Title: Thermofluids for Medical Engineering
1Thermofluids for Medical Engineering
- (1) Basic Fluid Mechanics flow descriptions and
kinematics - (2) Dynamic similarity
- (3) Momentum theorems
- (4) Introductory dynamics of the cardiovascular
system - (5) Pipe Flows
2Difference between a fluid and a solid
- Solid Constant strain results from a constant
stress (SI unit Pa Pascal N m2)
The familiar 1-dimensional case
Strain (extension) / (original length) No
Stress (force) / (area) Unit Pa or N/m2
Youngs modulus (material property) Unit Pa or
3Kinematics of fluid motion
- Fluid
- Constant rate of strain results from a constant
stress. - (i.e. there must be a time element, or time must
enter the consideration). - In other words, the material deforms continuously
under constant stress.
4Shearing stress and strain of a fluid
Munson, Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics 4th
Shearing strain angular displacement
(for small )
U velocity of upper plate
Rate of shearing strain
velocity gradient
5Viscosity (friction) of a fluid
- We have thus established that, at least for this
very simple case of a linear shear, the rate of
shear strain is equal to the velocity gradient. - In solid mechanics, it is usual to assume that
stress is proportional to strain, at least for
small displacement. - In fluid, this implies stress or constant
times the velocity gradient (?).
6Shear stress force per unit area For a
Newtonian fluid Shear stress is proportional to
rate of shear strain
Rate of shear strain Unit 1/s
Shear stress Unit Pa or N/m2
Dynamic viscosity Unit Pas Constant for
Newtonian fluid. Variable for non-Newtonian fluid
(stress depends nonlinearly on strain rate or
other factors)
7Viscosity (side note)
- A red blood cell (RBC) is about 7µm in diameter.
- In large blood vessels, blood is effectively
Newtonian. - Since individual RBCs do not interact too much
with each other. - In small vessels (capillaries), blood is
non-Newtonian. - Size of RBC becomes comparable to vessel
diameter. RBCs interact with each other and the
vessel wall. The continuum approximation of fluid
breaks down and blood can no longer be considered
8Eulerian versus Lagrangian descriptionsof fluid
- Eulerian Employ fixed coordinates Do not
follow individual particles, velocity expressed
as functions of spatial coordinates. (More
common) - Lagrangian Follow individual particles
Positions of specified particles are the
objectives. Can employ Newtons laws of motion
but less convenient for applications.
9Eulerian versus Lagrangian descriptionsof fluid
- What does it really mean by following individual
particles (Lagrangian) versus using fixed
coordinates (Eulerian)? - Lagrangian (probably the one more familiar to
you) - Position of particle (x,y,z) to be found as a
function of time - Example
- at time 1, the particle is at (3,2)
- at time 3, the particle is at (9,18)
- But this takes care of ONLY ONE PARTICLE.
10Eulerian versus Lagrangian descriptionsof fluid
- Eulerian (more common in fluid dynamics)
- We seek a function describing a certain variable
in the whole region. - Example velocity field (very artificial i.e. not
real, illustration purpose only) - Thus, at every position (i.e. x,y) in each
instant (i.e. t), there is an associated
velocity vector. - In other words, we fix our region of interest and
look at what happens in that region as time goes
by. - The function can also be scalar the associated
variable at every position in each instant is
thus a scalar - e.g. temperature field, pressure field
11Eulerian versus Lagrangian descriptionsof fluid
- Concept
- Lagrangian
- You need a single equation of motion for each
particle of interest, (which is impractical for
fluid motion since a fluid has too many
particles). - Particle position x,y,z is a function of time
- Eulerian
- A single field equation contains the information
for every point in the region. - Position x,y,z is no longer attached to
individual particles. It only refers to one point
in space different particles will flow past
that point in space as time goes by. - Position x,y,z and time are independent
12Flow Kinematics StreamlinesPathlinesStreakl
13- Streamline line (or more precisely, curve)
which is everywhere tangent to the velocity
fields. - Pathline line traced out by a given
particle as it flows - from one point to another.
- Streakline curve joining all particles in a
flow that have previously passed through a given
Streamlines -everywhere tangent to velocity
vectors This velocity profile is a little bit
artificial. It is given here as an illustration
15Velocity field
16Corresponding streamline
- Line traced out by a given particle
The particle we are looking at
- Line traced out by a given particle
Pathline of the particle
- Curve joining all particles that have previously
passed through a given point. - Produced experimentally by continuously injecting
dye at a point in the flow field. - Concept
- For steady flow (i.e. time invariant)
- streakline pathline streamline
- For unsteady flow, streamline, pathline,
streakline are all distinct from each other. - Usually, the pictures we see in textbooks are
either pathlines (labelling a single particle by
dye) or streaklines (continuous injection of dye
at a point in the flow field) - The term streamline is often used incorrectly,
although all three types of lines (or curves) are
the same in STEADY flow.
20Additional information
- http//www.atmos.washington.edu/durrand/animation
s/vort505/vortanim2.psp - Unsteady flow streamlines (in red) vary with
time - Pathlines of 3 particles shown
- The (circular) vortex is beyond the scope of this
21- What will the students of the class of 2010 be
doing in 2011? - Streamline Many students, ONE moment in time
(i.e. many particles, one moment in time, in a
time evolving situation).
