Dreamweaver - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Create a timeline and add layers to a timeline. Move and ... Changing the event from onLoad to onClick. Dreamweaver. Tutorial 7. 51. XP. Adding Behaviors to the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dreamweaver

Tutorial 7 Creating Animation with Dynamic Layers
and Behaviors
Creating Animation with Dynamic Layers and
  • In this tutorial, you will
  • Learn about animation
  • Create a timeline and add layers to a timeline
  • Move and resize animation bars
  • Add keyframes to animation bars
  • Adjust the visibility of layers
  • Preview a timeline in Dreamweaver and in a browser

Creating Animation with Dynamic Layers and
  • In this tutorial, you will (cont)
  • Adjust layer stacking order
  • Move and resize a layer
  • Delete an animation bar
  • Start a timeline with a button
  • Add behaviors to the Behaviors channel
  • Create multiple timelines

Understanding Animation
  • Animation adds interest and interactivity to a
    Web site.
  • Animation is created with a series of graphics
    that move over time like a flip book.
  • In computer animation, the computer helps draw
    the pictures in the series.
  • In Dreamweaver, you use the Timelines panel to
    create animations.

Understanding Animation
  • Animation is created in the Timelines panel by
    using timeline actions to change layer properties
    over time
  • Move a layer change X and Y coordinates
  • Show or hide a layer switches between three
    states, visible, hidden, or default
  • Resize a layer changes the width and height
  • Change the z-index or stacking order changes
    the order of the layer by modifying the z-index

Understanding Animation
  • The timeline can also change the image source,
    allowing image rollovers without using added
  • It is important to plan the animation on a Web
    page to avoid overloading and distracting the
  • Each animation should support the site goals and
    provide the user with useful information.
  • Timelines can only be viewed in 4.0 and later

Understanding Animation
The Open Timelines Panel
Exploring the Timelines Panel
The Timeline panel has many different components
Exploring the Timelines Panel
  • The Timelines panel has a toolbar with buttons
    and a timeline area.
  • The timeline area is divided into frames
    vertically and channels horizontally.
  • Timeline frames represent one cell of animation.
  • Frames are numbered so that you can keep track of
  • The playback head (a red bar) indicates the frame
    that is visible in the Document window.

Exploring the Timelines Panel
  • The length of an animation depends on the number
    of frames and the speed the frames play.
  • The speed of the animation is called playback
    rate and defaults to 15 frames per second.
  • The playback rate of the users browser and their
    machine speed can slow down an animation, but it
    will never exceed your set playback rate.
  • The Behaviors channel which holds called
    behaviors is the first row above the timeline.

Exploring the Timelines Panel
  • Animation channels in the rows below the frame
    numbers row are the rows where objects are
  • The Timelines panel toolbar contains buttons
  • Timelines list allows movement to the selected
    timeline when there is more than one on a Web
  • Rewind moves the playback head back to the
    first frame
  • Back rewinds the timeline frame by frame

Exploring the Timelines Panel
  • The Timelines panel toolbar contains buttons
  • Frame number text box shows the number of the
    current frame
  • Playback plays one frame of the timeline.
    Holding the button plays the entire timeline
  • Autoplay Adds a behavior that starts the
    animation playing when the Web page loads
  • Loop Adds a behavior that plays the animation

Creating a Timeline
  • To create an animation, start by dragging a layer
    to the Timelines panel.
  • The image or text to be animated must already be
    in the layer.
  • You can place a new layer and graphics on top of
    hot spots already created since they will work
    through the layer.

Creating a Timeline
The Tour Dates Page With the Graphic Added to the
map Layer
Creating a Timeline
Adding a New Layer over the Top of the First One
and Selecting it.
Creating a Timeline
The New layer Dragged to the Timelines panel to
Start the Animation
Creating a Timeline
  • When a layer is dragged to the Timelines panel,
    an animation bar and keyframes are also added.
  • The animation bar is by default 15 frames, and
    displays as a purple line appearing in the
    channel of the added layer.
  • Keyframes are frames where events occur.
  • Every timeline has at least two keyframes in
    the first and last frames of the bar.
  • The next step is to add other layers with
    graphics showing the movement for the animation.

