Title: SAUSDs CAHSEE Success Plan
1SAUSDsCAHSEE Success Plan
Plan developed by Debby Schlegel Terri
Verhaegen Laurie Dugan Michelle Le Patner
- 830-1130 CAHSEE Success Plan
- Grade 8-10 Preparation Programs
- Data Dig
- Language Support Program
- Grade 11 12 Remediation Programs
- Correlation of Proficiency Standards Test to
CAHSEE - Administration Protocol
- 1115 SDCOE Material Review
- 1130-1230 Lunch
- 1230-330 CAHSEE Material Preview
- 1230 Revolution Prep
- 100 Princeton Review
- 130 Peoples Ed
- 200 My Guide
- 230 Plato
- 300 Reflection Feedback
3CAHSEE Results - District
4Our Goal
- 100 CAHSEE Pass Rate for SAUSD students
- We will measure our success as follows
- 85 Pass Rate in Grade 10
- 10 in Grade 11
- 5 in Grade 12
- 100 Pass Rate for SAUSD
5CAHSEE Cumulative
6Graduation Rates2002-2007
7Preparing Students for CAHSEE
8Overview of 5-Step Preparation Plan
- Elementary School Language Support
- Grade 8 After-School Program
- Summer Program between grade 8 and 9
- Grade 9 Proficiency Standards Test and one-on-one
counselor support/Problem of the Day - Three-Pronged Approach in Grade 10
95-Step Preparation Plan
- Elementary School Language Support
- Structured language support for beginners
- Support Program for early intermediate and
intermediate students - Grade 8 after-school program in English and
Mathematics for students who score below 350 on
the Grade 7 CST. CDE CAHSEE Preparation Guide
will be used. What additional materials should be
used? - Those students who scored Intermediate, Early
Intermediate or Beginning Proficiency Levels on
CELDT will be provided structured language or a
language support program. - A summer program between grades 8 and 9 for
students who are scoring below proficient on
district benchmark assessments. Lists of
identified students will be provided to schools
by RE.
105-Step Preparation Plan contd
- 4. Grade 9 administration of the Proficiency
Standards Test (PST), plus in-class CAHSEE
Problem of the Day - Determination of appropriate summer and Grade 10
intervention based on PST results - 9th Grade ELA and Math teachers will provide
students a CAHSEE Problem of the Day (SDCOE
Material provided by RE) - Summer school program between grades 9 10 will
include 20 minutes of CAHSEE preparation in each
course - Test taking skills will be taught in CCP
(curriculum provided by Ed. Services) - Other options following Grade 9 PST?
- 5. Grade 10 Programs (next slide)
11Grade 10 Preparation Program
12Options for CAHSEEFocus on Grade 10
- Plato Intervention Solution
- Prospects by Princeton Review
- Road Map to CAHSEE by Princeton Review (score of
325 or higher) - San Diego County Office of Education Materials
- CDE CAHSEE Study Guide Materials
- Kaplan
- MyGuide by Grow Network AB1802
- Measuring Up by Peoples Education AB1802
- Revolution Prep by Revolution AB1802
13Intervention Program SpecificsDecisions We Have
To Make
- When should these programs be held?
- After-School (2 hour increments)
- Saturdays (8-11 for single subjects or 8-1 for
dual subjects) - Pull-Outs
- Before-School
- During School (i.e. one period, lunch)
14Sample of Tutoring Schedule
15Program ParticipationIncentive Plan
16Question To Consider
- How will we measure
- our progress on the CAHSEE Preparation Programs?
17The Realities of Who Isnt Passing
18Non-Passing EL Students DistrictCAHSEE
A closer look at Students that did Not Pass
either Math or ELA in March 2007
19(No Transcript)
20English LearnersLess Than 12 Months
21English Learners Less Than 12 Months by Site
22Secondary Language Support Programfor beginning,
early intermediate, and intermediate proficiency
level students
- Lets take a look at the
- draft of the Secondary Language Support Plan
23Grade 11 12 Remediation Program
- Planning Ahead for our Non-Passers
24Grade 11 Remediation
- Students who do not pass CAHSEE in Grade 10 will
be placed in a full-semester CAHSEE course in
either ELA or Mathematics. This content course
will prepare them to take the November CAHSEE. - Students will be informed of this course in a
letter that arrives with their 10th grade March
CAHSEE results - This course will count as an elective
- The curriculum will be approved AB1802
Intervention Material - Students will also attend the before, during, and
after school tutoring provided to grade 10
students. Students will only attend appropriate
sessions (based on March results).
25Grade 12 Remediation
- Any student scoring at 300-349 will enroll in a
CAHSEE support class. - This is provided in a small group or one-on-one
format utilizing approved AB1802 materials - Capped at 15 students
- This program provides each student with a
specific course of study based on their last
CAHSEE results. - Students scoring at 299 or below will
- Principal will mentor these students and counsel
them on their progress - Monthly check-in with students
- One-on-one meetings with counselors
26CAHSEE Administration Protocol
- To better support you and
- in order to reach our goal,
- we are instituting district-wide procedures
- for administration.
