ebXML Registration of FineGrained Artifacts - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ebXML Registration of FineGrained Artifacts


A Technical Note is underway within the OASIS/ebXML Registry Technical Committee ... and to evolve as a building blocks, rather than monolithic, high-level artifacts ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ebXML Registration of FineGrained Artifacts

Registration of Fine-Grained XML Artifacts in
ebXML Registry
Joseph M. Chiusano Booz Allen Hamilton
Federal XML Community of Practice (xmlCoP)
Meeting Washington, DC December 17, 2004
A Technical Note is underway within the
OASIS/ebXML Registry Technical Committee for the
registration of fine-grained XML artifacts
  • Fine-grained XML artifacts are XML constructs
    that are building blocks for XML-based
    transaction definitions in electronic information
  • These XML-based transaction definitions are often
    represented as XML schemas based on controlled
  • Such controlled vocabularies often represent the
    information domain for Communities of Interest
  • We will refer to these XML-based transaction
    definitions as XML-based vocabularies
  • Fine-grained XML artifacts include
  • Elements
  • Attributes
  • Data Types
  • Namespaces
  • Metadata registries provide a means by which
    metadata can be registered, discovered,
    maintained, shared, and evolved
  • Such registries can support Communities of
    Interest (CoIs) in governing and evolving
    controlled vocabularies
  • Examples of metadata registry standards are ebXML
    Registry and ISO/IEC 11179

There has been a growing need for information
exchange partners and Communities of Interest to
maintain XML artifacts at a fine-grained level
within metadata registries, using an open standard
  • This enables XML-based vocabularies to be managed
    and to evolve as a building blocks, rather than
    monolithic, high-level artifacts
  • Such support will allow discovery and reuse of
    these artifacts in multiple higher-level
  • Can gain efficiencies of reuse, as well as
    consistency in representation and usage
  • Consider the following example involving an
    OrganizationName element

Registration of the OrganizationName element in
a registry enables its consistent usage in
multiple XML schemas
The ebXML Registry standard is a metadata
registry standard that supports the registration,
maintenance and discovery of both XML- and
non-XML artifacts
  • The ebXML Registry version 1.0 standards were
    developed during the OASIS/UNCEFACT Electronic
    Business XML (ebXML) initiative and approved in
    May 2001
  • ebXML is a modular suite of standards for
    conducting electronic business
  • It provides a method for companies to exchange
    business messages, develop trading relationships,
    communicate in common terms, and register and
    define business processes
  • An ebXML Registry enables the sharing of
    information between entities through cooperation
    and collaboration, and it increases efficiency in
    XML-related development efforts as well as
    runtime interactions such as dynamic discovery of
    Web Service artifacts (e.g. WSDL documents)
  • The OASIS/ebXML Registry Technical Committee
    Technical Committee continues to develop the
    ebXML Registry standards
  • The ebXML Registry version 2.0 standards are OASIS
    approved and ISO approved standards (ISO 15000-3
    and ISO 15000-4)
  • The ebXML Registry version 3.0 specifications
    will be in the OASIS public review process in
    early 2005

A few basic facts about the ebXML Registry
architecture will help us better understand why
this Technical Note is needed
  • The ebXML Registry Information Model (ebRIM) is
    an abstract information model that is meant to
    support any type of content
  • Some classes within ebRIM are intrinsic to the
    registry, as they need to be natively
    recognized in order for the registry to carry
    out its functions, and for interoperability
    between registries
  • Exs Classification Scheme, Organization,
    Service, ExternalLink
  • All other registered content is represented by an
    ExtrinsicObject class whose metadata describes
    submitted content whose type is not intrinsically
    known to the registry
  • This content must be described by means of
    additional attributes, such asObject Type, MIME
    Type, and other custom attributes (Slots)
  • The foundational class in ebRIM is the
    RegistryObject class
  • Represents all ebRIM classes whose instances have
    a unique identity
  • This includes both intrinsic and extrinsic
  • The RegistryEntry class inherits from the
    RegistryObject class
  • It represents higher-level, coarse-grained
    objects that require additional metadata beyond
    that provided by the RegistryObject class
  • Examples Expiration Date, Stability

A few basic facts about the ebXML Registry
architecture will help us better understand why
this Technical Note is needed (contd)
  • Content that is stored in a repository associated
    with a registry is represented by the
    RepositoryItem class
  • Examples XML schema, DTD, document
  • Each RepositoryItem is associated within an
    ExtrinsicObject instance
  • RegistryObject instances are categorized
    according to classification schemes
  • Classification schemes may be internal to the
    registry, or external (e.g. NAICS)
  • Each RegistryObject instance has an objectType
  • This covers both intrinsic (e.g.
    ClassificationScheme) and extrinsic (e.g. some
    custom type) classes
  • RegistryObjects are classified according to an
    ObjectType classification scheme that is native
    to the registry
  • This scheme can be customized for
  • RegistryObject instances are related through
    predefined associations
  • Exs Object1 replaces Object2, Object1
    extends Object2
  • ebXML Registry Version 3.0 introduces a
    Cooperating Registries features that provides
    support for distributed ebXML Registries to
    cooperate with each other

The following class diagram represents the ebXML
Registry Information Model (ebRIM)
  • The central class is the RegistryObject class

