrgtltbrgtquestion 0 what grade do you want on this
  • ltbrgt F
  • ltinput type"radio" name"q0" value0 gt
  • ltbrgt resit
  • ltinput type"radio" name"q0" value1 gt
  • ltbrgtltbrgtquestion 0 what grade do you want on the
  • ltbrgt F
  • ltinput type"radio" name"q1" value0 gt
  • ltbrgt resit
  • ltinput type"radio" name"q1" value1 gt
  • lt/formgt

Thread Unsafe
  • A servlet can be called concurrently several
    times by different web browsers.
  • This has ramifications for how you write your
  • If the servlet reads a global value the value may
    be changed by another thread before the servlet
    uses the value (which is now out of date)
  • The servlet on the next slide should count
    sequentially from 0 each time it is called. But
    if two requests are made concurrently it does not
    work correctly! try it!

CCTM Course material developed by James King
Thread Unsafe
  • import
  • import javax.servlet.
  • import javax.servlet.http.
  • public class multi extends HttpServlet
  • int count0
  • public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response) throws
    IOException, ServletException
  • response.setContentType("text/html")
  • PrintWriter out response.getWriter()
  • out.println("ltHTMLgt")
  • out.println("ltHEADgtltTITLEgt Thread UNSAFE
    example lt/TITLEgt lt/HEADgt ")
  • out.println("ltBODYgt")
  • out.println("ltH1gt old count is
  • countcount1
  • try Thread.sleep(4000) catch
    (Exception e)
  • out.println("ltH1gt new count is "count"lt/H1gt")
  • out.println("lt/BODYgt")
  • out.println("lt/HTMLgt")

CCTM Course material developed by James King
Thread Safe
  • A good way to make sure servlets are thread safe
    is to have no global data. But this is not always
  • A partial solution is to store data on a per
    client basis. But this requires sessions or
    cookies. It does not work if one client machine
    has two instances of the web browser accessing
    the servlet concurrently
  • The best method is to mark the sections of code
    that access global data as synchronized. This
    allows the sections that do not access global
    data to run concurrently

CCTM Course material developed by James King
Thread Safe
  • Enclose sections that use global data in
    synchronized sections
  • import
  • import javax.servlet.
  • import javax.servlet.http.
  • public class multi extends HttpServlet
  • int count0
  • Object snew Object()
  • public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response) throws
    IOException, ServletException
  • response.setContentType("text/html")
  • PrintWriter out response.getWriter()
  • out.println("ltHTMLgt")
  • out.println("ltHEADgtltTITLEgt Thread UNSAFE
    example lt/TITLEgt lt/HEADgt ")
  • out.println("ltBODYgt")
  • synchronized (s)
  • out.println("ltH1gt old count is
  • countcount1
  • try Thread.sleep(4000) catch
    (Exception e)
  • out.println("ltH1gt new count is "count"lt/H1gt")
  • out.println("lt/BODYgt")

CCTM Course material developed by James King
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