A term paper on - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A term paper on


Luca Benini,Robin Hodgson and Polly Siegel,' System-level Power Estimation And ... Luca Benini,Alessandro Bogliolo,and Giovanni De Micheli,'A Survey of Design ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A term paper on

  • A term paper on
  • System Level Power Estimation
  • And Optimization
  • References
  • Luca Benini,Robin Hodgson and Polly Siegel,
    System-level Power Estimation And Optimization,
    ISLPED 98, August 10-12, 1998, Monterey, CA USA.
  • Luca Benini,Alessandro Bogliolo,and Giovanni De
    Micheli,A Survey of Design Techniques for
    System-Level Dynamic Power Management.
  • Presented By
  • Mukesh Agarwal 2003JVL0006

  • Power reduction is taking on increasing
    importance .
  • As clock speeds increase, power dissipation and
    accompanying thermal heat dissipation problems
  • Portable systems require long battery life and
    low weight.
  • Hence, power efficient designs at system level
    become important.
  • A simple but powerful model is required for
    describing power behavior at system level.
  • Efficient power management approaches to be
    implemented at system level.

Requirements of Power Model at System Level
  • Fast estimation of system-level power useful for
    component selection and system partitioning
  • Supports high-level abstract system descriptions.
  • Model should include
  • Power behavior of system and its functional
  • Block interactions and information about the
  • Abstracts away everything except power behaviors.

System Level Power Model
  • Consists of
  • A set of resources represented as power state
  • An environmental workload specification.
  • A power manager that implements power
    management and control policies.

Basic Resource PSM
  • Resources power behavior captured by a Power
    state machine.
  • Different power states each with a
  • fixed power consumption.
  • Transitions among power states
  • determined by power manager
  • Include Performance costs and transition
    penalties during
  • switching between power states.

PSM With Transition Penalties
  • Transition penalties associated with changes from
    one power state into the next. e.g.
  • - CPU component from the SLEEP state to IDLE
  • - Restarting disk drive involves time and power
  • Power and service annotation on states
  • Power and delay annotation on edges

Modeling Utilization-dependent Resources
  • The power consumption of some resources(e.g.
    memories) activity level dependent.
  • Activity levels defined for each state.
  • Activity level is specified by power manager .
  • Can be changed while in same state.
  • Psactivity_level peak_power.

Power Manager
  • Implements power management policy.
  • Decides which resource to send a command to
  • and when to issue a command to a component.
  • Issues power state change requests in response
  • to requests from the external environment
  • and internal resources.
  • Policies to consider transition penalties and
    trade-offs between power and performance by
    adapting to actual workloads Dynamic power
  • Power consumption of power manager is negligible

Power Estimation
  • Power model is mapped into an event-driven
    simulation paradigm .
  • Model implemented using behavioral simulation
    language such as VHDL.
  • Event-driven behavioral simulator used to run the
    model .
  • Total power dissipated at any time derived by
    summation of power consumption of components in
    respective states and activity levels

Dynamic Power Management
  • Achieve energy-efficient computation by
    selectively turning off or reducing the
    performance of components when idle or partially
  • Based on assumptions that
  • Systems (and their components) experience non
    uniform workloads
  • It is possible to predict the fluctuations in
  • Uses a control procedure/policy based on
    observations and/or assumptions on the workload.
  • There exist different approaches to system-level
  • Predictive schemes
  • Stochastic optimum control.

The Applicability of DPM
  • State transition power (Ptr) and delay (Ttr)
    Ptr Ttr
  • If Ttr 0, Ptr 0 the policy is trivial
  • - Stop a component when it is not needed
  • Ptr Ttr
  • If Ttr ! 0 or Ptr ! 0 (always)
  • Shutdown only when idleness is long enough to
    amortize the cost
  • What if T and P are not deterministic?

System Break-even-time
  • Minimum idle time for amortizing the cost of
    component shutdown
  • TBE Ttr Ttr( Ptr Pon) / (Pon Poff)

Transition delay (Ttr)
Transition power (Ptr) Sleep
power (Poff)
When to Use Power Management
  • When TBE lt T idle
  • -Average idle periods are long enough
  • -Transition delay is short enough
  • -Transition power is low enough
  • -Sleep power is low enough
  • When designing system for a known workload

Predictive Schemes
  • DPM decisions taken based on uncertain
  • Exploits the correlation between the past history
    of the workload and its near future.
  • Aim at predicting idle periods long enough to go
    to sleep modes ie, pTidle gt TBE .
  • Go to sleep state if Tpred is long enough to
    amortize state transition cost.
  • Main Issueprediction accuracyOver/under

Fixed Timeouts
  • Follows simple policy
  • If Tidle gt TTO go to SLEEP
  • Stay in sleep until workload ! 0
  • Rationale
  • When Tidle gt TTO it is likely that T idle gt
  • Choice of TTO is critical
  • Large is safe, but it could be useless
  • Too small is highly undesirable
  • Limitations
  • Performance penalty for wake-up is paid after
    every shutdown
  • Power is wasted during TTO
  • Apply predictive shutdown policies.

Predictive Shutdown
  • Two approaches suggested
  • A nonlinear regression equation obtained from
    the past history
  • and used to make predictions.
  • If Tpred gtTBE , the system is shut down as soon
    as it becomes idle.
  • Eliminates power waste caused by TTO.
  • 2. Duration of the busy period preceding the
    current idle period is observed.
  • If o the idle period is
    assumed to be larger than TBE and the system is
    shut down.
  • Short active periods are often followed by long
    idle periods.

When to Use Predictive Techniques
  • When workload has memory
  • Implementing predictive schemes
  • Predictor families must be chosen based on
    workload types
  • Predictor parameters must be tuned to the
    instance-specific workload statistics
  • When workload is non-stationary or unknown,
    on-line adaptation is required.

Stochastic Control Approach
  • Recognize inherent uncertainty
  • Exact prediction of future events is
  • Abstraction of system model implies
  • Model components,system and workload as
    stochastic processes
  • Expected values of cost metrics are optimized

Controlled Markov processes
  • System and environment modeled as Markov chains
  • -System is called service provider (SP)
  • -Environment is called service requester (SR)
  • SP is a controlled Markov chain
  • -State transition probabilities depends on
  • Cost metrics associate power and performance
    values with each system state-command
  • The power manager (PM) observes the state of the
    system and issues commands to control evolution

Implementations of DPM
  • Shutdown idle components
  • Gate clock of idle units
  • Clock setting and voltage setting
  • Support multiple-voltage multiple-frequency
  • Components with multiple working power states
  • Operating system-based power management
  • The OS knows of tasks running and waiting
  • The OS should perform the DPM decisions


  • System-level energy-efficient design is an area
    of research with many opportunities
  • A model based on behavioral language and event
    driven simulation engine derived.
  • DPM is a powerful methodology for power efficient
  • State of operation of various components is
    adapted to the required performance level.
  • Problem of designing power management policies
    that minimize power under performance constraints
    is a challenging one.
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