Title: Test of New Master
1 Sample Report
Fiber/Wireless Network Expansion Project
Capital Investment 20M First Year
Draw 9M
Red Delivery critical delay
The Fiber/Wireless project is designed to
eliminate recurring telecommunications charges by
connecting facilities through broadband wireless
technologies or fiber where economically
feasible, providing increased bandwidth at a
lower cost
Amber Delay but recoverable
Green On track
ITD Objective Reduce Telecomm Costs
Key Sub-Initiatives
- Establish unified county wide dialing plan
- Complete documentation of fiber network
- Technical Platform Standardization
Project Cost
Cost Savings
Upcoming Milestones
1/14 to First 6 sites cutover 3/15 CAA, PDO,
Caleb, WSAD LeJune, Seaport CG Court House.
CAA, PDO are ready for cutover
on 02/03
1/20 to Phase I RFQ developed 2/07 released and
2/7 Phase I (126 sites)
implementation begins
Recent Wins
Issues Risks
Mitigating Actions
- RFQ for first 6 sites awarded, work has
commenced. - 6 month milestone with no outages for first
non-ITD customer (Court House East) -
- Procurement and development of RFQ has been
problematic. The phase I RFQ has been released
and cancelled twice, adding to delays. - Departmental reluctance to adopt wireless
- Direct involvement of the Business Office and
Engineering to develop and review scope of work
and requirements for validity prior to release of
RFQ. - Developing communication plan to clearly identify
benefits and reliability of technologies being
Updated by Lars Schmekel
Updated on January 6th, 2003 Email
2 Project Name
Capital Investment US XX
Red Delivery critical delay
Brief, concise project description
Project Mgr
Amber Delay but recoverable
Green On track
Key Sub-Initiatives
Upcoming Milestones
Project Cost
Cost Savings
Date milestone description
Date milestone description
Date milestone description
Recent Wins
Issues Risks
Mitigating Actions
Updated by Name
Updated on Date Email email address