27Administration Dates for 2007-2008
- July 24-25 Incoming Repeat Grade 12
- November 6-7 Grade 11, 12
- February 5-6 Grade 12
- March 11-12 Grade 10 Census Administration,
- Grade 11, 12 make-up
- May 6-7 Grade 10, 11 make-up
28Parent Communication Responsibilities
- Assembly to discuss graduation requirements,
including CAHSEE administrations, and
preparation/ remediation plan - Grade 9 assembly in January
- Grade 10 September
- Grade 11 12 in fall AND spring
- Parent Meeting regarding graduation and CAHSEE
requirements four times per year - Letter sent in mail to parents/guardians
distributed 4 weeks prior to the administration
(provided by RE) - Extend Message one month prior to administration,
and one time each week thereafter. One week
before administration date, there will be an
Extend message everyday. - Letter to parents/guardians 1 week prior to the
administration (provided by RE) - Entrance ticket is distributed to each student
the week prior to CAHSEE (provided by RE) - Individual Student Report and letter sent to
parent/guardians within two weeks. Letter will
include remediation programs available
29Grade 9 Administration Protocol
- Auditorium Assembly in January to discuss
graduation and CAHSEE requirements, as well as
the Proficiency Standards Test (PST) given in
March. Presentation format provided by RE - Letter sent at the end of February/first week of
March to parents explaining the purpose of the
PST. Letter drafted by RE. Distributed by
schools. - Test-taking skills one time per week utilizing
___________curriculum in the College Career
Planning course - PST Test Report sent to parents/guardians by
April, along with available preparation programs
for the summer and fall. Report sent by RE. - Grade 9 counselors meet with students to review
PST results in April-June. Meeting schedule
submitted to Assistant Superintendent - Review of CAHSEE blueprint in Grade 9 ELA and
Mathematics classes 1 month prior to the test
30- A closer look at 10th Grade Students and how they
did as 9th Graders on their Proficiency Standards
Test (PST)
31- 9th Grade PST and 10th Grade CAHSEE Correlations
322005-06 and 2006-07 Grade 9 PST
No significant difference between 2005-06 and
2006-07 9th Grade PST takers.
332005-06 and 2006-07 Grade 9 PST
34PST CAHSEE - District
The r2 value indicates the percentage of one
variable that can be predicted by another variable
Example 54.9 of a students total number
correct on the ELA section of the CAHSEE can be
predicted by their PST
Correlations ran based on students total number
correct on each test and passed/not passed status
all significant at the .01 level
36Correlations by Strand
Correlations ran based on percent correct in each
all significant at the .01 level
37Grade 10 Administration Protocol
- Auditorium Assembly in September to discuss
graduation and CAHSEE requirements, Proficiency
Standards Test (PST) results, and preparation
program schedule. Presentation format provided by
RE - Letter sent at the beginning of the year
describing graduation/CAHSEE requirements, as
well as specific preparation programs appropriate
for each student. Letter drafted by RE and
distributed by school. - Grade 10 ELA/Math teachers review PST results
with students and discuss intervention
opportunities. Provide daily CAHSEE POD. - Each Grade 10 teacher selects an incentive (i.e.
free homework pass, extra credit points, etc) for
attendance at preparation programs. Testing
Coordinator is responsible for distributing
CAHSEE Preparation Incentive Card to all
students. - Grade 10 counselors meet with all students who do
not pass CAHSEE in April/May to discuss class
placement for 11th grade, as well as remediation
program choices. - Review of CAHSEE blueprint in Grade 10 ELA and
Mathematics classes 1 month prior to the test
38Grade 11 Administration Protocol
- Grade 11 Counselors meet with each student to
discuss requirements in September/October,
November/December (progress in CAHSEE course),
February/March and May/June (to discuss results) - Auditorium Assembly in September, November, and
February for non-passers. Graduation and CAHSEE
requirements, and remediation schedule discussed. - Letter sent home at the beginning of the year
describing graduation/CAHSEE requirements, as
well as specific remediation programs appropriate
for each student. Letter drafted by RE and
distributed by school. - Administration meets with non-passers in May/June
to discuss coursework for summer and grade 12.
Parents/guardians are included in the meeting.
39Grade 12 Administration Protocol
- Letter sent at the beginning of the year
describing graduation/CAHSEE requirements, as
well as specific preparation programs appropriate
for each non-passer. Letter drafted by RE and
distributed by school. - Counselors meet with non-passers the first week
of school and each month thereafter, to discuss
plans, CAHSEE requirements, areas for focus, and
discuss remediation responsibilities. - Parent meeting for non-passers to discuss
requirements for graduation. - Grade 12 CAHSEE Remediation Teacher reviews
CAHSEE results with students and discusses
remediation focus - Administrator meets with these students to
evaluate progress and ensure students pass
40Training Series
- CAHSEE Coordinator/Administrator
- Counselors
- Orientation for facilitating Parent Meetings
41Decisions To Be Made
- What materials will be used in each
preparation/remediation program? - Who, at each site, will be responsible for
administration of CAHSEE? - Who at each site, along with the Education
Services Division, will be responsible for
coordination of CAHSEE remediation? - What additional components should be
included/modified in this plan?
42Questions or Issues
- Michelle Le Patner, Director
- Department of Research and Evaluation
- 714-558-5850