Title: SelfOrganisation in Agent Organisations
1Self-Organisation in Agent Organisations
- Ramachandra Kota, Nicholas Gibbins
- and Nicholas R. Jennings
- School of Electronics and Computer Science
- University of Southampton, U.K.
- Autonomic systems
- computing systems with self-management
- solution to the problem of maintaining large,
complex computing systems? (Kephart and Chess,
2003)? - Self-organising multi-agent systems
- autonomous
- adaptive (continuous over time)
- decentralised and robust
- a paradigm to develop autonomic systems (Tesauro
et al., 2004)?
3Research Objective
- For problem-solving agent organisations with
- co-operative agents working together
- receive, allocate and execute dynamic stream of
tasks - representing a distributed computing system
- Develop a decentralised structural adaptation
method - local interactions gt used by every agent gt
robust - continuous gt keep improving gt optimising
4Related Work
- Self-organisation by reactive agents
- Centralised mechanisms requiring specialised
agents - Organisation self-design (OSD) based spawning and
merging agents - Adaptation in agent networks (contd.)
5More Related Work
- Adaptation in agent networks
- Does not work for models with multiple kinds of
links (organisational relations) - The links of an agent do not affect its own
performance - (no organisational load)
- Ignores computational load incurred for
adaptation - (meta-reasoning)
- Not designed to handle systems where agents join
and leave over time (dynamic organisations)
6Organisation Model
- A problem-solving agent ax
- provides a set of services Sx
- has a limited computational capacity Lx
- when assigned a service instance (SI) sij,
either- - allocates the SI to another agent, or
- executes the SI and then allocates the subsequent
dependent SIs
si1 s1, p1
root SI
Example of a task
si3 s0, p3
si0 s0, p0
si2 s2, p2
si4 s3, p4
leaf SIs
7Organisation Model Structure
- The relation between two agents determines-
- the knowledge held about each other
- the interactions permitted between them
- Three levels of relationships-
- Acquaintance no interaction
- Peer low frequency of interaction
- Authority (superior-subordinate) high frequency
of interaction
Example of an organisation structure
8Organisation at work an example
si1 s1, p1
root SI
si3 s0, p3
si0 s0, p0
si2 s2, p2
si4 s3, p4
leaf SIs
9Organisation Model Performance Evaluation
- costORG depends on communication messages passed
- Agent capacity Lx consumed by load lx as-
- lx ? pi M. ? mj,x R.rx
- load execution allocation reorganisation
- load due to allocation (mj,x) depends on
structure - rewardORG depends on speed of task completion
- profitORG rewardORG - costORG
sii ? WxE
sij ? WxF
10Adaptation example scenario
si1 s1, p1
root SI
si3 s0, p3
si0 s0, p0
si2 s2, p2
si4 s3, p4
leaf SIs
11Adaptation state transitions
12Adaptation Method
- Formulated using the decision theoretic approach
- Changing the relation denoted as actions
Just acquaintances
Just acquaintances
- Pairs of agents jointly estimate the expected
utility (to the organisation) of changing their
relation - Calculated for every possible action from the
state and the action with best expected utility
13Expected Utility Calculation
- Expected utility calculation based on the history
of interactions and delegations involving the two
agents - Using a Value function of the form
- Vx,y ?loadx ?loady ?loadOA ?costcomm
14Attribute values form_subr(x,y) action
- ?Loadx - M Asgx,total filledx(ttotal) /
ttotal - M management coefficient
- Asgx,total total number of SIs allocated by ax
- ttotal total number of time-steps of existence
of ax - filledx(ttotal) number of time-steps within
ttotal that axs capacity was filled with load
The attribute values are calculated on basis of
past interactions and delegations involving the
two agents
- Reasoning about reorganisation with another agent
needs computation (lx ...... R.rx) - R computation required for reasoning with
another agent - rx number of acquaintances that ax reasoned with
- ax should chose k acquaintances for reasoning
in a time-step - what is the value of k?
- which k acquaintances?
16Meta-Reasoning contd.
- Reduced to coupon collectors problem
- Randomised approach
- E (X) n ln(n) O(n)
- can chose the k acquaintances randomly
- Value of k decided at a time-step t as
- kt max1, (Lx - lx)/R, acqtsxchangedx,t-1/kt-1
17Dynamic Organisations
- Agents join and leave the organisation over time
- Forming relation with a new agent
- no history of interactions gt no data for
expected utility - explore versus exploit trade-off
18Dynamic Organisations contd.
- Same principle as in WOLF (Win Or Learn Fast)
- agent with unused capacity gt winning gt ignores
new agents - agents with waiting queue of SIs gt losing gt
actively seek subordinates - searches amongst the new incoming agents for
those providing in-demand services and forms a
superior-subordinate relation
19Empirical Evaluation
- Simulation Parameters
- Heterogeneity of the agents
- Similarity of the tasks
- Comparison Methods
- Central an omniscient external centralised
allocator performs the allocations ? maximum
profit obtained - Random agents randomly reorganise their relations
20Results Static Orgs
- free-Adapt no reorganisation load (R 0)
- all-Adapt k is always equal to total
21Results Static Orgs
Experiments by varying the reorganisation
coefficient R
22Results Dynamic Orgs
- free-Adapt no reorganisation load (R 0)
- nowolf-Adapt no WOLF component in the algorithm
23Results Dynamic Orgs
A sample scenario
24Future Work
- Organisations where the agents internal
characteristics change over time - Environments where the kind of similarity present
within tasks changes over time - Change proactively when the distribution of
future tasks is known - Explore a principled Reinforcement Learning
approach for adaptation
25Thank you!!