Towards Highly Configurable Realtime Object Request Brokers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Towards Highly Configurable Realtime Object Request Brokers


Monolithic implementation may use if/switch statements ... Monolithic implementations must include ... Monolithic implementation must include code to recognize ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Towards Highly Configurable Realtime Object Request Brokers

Towards Highly Configurable Real-time Object
Request Brokers
  • Raymond Klefstad, Douglas C. Schmidt, Carlos
  • klefstad,schmidt,
  • Electrical Computer Engineering Dept
  • University of California, Irvine

Motivation for QoS-enabled Middleware
  • Trends
  • Building distributed systems is hard
  • Building them on-time under budget is even
  • Many mission-critical distributed applications
    require real-time QoS guarantees
  • e.g., combat systems, online trading, telecom
  • Building QoS-enabled applications manually is
    tedious, error-prone, expensive
  • Conventional middleware does not support
    real-time QoS requirements effectively

CORBA Overview
  • Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
  • A family of specifications
  • OMG is the standards body
  • Over 800 companies
  • CORBA defines interfaces, not implementations
  • It simplifies development of distributed
    applications by automating/encapsulating
  • Object location
  • Connection memory mgmt.
  • Parameter (de)marshaling
  • Event request demultiplexing
  • Error handling fault tolerance
  • Object/server activation
  • Concurrency
  • Security
  • CORBA shields applications from heterogeneous
    platform dependencies
  • e.g., languages, operating systems, networking
    protocols, hardware

Overview of Real-Time CORBA
  • Real-time CORBA adds QoS control to regular CORBA
    to improve application predictability, e.g.,
  • Bounding priority inversions
  • Managing resources end-to-end
  • Policies mechanisms for resource configuration
    control in Real-time CORBA include
  • Processor Resources
  • Thread pools
  • Priority models
  • Portable priorities
  • Communication Resources
  • Protocol policies
  • Explicit binding
  • Memory Resources
  • Request buffering

These capabilities address some (but by no means
all) important distributed real-time embedded
application development challenges
Motivations for Using Java Real-time Java
  • Easier, faster development
  • Memory management is simpler
  • Language support for concurrency and
  • Large and powerful library, including portable
  • Dynamic language features (e.g., class loading,
  • Large programmer base
  • 1,000,000 developers (and growing)
  • Taught at many universities
  • Easily picked up by C, Ada Programmers
  • Recent Real-time Java Specification
  • Provides features designed for real-time

Real-time Spec for JAVA (RTSJ) Overview
  • Memory Management
  • Scoped Memory
  • Disposed as a whole after the scope is exited.
  • Similar to stack memory in C
  • ScopedMemory sm new sm.enter()
  • sm.newInstance(Class.forName(Vector))
  • Limitations on access to/from Heap
  • Lifetime is from creation to exit of last thread
    sharing it
  • Immortal Memory
  • Lifetime is from creation to program exit
  • Physical (and ImmortalPhysical) Memory
  • PhysicalMemory NVRam new PhysicalMemory(
    0xFF00, 1024)
  • Allows access to raw physical memory addresses
  • int i NVRam.getInt( 0x0A ) NVRam.setInt( 0x0A,
    i1 )
  • Primitives only!
  • Heap Memory regular garbage-collected heap

RTSJ Overview (cont.)
  • Stronger guarantees on threads
  • Highest priority runnable thread is always run
  • Faster context switching
  • 1-2 Microseconds down from 100s
  • Asynchronous Event Handlers (AEH)
  • Similar to Unix Signals and handlers
  • Own no resources
  • Run in context of current thread
  • Cant pass data to them
  • Asynchronous transfer of control
  • Java Can interrupt only when thread is in
    wait(), sleep() or join()
  • RT-Java can interrupt methods at any time
  • Will wait until critical sections are exited
  • Extensive Scheduling support
  • Schedulable Objects (threads, AEHs), Admission
    control, feasibility analysis
  • Extend base fixed-priority preemptive scheduler
    to fit needs

Motivation for ZEN Real-time ORB
  • Integrate best aspects of several key
  • Java Simple, less error-prone, large user-base
  • Real-time Java Real-time support
  • CORBA Standards-based distributed applications
  • Real-time CORBA CORBA with Real-time QoS
  • ZEN project goals
  • Make development of distributed, real-time,
    embedded (DRE) systems easier, faster, more
  • Provide open-source Real-time CORBA ORB written
    in Real-time Java to enhance international
    middleware RD efforts

Goals of the ZEN Real-time ORB Project
  • Flexible Configuration
  • Small footprint
  • Load classes only as needed
  • On-demand or at initialization time
  • Easily Extensible
  • Code and compile new alternatives
  • Dynamically plug them in/out of the ORB
  • e.g., new protocols, Object Adapters, IOR
    formats, etc.
  • Real-time performance
  • Bounded jitter for ORB/POA operations
  • Eliminate sources of priority inversion
  • Access to Real-time Java features in ORB by
  • Low startup latency

