Title: The Best Region For Our Family
1The Best Region For Our Family
Team Names
2The Best Region for Our Family Page 2
The regions that we visited were 1. The
Northwest Coast Region 2. The Plains Region 3.
The Southwest Region 4. The Eastern Woodlands
3The Best Region for Our Family, Page 3
The three living conditions that we thought were
the most important were 1. 2. 3.
4The Best Region for Our Family , Page 4
This is what we learned about Northwest Coast
Indians 1. (Replace this text with Living
Condition 1) 2. (Replace this text with Living
Condition 2) 3. (Replace this text with Living
Condition 3)
5The Best Region for Our Family, Page 5
This is what we learned about the Plains
Indians 1. (Replace this text with Living
Condition 1) 2. (Replace this text with Living
Condition 2) 3. (Replace this text with Living
Condition 3)
6The Best Region for Our Family, Page 6
This is what we learned about the Southwest
Indians 1. (Replace this text with Living
Condition 1) 2. (Replace this text with Living
Condition 2) 3. (Replace this text with Living
Condition 3)
7The Best Region for Our Family, Page 7
This is what we learned about the Eastern
Woodlands Indians 1. (Replace this text with
Living Condition 1) 2. (Replace this text with
Living Condition 2) 3. (Replace this text with
Living Condition 3)
8The Best Region for Our Family, Page 8
The region that I chose for my family to live in
is the I would choose to live with the Native
Americans of this region because
9The Best Region for Our Family, Page 9
I did not choose the ___________ region
10The Best Early Native American Region for Our
Family, Page 10
I did not choose the ___________ region