Title: www.gscb.org.uk
Gloucestershires Safeguarding Children Service
CYPSP Gloucestershire's Children and Young
Peoples Strategic Partnership Change for
Children Programme
2- Safeguarding Children Manager for the SCS and
GSCB. - Safeguarding Children Service is part of the
CYPD - CYPD is combined childrens services for what
use to be called the SSD and Education
Directorate - GSCB Is a multi-agency board that ensures
agencies are working together to ensure
Safeguarding in Gloucestershire - Todays talk is how we are steering Safeguarding
in Gloucestershire through the SCS and GSCB
The SCS and GSCB office moved to Eastgate House
in June 2006
3- GSCB established on 1st April 2006
- Replaced the Area Child Protection Committee
- Statutory mechanism for agreeing how the partner
agencies co-operate to safeguard and promote the
welfare of children and young people under - Section 11 of the Children Act 2004
- Working Together to Safeguard Children
- GSCB in a position to hold agencies to account.
- Safeguarding children is about
- Protecting children from maltreatment
- Preventing impairment of childrens health or
development - Ensuring that children a growing up in safe and
effective care
4GSCB Executive Board
Safeguarding Forums
Annual Conference
- GSCB Executive Board Partner Agencies
- Children Young People's Directorate,
Gloucestershire County Council - Gloucestershire Constabulary
- Gloucestershire Health Services
- NHS South West
- National Probation Service Gloucestershire
- Children and Family Court Advisory Support
Service - Connexions
- Gloucestershire Voluntary and Community Services
- Gloucestershire District Councils
5- Monitoring the performance of agencies working
with CYP and their families - Safer recruitment
- Anti-bullying policies
- Responsibilities under the Children Act 2004
- Raising the profile of the extra vulnerability of
CYPwD - Domestic Abuse
- BME in CP system
- Monitoring access to CP Procedures
- Review of provision of multi-agency training
- Review of process of learning lessons from SCR
- Strengthening the relationship between GSCB and
C4C Programme Board
These priorities reflect in the GSCB
Sub-committee Business Plans
- Learning and Development
- independence from direct childrens services
- Director of L D is also Chair of GSCB
Executive Board
Safeguarding Children Co-ordinators
Safeguarding Children Administration
GSCB Training and Administration
- CP concerns logged
- CP register managed
- CP conferences minutes and reports gathered
- CP advise offered
- CP and various other safeguarding children
courses offered - Administration of GSCB structure, website and CP
Safeguarding Children Development (education)
- Safeguarding in education settings
Although GSCB staff come under the SCS, the GSCB
sits above Partner agencies.
7- The concept of Every Child Matters Change
for Children was in response to the death of
Victoria Climbé. - The Children Act 2004 came into force to provide
the legislative foundation for the programme. It
requires - Each Local Authority to establish Local
Safeguarding Children Boards by April 2006. - Duty of co-operation among organisations working
with children - The DfES guidance Working Together to Safeguard
Children, details the framework on the role,
responsibilities and functions of the
Safeguarding Boards.
Gloucestershires answer to this is the GSCB,
which hopes to bring agencies to work together.
8- CYPSP Programme Board is responsible for
implementing the Gloucestershire C4C Programme
through the Multi-agency CYP Plan. - This aims to ensure that CYP are helped to
achieve these 5 outcomes - Be Healthy
- Stay Safe
- Enjoy their lives and achieve their potential
- Contribute to their local community
- Achieve a good standard of living
- Establishment of the GSCB was part of the C4C
programme. - The GSCB is linked with the CYPSP Programme
Safeguarding is a key aspect of the Stay Safe
outcome which underpins all the other outcomes
9- The Gloucestershire Safeguarding and Promoting
the Welfare of Children Procedures is an online
document of procedures that apply to all staff
working with children and young people. - The Procedures were formally known as the Green
Manual, as it was available in hardcopy format. - The procedures are now only available online
through the GSCB website current version is
Version 3. - www.gscb.org.uk/procedures
- Frontline staff are requested to subscribe to
the GSCB website mailing list, in order to be
kept informed about updates.
The Procedures explain what professionals should
do when they are concerned that a child may have
been or may be at risk of abuse or neglect.