Five Generations of ORB Designs
  • Standards-based middleware (ORB) must provide a
    wide range of features, many have a variety of
    behavior options
  • 1st Generation Static monolithic ORB
  • All support code is in one executable,
  • OS virtual memory manages footprint
  • Footprint too large for some applications
  • e.g., original implementation of TAO,
  • many other conventional ORBs
  • 2nd Generation Monolithic ORB with
  • compile-time configuration flags
  • Conditional compilation or smart linkers
  • remove unwanted parts of middleware
  • scores of options can overwhelm the application
  • accidental complexity due to conditional
  • e.g., second generation of TAO

Five Generations of ORB Designs (cont.)
  • 3rd Generation Dynamic micro-ORB
  • Small kernel of required functionality
  • Various components are linked/loaded on-demand
  • e.g., newest version of TAO ZEN, GOPI
  • 4th Generation Dynamic reflective micro-ORB
  • ORB builds a configuration description for each
    application based on the applications execution
  • This description is used to prime the ORB,
    loading required components at initialization-
  • e.g., dynamicTAO
  • 5th Generation Static reflective micro-ORB
  • Application configuration needs are learned by
    dynamic reflective micro-ORB above
  • Model-based generator builds a custom-ORB for
    each application, which can then be compiled
    placed into ROM

ZEN Development Process
  • Start with a flexible, extensible design based on
    TAO pattern language
  • Version 1 Focus on 3rd Generation
  • Dynamic micro-ORB to identify pluggable
  • Focus on real-time requirements implementing
    Real-time CORBA features in Real-time Java
  • Version 2 Focus on 4th Generation
  • Learn from reflection which components are likely
    to be used preload them at initialization-time
  • Version 3 Focus on 5th Generation
  • Static custom ORB generation
  • Use reflection aspects
  • Statically configure trim unused components
Micro-ORB vs. Monolithic ORB Designs
  • Lessons learned from building TAO
  • Implementing full-service, flexible ORB can yield
    a monolithic implementation with large footprint
  • Patterns resolve design forces yield highly
    modular, extensible designs
  • Achieving a small footprint must be an initial
    design goal
  • ZENs design based on Micro-kernel pattern
  • Identify core ORB services whose behavior may
  • Move each core ORB service out of the ORB by
    applying the Virtual Component pattern
  • Implement pluggable alternatives
  • Remaining kernel is micro-ORB kernel

Virtual Component Pattern
  • Intent
  • Application transparent mechanism to factor out
    components that arent currently needed
  • Solution
  • Use abstract interfaces for all components
  • Upon component-fault load concrete
    implementations using
  • Factory method Repository
  • Strategy pattern
  • Proxy component

Abstract Interfaces
Pluggable GIOP Messaging Handling
  • Context
  • Eight different message types
  • Two methods for each read/write
  • Three different versions of GIOP
  • (and counting)
  • Client/server applications only
  • require a few of 48 methods
  • Problem
  • Monolithic ORBs must have code to handle all
  • Solution
  • Apply Virtual Component pattern to factor out
    each method
  • Only two methods are required for typical server,
    two others for typical client

ZENs Pluggable Object Adapters
  • Context
  • Object Adapter maps client requests to server
  • Three types of POAs
  • Standard POA For non-real-time applications
  • Minimum POA Reduce memory footprint features
  • Real-time POA Ensures predictability required
    for real-time systems
  • Problem
  • Only servers or peers need an Object Adapter,
    clients do not need one
  • Even servers only need a few of the features of a
  • Solution
  • Apply Virtual Component pattern to allow
    pluggable POA
  • Also divide POA into smaller components units
    that can be loaded as needed

ZENs Pluggable POA (cont.)
  • Strategized POA Policies
  • POA policies can be dynamically loaded
  • Servant Retention
  • ID Uniqueness
  • Lifespan
  • Request Processing
  • Policy Factory sets handles POA creation and
  • Consider policy factory in the Interceptor spec.

ZENs Pluggable Transport Protocols
  • Context
  • GIOP can run on many protocol
  • transports
  • e.g, TCP/IP, shared memory, SSL
  • 20 to 30 classes may be required to
  • support all common transport
  • protocols
  • Problem
  • Monolithic implementation may use if/switch
  • Or may choose only one transport, e.g., TCP/IP
  • Solution
  • Apply Virtual Component pattern, only load
    classes required
  • Both client and server need Transport Address
  • Server also needs Acceptor Reactor classes
  • Client also needs Connector class
  • Only required classes are loaded specific to the
    transport being used

ZENs Pluggable Any Handlers
  • Context
  • Corba any data type is useful for
  • generic services because it may
  • hold any data type
  • Problem
  • Monolithic implementations must include
  • methods to read and write each primitive data
    type, user-defined types arrays, sequences
  • Solution
  • Apply Virtual Component pattern to factor out all
    this code
  • It is loaded upon first use, only methods dealing
    with the specific type used are loaded

ZENs Pluggable IOR Parsers
  • Context
  • IORs are CORBAs powerful object pointers
  • May point to servant across the net in another
  • CORBA supports various formats for IORs
  • Problem
  • Monolithic implementation must include code to
    recognize format and parse, then handle each IOR
  • Solution
  • Apply the Virtual Component pattern to factor out
    each IOR format handler
  • Each handler is loaded only when the particular
    format is encountered