Although the generic capabilities of ebXML
Registry have always supported fine grained XML
artifact registration, at present no document
describes how this should be done as a best
  • Such artifacts can be registered in an ebXML
    Registry, but their metadata content is
    determined by each individual submitter
  • This means that such artifacts can be represented
    as different object types by different
    submitters, which impedes interoperability
  • Examples Element, XML Element, Data
  • The thinking behind this need has existed for
    several years within the OASIS/ebXML Registry
    Technical Committee
  • July 2001 Proposal to Allow Registration of XML
    Tags (Joseph Chiusano)
  • This document proposes enhancements to the ebXML
    registry specifications to allow XML tags to be
    treated as registered objects (see archive for
    rest) http//lists.oasis-open.org/archives/regrep
  • January 2002 V3 Proposal Namespace Manager
    Function (Joseph Chiusano)
  • A Namespace Manager function would allow a
    registry client to manage XML namespaces.This
    includes the ability to (see archive for rest)
  • http//lists.oasis-open.org/archives/regrep/2002

A Technical Note is now underway that will
satisfy these needs
The Fine-Grained XML Artifacts Technical Note
will describe how such artifacts can be managed
as RegistryObjects within ebRIM in a standard
manner, using the existing registry capabilities
  • Consider the following query across multiple
    ebXML registries, using ExtrinsicObjects to
    represent XML elements

Find all elements that are of data type
Differences in ObjectType classifications and
metadata impedes interoperability
The Technical Note will lay a foundation for
increased flexibility in management and evolution
of XML-based vocabularies using ebXML Registry
  • XML artifacts can be managed and reused at
    fine-grained levels
  • This means that such artifacts can be evolved
    separately from the higher-level artifacts in
    which they appear
  • They can also be shared across Communities of
  • Consistency in representation and usage can
    decrease the level of errors in information
  • Automatic schema assembly tools can assembly
    schemas from registered fine-grained artifacts
  • The existing capabilities of ebXML Registry will
    be automatically leveraged
  • Query management
  • Custom metadata attributes (Slots)
  • Lifecycle management
  • Event notification
  • Security
  • etc.

Some preliminary thinking has already been done
regarding the scope of the Technical Note and the
proposed approach
  • The following are some high-level categories that
    use cases will cover
  • Registration
  • Discovery
  • Update
  • Lifecycle
  • Notification
  • Examples of Registration use cases are
  • Register an XML element
  • Registry a namespace identifier
  • Examples of Discovery use cases are
  • Discover all elements that are in the namespace
    whose identifier is http//www.abc.com
  • Discover all XML schemas that contain an element
    whose data type is xsdecimal

Some preliminary thinking has already been done
regarding the scope of the Technical Note and the
proposed approach (contd)
  • Examples of Update use cases are
  • Move all elements that are in the namespace whose
    identifier is http//www.abc.com to the
    namespace whose identifier is http//www.xyz.com
  • Change all attributes named currency to
  • Examples of Lifecycle use cases are
  • Delete all elements that are in the namespace
    whose identifier is http//www.abc.com
  • Approve a specific set of elements
  • Examples of Notify use cases are
  • Notify all users that are subscribed to a given
    schema if the definition of one of its elements
    changes in the registry
  • Notify functional namespace managers of any
    updates to fine-grained XML artifacts within
    their namespace

Some preliminary thinking has already been done
regarding the scope of the Technical Note and the
proposed approach (contd)
  • Fine-grained XML artifacts will be represented as
  • No RepositoryItem will be required
  • Serialization of XML-formatted data can be done
    according to the XML standard, therefore there is
    no need to store the representation of a
    fine-grained XML artifact
  • Namespaces will be represented by namespace
  • Can map to functional namespaces
  • Associations will be used to associate elements
    with their corresponding data types, and complex
    data types with their comprising elements
  • They can also associate XML schemas with the
    RepositoryItems for the elements that comprise
  • The OASIS/ebXML Registry version 3.0 Content
    Management Services feature can be used to parse
    registered schemas and register all fine-grained
    XML artifacts that comprise them
  • Will align with UN/CEFACT Core Components and the
    OASIS/ebXML Registry Semantic Content Management
    Subcommittee work in future

A multi-faceted approach will be used to
determine the metadata that should be represented
for each fine-grained XML artifact in the registry
  • The XML Information Set (XML Infoset) standard
    will be referenced for potential custom
    attributes for fine-grained XML artifact
  • Some information items are already covered in the
    current thinking (e.g. element information items,
    attribute information items)
  • Some may not be of much value to capture (e.g.
    character information items, notation information
  • The W3C Schema standard will be referenced for
    potential features that should be accommodated as
    associations, as well as other potential
  • Examples Model groups, substitution groups,
  • Need to ensure a balance between those
    representations that should be handled by schema
    assembly tools, and those that should be captured
    in the registry
  • Examples minOccurs/maxOccurs, fixed values,
    global vs. local representation

Next Steps
  • Elicit feedback from federal XML community on
    those use cases of most interest in the federal
  • Further refine scope
  • Drill down deeper into requirements
  • Present updates at future xmlCoP meetings
  • Completion anticipated mid-2005

Contact Information
  • Joseph M. Chiusano
  • Booz Allen Hamilton
  • McLean, VA
  • (703) 902-6923
  • chiusano_joseph_at_bah.com
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