10- Professional consults with supervisor/ DCPO
- Professional completes written record
- May seek advise from SCS or EDT
- Log a child welfare concern with SCS
- If warranted make a referral to the Children and
Families Helpdesk - Forward this referral in writing within 48 hours
to the CYPD - Within 24 hours of receiving a referral Initial
Enquiries begin
Logging a concern is not the same as making a
referral. It is no longer a matter of checking
the CPR more that each concern counts. These
concerns are then analysed in terms of their
seriousness or frequency. 01452 58 3636 (during
office hours)
11- During the Initial Enquiries a decision is made
as to whether there may be CP concerns If there
are then an Initial Assessment takes place. - This must conclude within 7 days of the referral
- Decisions are made as to whether
- The concern involves a criminal offence
- To inform the family
- The Initial Assessment concludes with a Strategy
Discussion if it has been judged that there is
risk of significant harm.
Significant harm (comes from Children Act 1989)
it is the threshold that justifies compulsory
intervention in family life in the best interests
of children.
12- The necessity of this is decided after an
Initial Assessment - Also within the 7 days of referral
- It provides a multi-agency platform for joint
discussion of the referral in which the
referrer should also be included. - This may be in the form of a meeting or over the
telephone. - It determines whether a Section 47 Inquiry is
necessary. - Also what services should be provided to the
families and whether a Core Assessment should
take place.
Section 47 In the Children Act 1989, it defines
the local authoritys responsibility to provide
services where there is actual or potential risk
of significant harm (children in need of
13- The SCS should be informed when a Strategy
Discussion takes place - As the Initial CP Conference must be booked
within 15 days of the Strategy Discussion. - This is the first conference
- Allows the concerns to be explored with the
families and professionals. - Agrees and outlines a Child Protection Plan if
there is risk of significant harm.
14- This is a group of multi-agency professionals
who then develop the CP Plan with the family - A key worker leads the Core Group
- The Core Group must first meet within 15 days of
the Initial Conference. - The key worker has responsibility to ensure the
CP Plan works, through further meetings if
necessary. - The key worker reports to the Review Child
Protection Conference within 3 months
Review Child Protection Conference monitors the
progress of the CP Plan
15- This is carried out by the Key worker
- It is used to determine the needs of a child and
how those needs can be addressed - It is a continuation of the Initial Assessment
- However is a more detailed assessment under the
Section 47 Inquiry - It is developed further by the Core Group after
the Initial Child Protection Conference - It should be completed in 42 days.
16 This completes an overview of the Child
Protection Process, however there are other means
of Safeguarding which the GSCB is involved with
17- GSCB training is a vital part of the child
protection process. - GSCB multi-agency training provides
professionals with the skills, knowledge,
judgement and ability to work together
effectively. - It is aimed at staff whose work brings them into
direct contact with CYP. - These courses are run throughout the year.
- Introduction to Child Protection
- Revision and Update Child Protection
- Working Together in Child Protection Conferences
and Core Groups - Crossing Bridges
- Domestic Abuse Safeguarding Children
- Safeguarding Children and Young People with
18- The GSCB has a Serious Case Review Sub-committee
to learn multi-agency lessons where a child has
died or in certain circumstances been seriously
harmed, and abuse or neglect is suspected. - Recommendations arising out of a SCR are made
public and the GSCB Monitoring and Performance
Sub-committee ensures that agencies act upon the
recommendations. - This year the SCR sub-committee has undertaken
and considered more cases. - The following general themes are present in the
recent SCR - Recording of accurate, clear and detailed
chronologies/ actions - Correct inter and multi-agency information
And also the role of strategy discussions/
19- Following the release of Version 3 of the
procedures, a new guidance document has been
included. - The advice has been taken from Working Together
and a group of professionals which included
Teenage Pregnancy staff. - It also gives some specific advice for staff in
educational settings.
20- Normal Child Protection Procedures should be
followed alongside internal disciplinary
procedures. - The DCPO should contact the Head Teacher
- Head Teacher must
- Make a referral
- Contact the Police Child Protection Unit
- Log a child welfare concern
- Report to the LADO for Allegations Management on
01452 42 6994 - A Strategy Meeting must be urgently convened.
- If the allegation is against the Head Teacher
then the DCPO must contact the Governor with CP
responsibilities. - If the DCPO is the Head Teacher, then the Deputy
Head Teacher and Governor with CP
responsibilities must be contacted.
21If you would like to subscribe to notification of
updates to the GSCB website please send us an
e-mail with the subject heading subscribe to
updates_at_gscb.org.uk If you have any
queries mail_at_gscb.org.uk
Thank you
CYPSP Gloucestershire's Children and Young
Peoples Strategic Partnership Change for
Children Programme