Creating a Timeline
Adding Layers Each One With the Next Graphic in
the Animation
Creating a Timeline
Timeline After all 13 Layers Have Been Added
Moving and Resizing Animation Bars
  • Animation bars can be moved to another animation
    channel or another location within the same
  • To move an animation bar, select it by clicking
    somewhere between the keyframes and dragging to
    the new channel.
  • To reposition to another location within the same
    channel, select it and drag it to the desired

Moving and Resizing Animation Bars
Selecting an Animation and Dragging it to Another
Moving and Resizing Animation Bars
The Timelines Panel Showing all of the Animations
in Channel 1
Moving and Resizing Animation Bars
Dragging the Selected Animation to Frame 190
Moving and Resizing Animation Bars
  • Animation bars can also be resized to contain
    more or less frames.
  • To resize an animation bar, drag the beginning or
    ending keyframe to the desired frame.
  • Since number of frames is only one part of the
    animation speed, adding frames respaces all of
    the frames so that each event is quicker,
    preserving the animation.

Moving and Resizing Animation Bars
Moving the Endframe to Lengthen the Animation to
30 Frames
Adding Keyframes to an Animation Bar
  • You write the instructions for an animation in a
  • You need a keyframe to control each action.
  • Keyframes are used to control such things as
    movement and of layers or visibility.
  • After the keyframe is added, the layer name no
    longer displays.

Adding Keyframes to an Animation Bar
Adding a keyframe to Frame 2
Adding Keyframes to an Animation Bar
After the Keyframe is added
Adjusting Layer Visibility in the Timelines Panel
  • Changing visibility is one of the easiest ways of
    showing animation.
  • Visibility is immediate not gradual.
  • There are three visibility attributes visible,
    hidden, and default.
  • There is a column in the layers panel that shows
    the visibility attribute for each layer.
  • For instance, you can display the tour path just
    built by making the layers visible in sequence.

Adjusting Layer Visibility in the Timelines Panel
Starting the animation by setting the first
keyframe to invisible
Adjusting Layer Visibility in the Timelines Panel
The Layer Visibility Set
Previewing a Timeline
  • You can preview an animation in Dreamweaver as
    you are working.
  • You can also preview in a browser which often
    shows the animation differently.
  • To preview in Dreamweaver, drag the playback head
    across the timeline, or click and hold on the
    Playback button.
  • To preview in a browser, add a behavior to the
    Web page to play the timeline.
  • You can do this by clicking the Autoplay checkbox
    in the Timelines panel toolbar.

Previewing a Timeline
Adding Autoplay Behavior to the Web Page
Previewing a Timeline
Viewing the Animation in Browser Window
Adjusting Layer Stacking Order in the Timeline
  • You change stacking order of layers by adjusting
    their z-index number.
  • You can make something appear to be animated by
    jumping the layer to the top.
  • Changes in stacking order occur immediately when
    the timeline reads a keyframe with instructions
    to change the z-index number.

Adjusting Layer Stacking Order in the Timeline
Adding a Graphic Layer showing a Tour Bus
Adjusting Layer Stacking Order in the Timeline
Viewing the Animation with the Tour Bus
Adjusting Layer Stacking Order in the Timeline
Changing the layer stacking order to hide the bus
at the end of the animation
Adjusting Layer Stacking Order in the Timeline
Viewing the stacking order in Dreamweaver Frame
Adjusting Layer Stacking Order in the Timeline
Viewing the stacking order in Dreamweaver Frame
Moving a Layer in the Timelines Panel
  • You can also animate by moving a layer to other
    positions on the page over time.
  • To move a layer, select a keyframe and move the
    position of the layer.
  • Unlike other animation methods, the layer moves
    to the new position gradually in the frames
    between the keyframes.
  • Adding frames between keyframes makes the
    movement slower and smother.

