Title: AACR 2 Revision 2002: Integrating Resources and Monographs
1AACR 2 Revision 2002Integrating Resources and
- BIBCO-AtLarge
- ALA Midwinter Jan. 26, 2003
- Judith A. Kuhagen
- CPSO, Library of Congress
2Highlights of changes
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 9
- Chapter 12
- Chapter 21
- Related rules in chapter 1
- Harmonization with ISBD and ISSN
3Chapter 3 Cartographic materials
- New rules for description of electronic
- New rules in the Physical description area for
layout, production method, and medium
4Chapter 9 Computer files
- Rules and examples for integrating resources
relocated to chapter 12
5Chapter 12 Continuing Resources
- Rules for serials revised
- Rules for integrating resources added
v. 1
v. 1
v. 2
v. 2
v. 3
v. 3
v. 4
v. 4
Journal of
6Change in scope of chapter 12
- Serials
- Integrating resources, both ongoing and finite
- Also
- Reprints of serials
- Resources with characteristics of serials but
whose duration is limited
7Integrating resources
- New definition in AACR2 A bibliographic
resource that is added to or changed by means of
updates that do not remain discrete and are
integrated into the whole. Integrating resources
can be finite or continuing. - Most common
- Updating loose-leafs
- Updating electronic resources
8Integrating issuance
9Is it an integrating resource, a serial, or a
- LCRI 1.0 has clues
- and defaults for this
- decision LC practice
10Integrating resources U.S. practice in AACR2
- Rules in Adele Hallams manual for updating
loose-leafs generalized to apply to all
integrating resources
- Only a few changes from Hallam, generally to
allow more catalogers judgment
- Cataloging Rules for the Description of
Looseleaf Publications
11Basis of description (12.0B1b)
- Base description on current iteration
- Iteration An instance of an integrating
resource, either as first published or after it
has been updated.
- Exceptions
- Dates of publication first and/or last
- Notes/Standard number all iterations and any
other source
12Change in an integrating resource
- If new record not needed (usual situation)
update the same bibliographic record
- Re-do the description to match current iteration
- Give earlier information in a note if important
- Change rules in 12.1-12.6 with a corresponding
rule for note in 12.7B
13Notes for changes in iterations
- 12.7A2 identify iteration(s) if note does not
apply to all iterations
- LCRI 12.7A2 has LC/PCC practice
- Give exact information if readily available
- Otherwise, use Viewed on information or
information in Description based on note of
record before it was revised give information in
angle brackets
14MARC 21 variable fields
- 022/222 ISSN/Key title (12.8)
- 247/547 Change in title proper (12.7B4.2)
- 310/321 Current/former frequency (12.7B1)
- 362 1 Beginning/ending date of publication
- 550 Earlier corporate body statements of
responsibility (12.7B7.2)
- 580/760-787 Relationships with other resources
(12.7B8) also new subfield i
15Relationships (12.7B8)
- Immediately preceding, immediately succeeding, or
simultaneously issued resources
- Reciprocal notes
- Related work added entries only in a few
situations (LCRI 21.28B1)
- Maintenance of link in other record(s) when
1XX/245 changes in current record
16Form of linking entry
17Continuation New Edition
- 010 a 2002046534
- 020 a 0179852641 (loose-leaf)
- 100 10 a Allan, Wallace, d 1950-
- 245 10 a Regulations. p Loans.
- 250 a 2nd ed.
- 780 00 a Allan, Wallace, 1950- t
Regulations. Loans. b 1st ed. z 0165247719
w (DLC)97109851
18Continuation Earlier Edition
- 010 a 97109851
- 020 a 0165247719 (loose-leaf)
- 100 10 a Allan, Wallace, d 1950-
- 245 10 a Regulations. p Loans.
- 250 a 1st ed.
- 785 00 a Allan, Wallace, 1950- t
Regulations. Loans. b 2nd ed. z 0179852641
w (DLC)2002046534
19New integrating resource record
Add 776 0 t Franchise handbook x
0882-5505 w (DLC)85644136
Existing serial record
Add 776 0 t Franchise handbook online w
Courtesy Dave Reser
20Merger New Resource
- 010 a 2002111111
- 022 a 1234-5678
- 245 00 a Regulations for commercial and
- residential property.
- 580 a Merger of Regulations for commercial
- property, and Regulations for
residential property
- 780 14 t Regulations for commercial property
z 1212343456 w (DLC)95012012
- 780 14 t Regulations for residential property
z 0101252252 w (DLC)96214789
21Merger One of Completed Resources
- 010 a 95012012
- 020 a 1212343456 (loose-leaf)
- 245 00 a Regulations for commercial property.
