Title: Playing With the Boys Animated Narrative
1Playing With the BoysAnimated Narrative
- Becca Poetz
- CI 335
- 12-8-06
2I want to play basketball with the boys today.
You want to play with me?
Are you crazy? Were not good enough!
Lets give it a try and prove that were just as
good as the boys.
3I don't know
Come on, Dana. Pleeeeease.
Okay, just for today.
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5We want to play basketball with you guys.
What are you doing here?
No way! You girls arent good enough to play with
6If we dont let them, well get in trouble by the
7Fine, you can play. Were picking teams.
8I guess Ill take you
Now lets play!
And You
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10Woe! They are SOOOO fast!
We can keep up!
11James, pass me the ball
Im open!
12Dude, why arent you passing to Becca?
You should give her a chance. Pass her the ball
next time.
Shes a girl. Shes not as good as the boys.
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14Nice Shot Becca! Youre a good player!
15Fourth Grade
Fourth Grade
Thanks, I will
Im sorry for being mean.
You are a good basketball player
You should play with us tomorrow
16The End