Title: Examining a Higher Degree:
1 Examining a Higher Degree The View From The
Other Side
Professor Max Bramer University of
Portsmouth United Kingdom www.maxbramer.org
2Choosing an External Examiner
- Nominated by the Director of Studies
- Student can express a preference
- Must not be too close to project
- Academic in UK university (usually)
- Fairly senior (preferably)
- Experienced examiner (normally)
- Internal Examiner is chosen mainly for
availability - IE and EE are equal but EE is primus inter pares
3Choosing an External Examiner (2)
- EE is an expert in areas relating to yours but
not necessarily precisely your area - You are the leading expert in your area
Rule 1 (for Director of Studies) Avoid the
partisan EE opposed to research in any subfield
and by any research group but their own
4Awarding a Higher DegreeThe Students View
- 3 years (or more) of hard work and false starts
- 150-200 pages or more of text
- Frequently many drafts
- Summary justice in a morning or afternoon after a
sleepless night
5Awarding a Higher DegreeThe Examiners View
- Examining fitted into a busy schedule
- Short period of intensive reading (say 2-3 days),
plus a lifetimes experience - Personal interest in the topic
- Onerous travelling in many cases
- Small fee, high responsibility
Rule 2 Make the thesis as interesting and as
clear as possible for someone in a hurry
6Whats at Stake?
- Student
- Future career and income
- Three years work potentially wasted
- Status with friends, family etc.
7Whats at Stake?
Examiner Professional reputation (who was your
external examiner?) May not be asked again (?)
Rule 3 Make the external examiner confident
enough to pass you (see later)
8Possible Outcomes PhD(First Attempt)
- Pass with no changes (lt5)
- Pass with minor changes checked by int. examiner
(75) - Major changes and resubmission after a year with
second viva (20) - Compensatory MPhil (0)
- Fail (lt1)
9Possible Outcomes PhD(Second Attempt)
- Pass with no changes
- Compensatory MPhil
- Fail
- No changes permitted at this stage
- No further resubmission possible
It is best to avoid a resubmission at the first
attempt all effort needs to be devoted to this
10What Happens at the VivaThe Official Agenda
- Present the two examiners, the candidate and the
Director of Studies (by invitation only) as
observer - The two examiners ask questions in turn (2-3
hours) - The examiners confer in private
- The candidate and observer return to hear the
examiners recommendation
11What Happens at the VivaThe Hidden Agenda
- Negotiation of which items to include in the list
of changes (there are almost always some) - Negotiation whether the changes needed are minor
or major - Most importantly, the examiners are trying to
decide whether they are confident to pass the
candidate (perhaps with minor changes) - If they are not confident, the easiest and safest
course is to request a resubmission and a further
12The Hidden Agenda (2)
13Preparing for the Viva
Starts the day you begin your PhD
14Relationship with the Supervisor
- A good supervisor will see you regularly, put
you in contact with the field, help you get
through the bureaucracy and do everything to
ensure you pass - BUT is likely to be busy, so the onus is on you
to arrange meetings, send papers for discussion
beforehand etc.
A good relationship between student and
supervisor is essential to the success of any
project. If the relationship breaks down
irrevocably, consider divorce!
15Writing a Thesis
- Make Chapter 1 a mini-thesis
- Signposting in each chapter
- Repetition and redundancy are helpful
- Order of chapters is important (not necessarily
chronological) - A thesis is not a diary!
- Dont mention lack of time
16Writing a Thesis (2)
- Spelling, punctuation and grammar matter!
- Clear expression matters (a lot)
- Non-native English speakers need to arrange for a
native speaker to read drafts through carefully
17Critiquing Thesis Drafts
- One of the supervisors key tasks, so make sure
he/she has time to do the job properly - Expect several points marked per page (some
trivial, others important) even in near-final
- If this step is not done thoroughly, the
examiners will be sure to do it!
18Assessing Your Progress
- Submit your work to public scrutiny (both
internal and external) as often as possible - - Seminars
- - Workshops
- - Working papers
- - Conference and Journal Papers
- Discuss your work with people outside your field
- Start doing all this as early as possible
19Preparing for the Viva
- Rehearse answers to standard questions
- What is the original contribution to knowledge
of this work? - What are the limitations of your approach?
- How would you propose to develop your work
- Anticipate likely lines of criticism and prepare
your response your supervisor can help with this
20The Viva How to Build the Examiners Confidence
Expert Systems always take 18 months to build
reference 27.
Rule 4 Do not defend the indefensible
21The Viva How to Build The Examiners Confidence
Less is more. A modest but accurate and well
substantiated claim is enough. Very strong claims
to have solved everything are not necessary, will
not be believed and are almost certainly untrue.
Rule 5 Do not claim too much
22The Viva How to Build the Examiners Confidence
The discussion will focus on two topics (a) Your
work (b) The broader picture The examiner does
not want to believe all you know about is your
own work.
Rule 6 Make sure you can put your work in
context. Why is it important? Why did you not use
a different method? How does your method relate
to other approaches?
23Defending a Thesis
- Examiners will have already formed an opinion
based on the written thesis. A good viva can
improve it. A bad one can ruin it. - Most examiners would much prefer to pass the
candidate and want to be persuaded to do so - Vital that answers make the examiners more
confident not less - An open mind and a proper scientific approach is
far more important than trying to justify every
word of the thesis (pass mark is not 100)
24Rule 7 Make Sure Your Conclusions Follow From
Your Premises
25What to Avoid (1)Mind Your Language
- Everyone knows that
- There is no doubt that
- I have proved that
- X is well-known to be the best method of
- It is clear that
- No-one can dispute that
26What to Avoid (2)Do Not Criticise Other
- All previous researchers have made the false
assumption that - Einstein had the mistaken view that
- No-one else has ever worked on .
Just say what you have done and examine the
evidence for its being a small improvement on
previous work. That is all that is needed.
27What to Avoid (3)Do Not Criticise Other
Especially not the examiners friends.
Dr. X clearly does not understand the work of
John Stuart Mill.
Summary of 1 to 3 Do not waste the examiners
goodwill by unsupported and unscientific comments
on fringe issues.
28What to Avoid (4)Small Examples
that do not scale up e.g. model-based reasoning
for a circuit with 5 components (6 possible
solutions) that could easily be handled by
other methods
29What to Avoid (5)Missing/'Optimistic' Evaluation
'Fully evaluated' but no results in the
thesis 'Best results in the world' (see reference
30What to Avoid (6)Unsound Evaluation
Two data mining examples Evaluating a trained
model on the training data Using a model on
unseen data needs a human expert to be present
31What to Avoid (7)Horror Stories
- Xs algorithm runs 1000 times faster than C4.5
- A method which chooses between 2 equally likely
possibilities with 30 accuracy - A method that predicts rare events less
accurately than chance
It is not necessary to be an expert to spot
problems like these. Any competent reader should
be able to do it. So why do mistakes like these
keep being made?
32And Finally
You make your own luck
33 Examining a Higher Degree The View From The
Other Side
Professor Max Bramer University of
Portsmouth United Kingdom www.maxbramer.org