Title: Materials and Methods
1Results and Discussion
Materials and Methods
The growth curves for different E. coli and A.
tumefaciens strains were determined by measuring
optical densities (ODs) and plating diluted
culture samples. Growth curves were determined
for different inoculums and different media
(Figure 1). Electrocompotent cells were
prepared by a series of washing and pelleting in
10 glycerol solution, then flash-frozen in
liquid nitrogen and stored at -80ºC. To
genetically transform the cells by
electroporation, they were mixed with plasmids
and a 2.5 kV current was passed through the mix
for 5.9 ms. Cultures were plated on selective
media to determine transformation efficiencies.
Figure 1
Acknowledgement I would like to thank the
National Science Foundation REU program for
funding this project.