- 580 a Merged with Regulations for
residential property, to form Regulations for
commercial and residential property
- 785 17 t Regulations for residential property
z 0101252252 w (DLC)96214789
- 785 17 t Regulations for commercial and
residential property x 1234-5678 w
22Merger Other Completed Resource
- 010 a 96214789
- 020 a 0101252252 (loose-leaf)
- 245 00 a Regulations for residential property.
- 580 a Merged with Regulations for
commercial property, to form Regulations for
commercial and residential property
- 785 17 t Regulations for commercial property z
1212343456 w (DLC)95012012
- 785 17 t Regulations for commercial and
residential property x 1234-5678 w
23Notes more information/examples
- MARC 21 bibliographic format
- LCRIs for 12.7 rules
- Training materials posted on Web sites listed on
last slide
24Leader Bibliographic Level
- New code i (integrating resource)
- Implemented no earlier than mid-2003
- Interim continue to use code m (monograph)
- RLG Union Catalog
- Implemented in all formats except Books
- If language material
- Use Books format and code m
- Alternatively, use Serials format and code i
25Continuing resource (CR) 006/008
- Use CR 006 if coding m in Leader Bibliographic
level (current LC/BIBCO policy)
- In RLG Union Catalog use Books format
- Alternatively, in RLG Union Catalog
- Use CR 008 if using Serials format coding i
- Use CR 006 if using format other than
Books/Serials coding i
26Continuing resource 006
- Until LC uses code i in Leader Bibliographic
level, LC will code only these positions in CR
006 most important information
- Frequency
- Type of continuing resource (was Type of serial)
- Entry convention (was Successive/latest entry)
- Form of item for electronic resources
27Create new record?
- 1 Different resource (!!)
- 2 Merger/split (12.7B8b 12.7B8c)
- 3 Change in edition statement (LCRI 21.3B)
- 4 Original URI is still active but original
resource no longer available (LCRI 21.3B)
29Changes affecting monographs
- Chapter 12 revisions
- Some resources of limited duration
- Transcription of title of monographic series or
integrating resource not of multipart item
- --- in series statement of analytic record
- --- in series authority record
- Chapter 1 additions/revisions
- Rule 21.2A revision
30Resources of limited duration
- LCRI 1.0 has LC practice
- Publications of limited-duration activities
provided that resources have some characteristics
of serials (successive issues, numbering, and
perhaps frequency) - No recataloging of existing records
31Transcribing title proper Introductory words
- Rule applies to all resources
- Do not transcribe words that serve as an
introduction and are not intended to be part of
the title
32LCRI 1.1B1 Introductory words
- Catalogers judgment
- Look at other sources
- Consider presentation, typography, etc.
- Occurs primarily with moving image materials,
electronic resources, and popular journals
- Doubt? Longer form as 245 shorter form as 246
33Introductory words 245
- On t.p. The Iowan Magazine Presents Covered
Bridges Tours
- 245 00 a Covered bridges tours
- 246 1 i Title on title page a Iowan
magazine presents covered bridges tours
34Transcribing title in 4XX field in bibliographic
- Rule for title proper of series (1.6B1) refers to
1.1B and to 12.1B
- Revised rules that apply
- Rule 1.1B1 introductory words
- Rule 12.1B1 typographical error
- Rule 12.1B2 full form vs. initialism
35Introductory words 4XX
- On container Welcome to
- Classic comedies series
- Bibliographic record
- 440 0 a Classic comedies series
36Introductory words SAR
- 130 0 a Classic comedies series
- 430 0 a Welcome to classic comedies
- 670 a ____ b container (Welcome to
classic comedies series)
- Reference LCRI 26.5A
37Typographic error 12.1B1
- Correct obvious typographic errors when
transcribing the title proper In case of doubt
.., transcribe the spelling as found.
- Why? Title proper should represent real title of
the resource and not a form with typographic
error on just one issue of serial or one
iteration of an integrating resource.
38Typographic error 4XX
- On jewel box Lets Dancce !!!
- Bibliographic record
- 440 0 a Lets dance
39Typographic error SAR
- 130 0 a Lets dance
- 430 0 a Lets dancce
- 670 a _______ b jewel box (Lets
- Or can include sic in 670 b
- Reference LCRI 26.5A
40Full form vs. initialism or acronym 12.1B2
- When both title in full and initialism or acronym
of title are on chief source, choose the full
form as the title proper.
- Can give initialism or acronym as other title
information (12.1E1 and 1.6D1)
- LC/PCC practice in LCRI do not change records
created before Dec. 1, 2002
- Harmonization with ISSN
41Full form preferred 4XX
- On series t.p.