ZENs Pluggable Object Resolvers
  • Context
  • ORBresolve_initial_references
  • (stringname) allows applications to
  • get IOR for ORB objects
  • Examples include RootPOA,
  • NameService, EventChannel
  • Problem
  • Monolithic ORB may use if statements to match
    name string or table lookup, all code for
    handling is resident
  • Solution
  • Apply the Virtual Component pattern to factor out
    handling of each string into a class
  • Class name is based on the object string, e.g.,
  • Only load classes for names used

Other Pluggable ORB Services
  • Message Buffer Allocators
  • Allows different algorithms to be plugged-in
  • CDR stream reader/writers
  • Vary with the endian of the local machine
  • Little endian has one set of readers/writers
  • Big endian has a different set
  • Pluggable IOR Parsers
  • Each handler is loaded only when the particular
    format is encountered
  • Pluggable Object Resolvers
  • Only load classes for names used

Performance Measurements
  • ORB Benchmarking Testbed
  • Hardware OS
  • Dual-CPU 1.7GHz Xenon (512Mb RAM)
  • Debian Linux 2.4.1, javac compiler, JDK 1.4 JVM
  • ORBs
  • JacORB Version 1.3
  • ZEN Latest Version (CVS)
  • TAO Version 5.2.2
  • Benchmark Application Results
  • Application overview
  • Two-Way call passing long, returning long
  • 100,000 calls, using loopback (on same machine)
  • Roundtrip throughput
  • JacORB 1,200 calls/second
  • ZEN 1,300 calls/second
  • TAO 8,000 calls/second
  • Next steps
  • Use ahead of time compiler for Real-time Java
  • Integrate with TimeSys RTSJ Reference

Performance Measurements
  • Testbed (comparing ZEN to JacORB)
  • On dual-CPU 1.7GHz Xenon (512Mb RAM)
  • Debian Linux 2.4.1, javac compiler, JDK 1.4 JVM
  • Two-Way call passing long, returning long
  • 100,000 calls, using loopback (on same machine)
  • ZEN Latest Version
  • JacORB Version 1.4
  • (Latest version)
  • Roundtrip Throughput
  • ZEN 1,295 calls/second
  • JacORB 1,436 calls/second
  • (TAO 8000 calls/second)

Memory Footprint Measurements
  • Memory Sizes (in KB)
  • server 2,539 3,186 2,075
  • client 2,527 2,985 1,567
  • But Default JVM size 2194KB!
  • Compare to
  • libTAO size 1259KB
  • libTAOPortable_Server size 510KB
  • (TAO Test compiled using gcc-2.91 and static
  • As smaller JVM implementations become available
    ZEN TAO code size will be more comparable

Performance Measurements
  • Testbed (comparing ZEN to JacORB)
  • On dual-CPU 1.7GHz Xenon (512 MB RAM)
  • Debian Linux 2.4.1, javacc compiler, JDK 1.4 JVM
  • Two-Way call passing long, returning long
  • 100,000 calls, using loopback (on same machine)
  • ZEN
  • Round-trip time 1,295 calls per second
  • Memory footprint server 2,539KB, client
  • JacORB
  • Round-trip time 1,436 calls per second
  • Memory footprint server 3,186KB, client 2,985KB

Current Status of ZEN
  • Functional Java-based ORB with POA, GIOP, IDL
    compiler, etc.
  • Interoperable with the TAO C ORB
  • Missing COS Services, DII/DSI
  • Current focus is on
  • Factoring out more functionality from the ORB
    core to reduce footprint
  • Completing Real-time CORBA support utilizing
    Real-time Java features
  • Ahead-of-time Real-time Java integration
  • Using aspects for static custom configuration
  • Available as open-source at

Future Work
  • Research Issues
  • Utilizing RT Java features within the ORB for RT
  • Evaluation of performance of various pluggable
    ORB core services
  • Using aspects with reflection to custom
    generation ORBs
  • Real-Time Dynamic Scheduling
  • Reflection Dynamic reconfiguration, power
    management, etc.

Concluding Remarks
  • ZEN is a starting point for an open research
    platform for distributed, real-time, embedded
    (DRE) systems middleware developed using
    Real-time Java
  • Pluggable architecture is comparable in speed to
    monolithic Java ORB implementations, yet with
    smaller footprint
  • Open issues
  • Real-time CORBA dynamic scheduling is not yet
    fully integrated into CORBA specification
  • Conformant implementations of Real-time Java only
    recently available
  • Real-time Java features largely
    unnecessary/unusable for Real-time CORBA
  • Interoperability with Distributed Real-time Java
  • Integration with representative DRE demonstration

URLs for Further Reference
  • ZEN web page
  • http//
  • JacORB web page
  • http//
  • Real-time Java (JSR-1)
  • http//
  • jsr_001_real_time.html
  • Dynamic scheduling RFP
  • http//
  • Distributed Real-time Java (JSR-50)
  • http//
    / jsr_050_drt.html
  • AspectJ web page
  • http//
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