22- What will you be doing in 2011, 2012, 2013?
- Pathline ONE student, DIFFERENT moments in
time, or a sequence of time steps (i.e. one
particle, different moments in time).
23- What will the top ranked students of the classes
of 2008, 2009, 2010 be doing in 2011? - Streakline Many students who share definite
characteristics (being top ranked in MedEng of
HKU), ONE moment in time (i.e. many particles,
one moment in time).
24Dynamic Similarity of Flows
- We are looking for Dynamic Similarity and NOT
Geometric Similarity. - Testing airplanes in a wind tunnel in the
development phase - Suppose the length scales of the prototype
(real thing) to the model is 100 1, should
the velocities be also reduced by a factor of 100
in the model study ? - NO. We seek dynamic similarity by keeping
certain non-dimensional parameters the same.
25Nondimensionalizing the equations ofmotion (a)
Choosing characteristic time, length, velocity
(and so on) scales. (b) Express equations in
non-dimensional forms.(c) Keep certain key
parameters the same.
26Dynamic similarity - concept
- Directly from the governing differential
equations (if known) - Original equation in the y direction (u, v
velocities in x, y directions) - Then, rescale variables with suitable reference
quantities and make them dimensionless (for
details please refer to notes) - e.g
- x x/L (x L, L L)
- u u/U (u L/T, U L/T)
- p p/(?U2) (p Pa M/LT2, ? M/L3, U
L/T) -
- (These constants should be some meaningful
parameters in the problem. For example, in pipe
flow, L can be the diameter for the pipe. Since x
is the distance from the tube inlet, the physical
meaning of x is a normalized x, or, how many
diameter downstream from inlet.)
Note M,L and T inside brackets refer to
dimensions of mass, length and time respectively
27Dynamic similarity - concept
- After some algebra
- where
- The whole equation is also dimensionless.
- Thus, if you have different scales for the same
physical problem (e.g. micrometres vs kilometres,
seconds vs years ), as long as your R and Fr are
the same in the two scales, you end up with
identical governing equations and boundary
conditions in dimensionless form. - Non-dimensional parameters in this case R
(Reynolds number) and Fr (Froude number) - Note the physical meaning of these numbers. e.g.
Reynolds number is the ratio of inertial force to
viscous drag force.
28Important nondimensionalizing the equations of
motion does NOT help us in solving the
differential equations (it should not, the
mathematical difficulty is always there).(2)
However, if you have one set of solutions (by
numerical simulations, laboratory experiments
etc), you can apply that solution (or data set)
to other configurations.
29Two coefficients of viscosity (a) Dynamic
viscosity and (b) Kinematic viscosity
(Dynamic Viscosity)/Density(2) Inertial force
mass (acceleration)
30Common non-dimensional parameters(1) Reynolds
number Ratio of inertial force to viscous
force (2) Froude number Ratio of inertial
force to gravity force(3) Mach number Ratio
of inertial force to elastic force(4) Weber
number Ratio of inertial force to surface
tension force.
31Inertial force (mass)(acceleration)(2)
Strictly speaking there is no physical mechanism
called inertial force. In practice, what is
driving the fluid to move?
32Dynamic similarity application
- To test the aerodynamics of an aircraft wing we
can set up experiments in a smaller scale to save
. - In practical situations, it is almost always
impossible to set up experiments such that ALL
dynamic similarities are satisfied. - We want to satisfy the most important aspect(s)
of the problem - e.g. in pipe flow, we want to satisfy the
Reynolds number since the problem is dominated by
viscous drag force and inertia force of the fluid.
33An alternative approach (without using
differential equations)
- (1) We first list or identify the variables
(velocity, pressure, or length scales) relevant
to the problem (without differential equations,
but require more insight). - (2) Form certain non-dimensional parameters.
- (3) Buckingham Pi theorem prescribe or limit
the number of such nondimensional parameters.
34Inertial force (mass)(acceleration)
(density)(volume)(velocity/time)(2) Viscous
force (viscous stress)(area) (coefficient of
viscosity)(velocity gradient)(area)
(coefficient of viscosity)(velocity/length)(area)
35by assuming volume (length)3 area (length)2.
Hence(Inertial force)/(Viscous force)
(density)(area/time)/viscosity coefficient
36(Inertial force)/(Viscous force)
(density)(length)(length/time)/coefficient of
viscosity (velocity)(length)(density)/coeffic
ient of viscosity Reynolds numberkinematic
viscosity dynamic viscosity/density
37An example on the importance of non-dimensional
parametersForce on a cylinder in a fluid will
depend on (a) the density of fluid, (b) the
diameter of the cylinder, (c) the free stream
velocity, and(d) the viscosity of the fluid.
38For each variable, consider ten data points.(2)
Each experiment say takes 1/2 hour. Thus we need
10,000 (0.5) 5,000 working hours.(3) We work 8
hours per day, 365 days a year. (4) The whole
process will take 2.5 years.(5) Time consuming,
expensive and NOT illustrative (4dimensional
39Thus, dynamic similarity is not only an efficient
method to compare data/ numerical
simulations/experimental results around the
world,it is a very compact means to present
results / insight in a a complicated flow