Title: SCOS2000: Commercialisation through MultiMission
1SCOS-2000 Commercialisation through Multi-Mission
- Simon Reid
- Dave Gawthorpe
- SciSys Ltd., Methuen ParkChippenham, Wiltshire,
UKSN14 0GB - Tel. 0117 9717251
- Fax. 0117 9711125
- simon.reid_at_scisys.co.uk
- www.scisys.co.uk
2 3Introduction
- Background
- Commercial
- Multi-Mission Study Development of SCOS-MM
- Case Studies
- GalileoSat SCF
- Checkout
- Value Added Tools
4Relevant Experience
- SCOS 2000
- Developed Core Product
- SCOS II/2000 Missions
- Beagle 2
- Maintenance Team
- Helpdesk
- Training
- Operators, Users
- Developers
- Multi-Mission Systems
- Historical (Vax/VMS)
- Hispasat
- Meteosat Transition Programme (MTP)
- Current (Windows)
- Meteosat Second Generation (MSG)
- Galileo SCF Specification
- GNSS Comparitive System Study
- Galileo Phase B/B2 Definition
5A Wider Market Perspective
- Satellite Operators
- Commercial European / US Primes
- National Research Institutions
- Tailor for complex missions
- GALILEO constellation
- Tailor for simple missions
- commercial smallsats
- Secure the promise of wider integration
- EGSE, Payload MC
- Product / Experience Oriented Market
6Key Issues for Commercial Success
- Multi-satellite support - fleets and
constellations - Low Through-Life-Costs
- Automation capability
- Ready integration to systems (Flight Dynamics,
Planning,..) - Open Standards for Data Interchange
- Common tool for Checkout and Control
- Product development, support training
- Maintain Quality
- Healthy competition between suppliers
7Multi-Mission Study Philosophy
Joint funded through ESA and Science Systems
(Space) Ltd through the GSTB Programme
Formalise the requirements needed to enable SCOS
2000 to support multiple missions
Define modifications to the current SCOS 2000
architecture in order to fulfil these new
Focus on engineering principles and architecture
Consider the issues surrounding migrating or
merging SCOS 2000 and SCOS - MM functionality
Prove the architecture with a prototype
Started early 2001 and produced first version
(prototype) March 2002
8Domains Missions
What is a domain?
What is a mission?
9Scenario Session
A Set of Domains
What is a Scenario ?
A Data Configuration
A Software Configuration
A Timeframe (Live or Simulated)
What is a Session?
A session is an instance of a scenario
A session has unique history
Used for Testing (EGSE/Checkout), Simulations
and Training
Domains unique in a session
Distributed Domains
MM In - a - box
11System Control
Events Actions
Synthetic Parameters
12User Access Security
- Access, Roles and Privilege
- Registration Login/Logout
13Cross Domain Synthetic Parameters
parameter_X parameter_Y_at_domain_1
14SCOS-MM Other improvements
- Process Architecture
- Set of processes per domain
- New processes for high-level cross domain
interaction. - Minimise impact on existing code
- External Interfaces
- Multiple NCTRS connections
- CORBA naming
- Network Management (SNMP agent)
- Event Handling
- Single filterable display for events from all
domains - Cross Domain Event routing Events/Actions
- Logging Improvements
- Greater degree of configuration
- Dynamic control
- Multi-domain hierarchy
- Routing Storage
- More suitable for a large system
15SCOS-MM Scenarios
USER - Login/out and access management
Client Workspaces
Cache Control
Multiple Domain Telemetry
Domain Tagging
Event Display
Multiple Domain Commanding
Cross Domain Synthetic Parameters
- Truly Multi-Mission
- 18 Spacecraft (GEO, Telecoms)
- Multiple S/C platforms Missions
- LEOP Capability
- System Control
- A separate instance (domain) of SCOS
- Task Launcher interfaces
- MC of external systems
- Strong Operations Concept
- Procedure Automation (UNiT)
- Hardware Architecture
- COMPAQ PC / Linux
- High Availability Network Storage
17SCOS-2000 Checkout
More Parallelism
Inherently provided by SCOS-MM and UNiT.
Rapidly changing configuration
SCOS-MM real-time database update
SCOS-MM avoids problems of merging data
Configuration Issues
Additional diagnostics.
SCOS-MM session concept supports analysis
comparison tools
UNiT provides a rich set of functions to detect
and react to failures
Tolerant of Errors
Automation Repeatability of Tests
UNiT is an Industrial Strength automation
tool Scenario Session define record repeated
More demanding (performance)
SCOS-MM resource management allows processing to
be distributed
Concept of a Test Environment for a specific
Test Session
SCOS-MM Scenario Session
Support of replay concept to reproduce test
Replay of test sequences is supported by UNiT.
18Galileo Satellite Control Facility
- Multi-Domain MC
- 30 Satellites (6 in parallel)
- 5 TTCS
- Constellation
- System Control
- Operations Automation
- Schedule
- Procedures
- PRS NAV Data Uplink
- Flight Dynamics
- Spacecraft Operations Planning
- TTC Contact Planning
- Analysis Reporting
- On-board Software Management
19Galileo SCF Key Issues
- Multi-Domain MC
- 30 Satellites 5 TTC Ground Stations
Constellation - Parallel Contacts with 5 Satellites
- Routine Operations require gt50 Contacts per day
Critical Ops - Automated, Dynamic Re-Configuration to support
Contacts - Operational Responsibility distributed between 2
GCC Sites - Additional needs for Test, Training Simulation
- Spacecraft Operations Planning
- TTC Contact Planning 30 satellites / 5 Ground
Stations - Prime Back-up Contacts
- Task Scheduling (on-board and ground-based)
- Satellite Operations not highly constrained
- Automation
- Fully Automated Routine Operations
- Automated Ground Schedule
- Automated Routine Contacts / Assisted Critical
Operations - Automation of Contingency Support
20Value Added Products
- UNiT Automation of Spacecraft Operations
(Multi-Mission) - UK MOD (Skynet 4 Operational)
- EUMETSAT (MSG Central Facility, includes Schedule
Exe) - ESA EMOC Study Lights out for ERS Integration
with SCOS 2000 - EUTELSAT (PAROS Accepted Used with old system
Neo) - PLAN-iT Mission Planning/Scheduling System
(Multi-Mission) - ROSETTA Integration with SCOS-2000.
- Related Activities
- MMS Mission Management Study ARTES 4
- ICOL Integrated Common Operations Language
(JAVA/XML) - APEX Lightweight, Portable Procedure Execution
Environment - OMG Standards
- RFP1 (Database Interoperability)
- RFP2 (Parameter, Command and Event Access)
- On Board Automation
- Software Agents
- Coordination between Ground On-board Automation
- Formation Flying
- Multi-Mission capability is key to commercial
success - Proven Concept architecture with a real
implementation - Actively commercialising the product
- Working closely with ESA Industrial Partners
- Established strategy for constellation control
- Proven value-added products for automation
- Making SCOS 2000 an european success story
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