Title: OQ 2: The New Direction in Operator Qualification
1OQ 2 The New Direction inOperator Qualification
2The Reasons for OQ2
- Inadequacies Observed in Operator OQ Program
Plans - Need for Structure in Inspection Process
3The Reasons for OQ2
- National Transportation Safety Board Closure on
OQ - Potential Congressional Imposition of
Certification Requirements
4OQ2 Reality
- OPS Is Not Staying
- Enforcement of the
- Operator Qualification Rule
5OQ2 The Problem
- We are Quickly Approaching October 28, and
Operator Program Implementation Issues Exist
6OQ2 The Problem
- A Surge of Inspection and Enforcement Activity
Based on Clarified Regulatory Expectations would
not be Productive
7OQ2 Regulatory Goals
- Ensure That All Persons, Including Contractors,
are Qualified to Perform Covered Tasks (Same as
8OQ2 Regulatory Goals
- Support Early Post-Implementation Inspections
9OQ2 Regulatory Goals
- Promote Uniformity of Inspection and Enforcement
Federal and State
10OQ2 Regulatory Goals
- Identify Noteworthy Practices and Promote their
Broader Use
11OQ2 Operator Goals
- Ensure that all Persons, Including Contractors,
are Qualified to Perform Covered Tasks (Same as
12OQ2 Operator Goals
- Evaluate OQ Program Plans Relative to Clarified
Regulatory Expectations
13OQ2 Operator Goals
- Identify Noteworthy Practices and Promote their
Broader Use
14OQ2 The Approach
- Implement a Two-Stage Inspection Approach
15OQ2 The Approach
- Institute Web-Based Communications to Convey
Expectations Gather Issues
16OQ2 The Approach
- Develop Structured Inspection Protocols and
Supporting Inspector Guidance (Like that Being
Used With the Integrity Management Rule)
17OQ2 The Approach
- Require Training of Inspectors in Use of the
18OQ2 Two Stages of Implementation
- Stage 1 Inspectors will Focus on High Risk
Areas Reinforce Expectations - Begin Inspections after October 28, 2002
19OQ2 Two Stages of Implementation
- Stage 2 Comprehensive OQ Inspections
- Fully Implemented by June, 2003
20What Are High Risk Areas?
- Significant Elements of the OQ Process
- Process to Address AOCs
- Process to Manage Contractor Qualification
- Basis for Reevaluation Intervals
21What Are High Risk Areas?
- Perceived High Risk Tasks
- Control Center Operation
- Application of Pipe Coating
- Monitor for Internal Corrosion
22Features of Web-Based Communications
- Flow Diagram of Steps in Rule Implementation
- Rule Provisions
- Preamble Insights
- FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
- Inspection Protocols
23Features of Web-Based Communications
- The Ability to Pose Rule-Related Questions
- Structured Process for Developing and Posting
Response to Questions
24Operator Qualification Rule Process Flow
2. Identify Covered Tasks and Related
Evaluation Methods
1. Document Program Plan, Implementing Procedures
, and Qualification Criteria
3. Identify Persons Performing Covered Tasks
No Longer Qualified
4. Evaluate Qualify Persons Performing Covered
Tasks, Including Recognizing and Reacting to
Abnormal Operating Conditions
Should Person be Reevaluated? (Questionable Perfo
rmance, Reevaluation Due)
5. Continued/Periodic Evaluation of Persons
Performing Covered Tasks
6. Monitor Program Performance, Identify
Analyze Potential Improvements
8. Manage Change
7. Maintain Program Records
25Operator Qualification Rule Example of
Performance Protocol
Determination of Reevaluation Interval for
Coating Application
- Performance Monitoring (Examples)
- Post-Installation Quality Check,
- Requirement to Apply Coating at
- Least Monthly to Maintain
- Qualification
- Qualified Inspector Periodically
- Observes Application Practice, and/or
- Qualified Independent Verifier
- Periodically Observes Application
- Practice
Performance Actively Monitored After Qualification
Initial Qualification Evaluation by (a) Written
Examination, and (b) Observation During
Simulation of Task Performance
Assign Minimal Reevaluation Interval (e.g., 12
Assign Reevaluation Interval Longer Than
Minimal (e.g., 3 to 5 Years)
26Information on OQ2
- Http//primis.rspa.dot.gov
- Http//www.tsi.dot.gov
- Http//www.ops.dot.gov
- Http//www.rspa.dot.gov