- United States Diplomatic History
- Bibliographic record 4XX
- 440 0 a United States diplomatic history
42Full form preferred SAR
- 130 0 a United States diplomatic history
- 430 0 a USDH
- 670 a ____ b ser. t.p. (USDH United
States diplomatic history)
- Reference LCRI 26.5A
43New sequence of series numbering series
statements (1.6G1/12.3G1)
- Wording such as new series present give what
you find in 4XX v
- v new ser., v. 1
- Different system begins again with 1 give what
you find in 4XX v
- v no. 1
- (former system used volume)
44New sequence of series numbering series
statements (1.6G1/12.3G1)
- Same system begins again with 1 but wording such
as new series isnt present supply new
ser. or similar wording in language of title
- v new ser., v. 1
- (former system also used volume)
45New sequence of series numbering SARs (LCRI
1.6G1 DCM Z1 642)
- Wording such as new series present add new 642
to existing SAR
- 642 a new ser., v. 1
- 642 a v. 3
- Different system begins again with 1 add new 642
to existing SAR
- 642 a no. 1
- 642 a v. 2
46New sequence of series numbering SARs (LCRI
1.6G1 DCM Z1 642)
- Same system begins again with 1 but wording such
as new series isnt present add new 642 with
supplied wording in brackets to existing SAR
- 642 a new ser., v. 1
- 642 a v. 1
- LCRI 1.6G1 has guidance for deciding if you have
same series with new system or have a different
- Not term for same sequence is inconsistent
47Dates of publication, etc. 1.4F8
- Rule applies to all resources serials,
integrating resources, and multipart items
- If first and/or last issue/part/iteration not
available, dont give date(s) in 260 c
- Give any information in note
- 362 1 a Began in 2001?
- 362 1 a Began publication in 1999.
481.4F8 option
- Option decision for LC/PCC for integrating
resources and multipart items
- Apply option only when an explicit statement is
found in the resource being cataloged.
- Code 008 Date 1 based on earliest date found in
either the 260 or 362 1 field.
49LCRI 1.4F8 revision
- LCRI being revised to add information currently
in LCRI 12.7B11.2 about note if beginning date is
not that of the first part
- 260 a ___b ___, c 1999-
- 500 a Vol. 1 published in 2000.
- To be published in Update 1 for 2003
50Item described note 1.7B23
- Rule applies to all resources serials,
integrating resources, and multipart items
- For multipart items, if the description is not
based on the first part , identify the part
used as the basis of description
51LCRI 1.7B23
- Include the publication date in the note.
- 500 a Description based on v. 2,
published in 2002.
- LC/PCC practice
- Do not add a Latest issue consulted note.
- When first part received, remove the note and
modify the description as needed.
52SAR change in title proper (21.2A)
- Rule 21.2A revised
- Major change new record
- Minor change not a new record
- Harmonization with ISBD ISSN
- Some categories of minor change moved from LCRI
to rule
53LCRI 21.2A LC/PCC practice
- Rule applies only to monographic series other
- Remember to compare title to title recorded in
SAR 1XX, not to title in SAR 4XX
- Advance implementation of revision of 21.2A2
category i) also rearrangement of term in title
5421.2A1 major change
- Only difference in situation of a change in a
corporate body name given anywhere in the title
if it is a different corporate body any
corporate body, not just issuing body
5521.2A2 minor change changes in rule/U.S.
- In category a) Difference in representation
Initialism/acronym vs. full form when the only
- Readings in applied psychology
- becomes
5621.2A2 minor change changes in rule/U.S.
- Category c) Difference in form of bodys name
anywhere in title, not just at end
- Nelson Society report
- becomes Report of the Nelson Society
- Report by Nelson Society
- becomes Nelson Society report
5721.2A2 minor change changes in rule/U.S.
- Category h) Words in a list addition,
deletion, change anywhere in title if no
significant change in subject matter
- Studies on growing roses, lilacs, azaleas,
peonies, and other plants
- becomes
- Studies on growing roses, azaleas, peonies, and
other plants
5821.2A2 minor change changes in rule/U.S.
- Category i) Type of resource addition,
deletion, rearrangement anywhere in title
- Humanities becomes Humanities series
- Philosophy series becomes Philosophy
- Series on biology becomes Biology series
- major Zoology series becomes Zoology magazine
- LCRI A frequency (e.g., monthly) is not a type
of resource
5921.2A2 minor change more changes in rule/U.S.
- Default now minor
- Implementation policy do not delete or condense
any SARs created before Dec. 1, 2002
60More info about Revision 2002?
- CPSO Web site
- www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/
- BIBCO Web site
- www.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/bibco.html
- CONSER Web site www.loc.gov/acq/conser/