Moving a Layer in the Timelines Panel
The bus layer with the bus positioned over
another point on the tour path
Moving a Layer in the Timelines Panel
The bus layer with the bus positioned over the
final point on the path
Resizing a Layer Over Time
  • Changing the size of a layer over time is another
    way to add animation.
  • Resizing a layer doesnt change the size of the
    images on it, but changes the amount of the image
    that is visible if the layers overflow is set to
    Hidden in the Property inspector.
  • If you add a background color to the layer, you
    can see the change in dimensions.

Resizing a Layer Over Time
The Web page with a resized background layer
Deleting an Animation Bar
  • Too much animation can make a page difficult to
    read and focus on the intended message.
  • If you decide you dont need an animated element
    you can easily delete it.
  • To delete, select the particular animation bar in
    the Timelines panel, right-click it, and select
  • You may also have to select and remove any added

Starting a Timeline with a Button
  • Timelines can be started on loading the page with
    Autoplay, or they can be set to start when the
    user clicks a button.
  • For instance, you can set different timelines
    based on user choices as they select different
    features of the Web page.
  • A button will trigger a timeline to begin playing
    if you add a behavior to the button.

Starting a Timeline with a Button
First add a rollover image button for the user to
Starting a Timeline with a Button
Adding the Play Timeline Behavior to the button
Starting a Timeline with a Button
Changing the event from onLoad to onClick
Adding Behaviors to the Behaviors Channel
  • Many of the behaviors from the Behaviors panel
    can be added to a timeline.
  • This will let you make things happen over time
    within a Web page even without user interaction.
  • You add behaviors by selecting the desired frame
    in the Behaviors channel and selecting the
    desired behavior in the Behaviors panel.

Adding Behaviors to the Behaviors Channel
  • We will first set all of the layers to Hide in
    frame 1.
  • The Diagram below shows the Hide behavior added
    to the Bus layer
  • This operation will be repeated in frame 1 for
    each of the layers.

Adding Behaviors to the Behaviors Channel
Frame 1 of the Timeline after the Hide behavior
is added
Adding Behaviors to the Behaviors Channel
Stop and GoToFrame behaviors added to the
timeline at frame 215
Creating Multiple Timelines
  • You can create more complex animations by adding
    multiple timelines to the same Web page.
  • If each animation is in a separate timeline, you
    can control them independently.
  • Additional timelines are added in the same way
    the first one was added.
  • You can use an object in more than one timeline
    without adding a new copy of it to the page.

Creating Multiple Timelines
  • All of the timelines are independent.
  • They can all run at the same time, be set so that
    one starts at the end of another, or be kicked
    off independently by a user action.
  • The more animation occurring at a given time, the
    more processor power is needed to run it.
  • Too much or too complicated animation can slow
    the speed of the users computer.

Creating Multiple Timelines
Adding a second timeline to the Tour dates Web
Creating Multiple Timelines
Repeating the steps to add layers and adding the
second tour path to the Web page
Creating Multiple Timelines
The Web page with a second bus rollover
image. Clicking the second bus will show the
second tour path and then reset to the beginning
after hiding the path
Creating Multiple Timelines
The finished Web page with both animations set to
Hide and ready to be played
Updating the Web Site on the Remote Server
  • When pages are changed, they should be updated on
    your remote site.
  • To update
  • Connect to the remote server using the Connects
    button on the Site panel
  • Click View list and Local View
  • Select the updated files and then the Put Files
  • Click the View list and then Remote view
  • Disconnect using the Disconnects button

Tutorial Summary
  • You should now be able to
  • Create several different types of animation
  • Create a timeline and add layers to it
  • Move, resize and add animations to animation bars
  • Adjust the stacking order and visibility of
  • Start a timeline automatically or with a button
  • Add behaviors to the behavior channel
  • Create multiple timelines
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